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Clarification on public holidays in Newfoundland
From: Tourism Email <>
To: Paul Craig <>
Subject: Re: Clarification on public holidays in Newfoundland
Thread-Topic: Clarification on public holidays in Newfoundland
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2020 00:35:54 +0000
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the inquiry. Newfoundland has a set list of holidays it celebrates. They are as follows:
New Year's Day January 1st
St. Patrick's Day March 16th
Good Friday April 10th
St. George's Day April 20th
Discovery Day June 22nd
Canada Day July 1st
Orangeman's Day July 13th
Regatta Day August 5th
Labour Day September 7th
Armstice Day, November 11th
Christmas Day December 25th
and Boxing Day December 26th.
If you require any further assistance please contact us at anytime, we would be more than happy to help!
Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism
> From: Paul Craig <>
> Sent: January 6, 2020 3:25 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: Clarification on public holidays in Newfoundland
> Hi there,
> I was looking up public holidays in Newfoundland today and I'm getting different information from different places.
> - NL gov 2020 calendar:
> - NL Facts: "What public holidays are observed..."
> - Wikipedia:
> I can't figure out whether Victoria Day or Boxing Day are real holidays in NL — it says they are on the other sites but not on Wikipedia.
Also, Orangemen’s Day, St. Pat's etc. (the ones unique to NL): are those generally observed?
> Can you point me towards the authoritative list of public holidays in Newfoundland for 2020?
> Paul
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