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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Validate a Maven Core Pull Request - Win7
@setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off
rem PR validator: This script will checkout Maven, apply a PR, build the Maven distribution and
rem run the Maven integration tests against the just-built distribution. If you
rem successfully get to the end of this script then your PR is ready to be reviewed.
rem Assumptions:
rem 1) You have a functioning version of Maven installed (script tested with 3.2.1)
rem 2) You have a decent connection. This script checks out everything from scratch and downloads
rem everything into a clean local repository. Not terribly efficient but makes sure there is no
rem interference from previous Maven operations.
rem Adapted for Win7 from
rem To use use this save it to a file called maven-pr-validator.bat and run it using the PR# like the following:
rem maven-pr-validator 16
rem To debug and avoid exiting in case of errors: modify procedure 'shallExitProcedure' at the end of file to return 1 instead of 0
rem Following pieces are necessary to this script: have them already in place as Win env vars
rem or use one or more of the following commented lines
rem set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.7.0_51
rem set M2_HOME=C:\dev\apache-maven-3.2.1
rem set GIT_HOME=c:\Program Files (x86)\Git
rem set PATH=%M2_HOME%\bin;%GIT_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
rem set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
IF "%~1"=="" echo You need to provide a PR. && call :shallExitProcedure && goto :EOF
set pr=%1
set mvnRepoUrl=
set remoteRepo=%mvnRepoUrl%.git
set remoteRepoIT=%mvnRepoUrl%-integration-testing.git
set patchUrl=%mvnRepoUrl%/pull
set workDirectory=%CD%\z-maven-with-pr-%pr%
set localRepository=%workDirectory%\local-repository
set mvn=mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=%localRepository%
mkdir %workDirectory%
cd %workDirectory%
echo Downloading patch...
rem Using Maven-Wagon to download file via http
call %mvn% wagon:download-single -Dwagon.fromFile=%pr%.patch -Dwagon.url=%patchUrl% -Dwagon.toDir=. || echo Retrieving patch file from Github failed. && call :shallExitProcedure && goto :EOF
echo Cloning maven from: %remoteRepo%
git clone %remoteRepo% || echo Cloning Maven failed. && call :shallExitProcedure && goto :EOF
echo Cloning maven-integration-testing from %remoteRepoIT%
git clone %remoteRepoIT% || echo Cloning Maven ITs failed. && call :shallExitProcedure && goto :EOF
echo Building snapshot Maven...
cd maven
rem We execute this twice to make sure no download spew ends up in mavenVersion.txt.
rem The -q mode of Maven keeps everything from being emitted, including useful output...
call %mvn% -q help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version
call %mvn% help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version > temp.txt
findstr /B /V "[" temp.txt > %workDirectory%\mavenVersion.txt
set /p mavenVersion=<%workDirectory%\mavenVersion.txt
del temp.txt
echo %mavenVersion%
echo Applying and testing patch...
git am --signoff < ..\%pr%.patch || echo Applying %pr%.patch failed. && call :shallExitProcedure && goto :EOF
call %mvn% clean package || echo Maven clean package failed. && call :shallExitProcedure && goto :EOF
cd apache-maven\target
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\jar xf
echo Running ITs against snapshot Maven: %mavenVersion%
set distro=%workDirectory%\maven\apache-maven\target\apache-maven-%mavenVersion%
set M2_HOME=%distro%
cd %workDirectory%\maven-integration-testing
call %mvn% clean install -Prun-its,embedded -DmavenHome=%distro%
exit /b 0
rem 1 forces to continues even in case of errors, 0 exits normally
exit /b 0
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