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Created April 30, 2021 08:49
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import Lean
open Lean
deriving instance Repr for ParserDescr
unsafe def getParserDescrUnsafe (name : Name) : CoreM (Option ParserDescr) := do
let info ← getConstInfo name
if info.type.isConstOf ``ParserDescr || info.type.isConstOf ``TrailingParserDescr then
return some (← evalConst ParserDescr
return none
@[implementedBy getParserDescrUnsafe]
constant getParserDescr : Name → CoreM (Option ParserDescr)
def formatPrec (prec : Nat) (default := 0) : Format :=
if prec == default then ""
else if prec == eval_prec min then ":min"
else if prec == eval_prec max then ":max"
else if prec == eval_prec lead then ":lead"
else if prec == eval_prec arg then ":arg"
else f!":{prec}"
open ParserDescr in
def getParserInfo (category : Name) (p : ParserDescr) : Format := do
if category == `term then
if let trailingNode _ prec prec₁ (binary `andthen (symbol s) (cat c₂ prec₂)) := p then
if c₂ == category then
if prec₁ == prec && prec₂ == prec + 1 then
return f!"infixl{formatPrec prec} {repr s}"
if prec₁ == prec + 1 && prec₂ == prec then
return f!"infixr{formatPrec prec} {repr s}"
if prec₁ == prec + 1 && prec₂ == prec + 1 then
return f!"infix{formatPrec prec} {repr s}"
if let node _ prec (binary `andthen (symbol s) (cat c₁ prec₁)) := p then
if c₁ == category && prec₁ == prec then
return f!"prefix{formatPrec prec} {repr s}"
if let trailingNode _ prec prec₁ (symbol s) := p then
if prec₁ == prec then
return f!"postfix{formatPrec prec} {repr s}"
if let node _ prec p₁ := p then
return f!"syntax{formatPrec prec (eval_prec lead)} {go p₁} : {category}"
if let trailingNode _ prec prec₁ p₁ := p then
return f!"syntax{formatPrec prec} {category}{formatPrec prec₁} {go p₁} : {category}"
return Format.paren (repr p)
go : ParserDescr → Format
| const k => format k
| unary _ p => go p
| binary `andthen p₁ p₂ => go p₁ ++ " " ++ go p₂
| binary `orelse p₁ p₂ => Format.paren (go p₁ ++ " <|> " ++ go p₂)
| binary b p₁ p₂ => f!"{go p₁} <{b}> {go p₂}"
| node _ _ p => go p
| trailingNode _ _ _ p => go p
| symbol s => repr s
| nonReservedSymbol s _ => "&" ++ repr s
| cat catName prec => format catName ++ formatPrec prec
| nodeWithAntiquot _ _ p => go p
| sepBy p sep _ _ => Format.paren (go p) ++ sep ++ "*"
| sepBy1 p sep _ _ => Format.paren (go p) ++ sep ++ "+"
| parser k => format k
def getConstDeclPos (declName : Name) : CoreM Format := do
let module := (← findModuleOf? declName).map format |>.getD "<local>"
let range := (← findDeclarationRanges? declName).map (format ·.range.pos.line) |>.getD "???"
return f!"{module}:{range}"
open Std.Format in
partial def getNotationInfo (category : Name) (stx : Syntax) : CoreM Format := do
let kind := stx.getKind
if kind == `choice then
return nestD <| prefixJoin line (← stx.getArgs.toList.mapM (getNotationInfo category))
if #[nullKind, identKind, strLitKind, charLitKind, numLitKind, scientificLitKind, nameLitKind, fieldIdxKind, interpolatedStrLitKind, interpolatedStrKind].elem kind
|| (`antiquot).isSuffixOf kind then
return f!"{kind} @ <builtin>"
let info ← match ← getParserDescr kind with
| some descr => getParserInfo category descr
| none => format (← getConstInfo kind).name
let pos ← getConstDeclPos kind
return f!"{info}{ f!" @ {pos}"}"
open Lean.Parser Lean.Elab Lean.Elab.Command
syntax (name := printNotation) "#print_notation " strLit (" : " ident)? : command
@[commandElab printNotation]
def elabPrintNotation : CommandElab
| `(#print_notation%$tk $str $[: $category:ident]?) => do
let input := str.isStrLit?.get!
let category := (·.getId) |>.getD `term
match runParserCategory (← getEnv) category input with
| Except.error err => logErrorAt str m!"{err}"
| Except.ok stx => do
let msg ← liftCoreM <| getNotationInfo category stx
logInfoAt tk m!"{repr input} => {msg}"
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
#print_notation "1 + 2"
#print_notation "2 * 3"
#print_notation "4 ^ 5"
#print_notation "6 = 7"
postfix:lead "⁻¹" => 2
#print_notation "-1"
#print_notation "x⁻¹"
#print_notation "eval_prec max"
#print_notation "[1, 2, 3]"
#print_notation "if x then y else z"
#print_notation "@& Nat"
#print_notation "a[i]"
#print_notation "← _"
#print_notation "11"
#print_notation "{}"
#print_notation "$x"
#print_notation "intro" : tactic
#print_notation "rw [a]" : tactic
#print_notation "cases _ with | $x => $y" : tactic
#print_notation "$x <;> $y" : tactic
#print_notation "#check 1" : command
#print_notation "#print_notation \"\"" : command
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pcpthm commented May 3, 2021

Retroactively clarify license: it is CC0.

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