- use
- use
- forget about
- use
- wrap complex json data with sexy SQL views
Thank you!
# Postgresql fancy datatypes! | |
* array | |
* hstore (=~ hash) | |
* json | |
* jsonb | |
Philippe Creux - [@pcreux](http://twitter.com/pcreux) | |
[brewhouse](http://brewhouse.io) | |
Oo `OooOOo. `OooOOo. Oo o O | |
o O o `o o `o o O O o | |
O o O O O O O o `o O' | |
oOooOoOo o .O o .O oOooOoOo O o | |
o O OOooOO' OOooOO' o O `O' | |
O o o o o o O o o | |
o O O O O O o O O | |
O. O O o O o O. O O | |
require_relative 'setup' | |
# | |
# Array - Since 8.4 | |
# | |
# An array of a defined type (string, integer, ...) | |
# | |
# http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/arrays.html | |
# | |
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base | |
end | |
describe "array" do | |
before(:all) do | |
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do | |
create_table :posts, force: true do |t| | |
t.string :title | |
t.string :tags, array: true | |
end | |
end | |
Post.reset_column_information | |
end | |
before { Post.delete_all } | |
let!(:tdd) { Post.create!(title: "TDD is dead", tags: ["tdd", "testing", "death", false]).reload } | |
let!(:bdd) { Post.create!(title: "BDD is woot", tags: ["bdd", "testing", "woot", true]).reload } | |
let!(:foo) { Post.create!(title: "FOO is bar", tags: ["foo", "bar", 42]).reload } | |
it "keeps order and converts everything to strings (as it's an array of strings)" do | |
expect(tdd.tags).to eq ["tdd", "testing", "death", "0"] | |
expect(bdd.tags).to eq ["bdd", "testing", "woot", "1"] | |
expect(foo.tags).to eq ["foo", "bar", "42"] | |
end | |
it "saves when an element is changed" do | |
tdd.tags[1] = "testing" | |
tdd.save! | |
tdd.reload | |
expect(tdd.tags[1]).to eq "testing" | |
end | |
it "searches for array containing a value" do | |
expect(Post.where("'testing' = ANY (tags)").all).to eq [tdd, bdd] | |
end | |
it "searches for a value at a specific position (index starts at 1!)" do | |
expect(Post.where("tags[2] = 'testing'").all).to eq [tdd, bdd] | |
end | |
end | |
o O .oOOOo. oOoOOoOOo .oOOOo. `OooOOo. o.OOoOoo | |
O o o o o .O o. o `o O | |
o O O. o O o O O o | |
OoOooOOo `OOoo. O o O o .O ooOO | |
o O `O o O o OOooOO' O | |
O o o O o O o o o | |
o o O. .O O `o O' O O O | |
o O `oooO' o' `OoooO' O o ooOooOoO | |
require_relative 'setup' | |
# | |
# Hstore - Since 8.4 | |
# | |
# A hash of strings. | |
# | |
# http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/hstore.html | |
# | |
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base | |
end | |
describe "hstore" do | |
before(:all) do | |
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do | |
#execute "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore" | |
create_table :posts, force: true do |t| | |
t.string :title | |
t.hstore :properties | |
end | |
end | |
Post.reset_column_information | |
end | |
before { Post.delete_all } | |
let!(:tdd) { Post.create!(title: "TDD is dead", properties: { author: "DHH", word_count: 100 }).reload } | |
let!(:bdd) { Post.create!(title: "BDD is woot", properties: { author: "Philippe", word_count: 42 }).reload } | |
let!(:foo) { Post.create!(title: "FOO is bar", properties: { author: "Philippe", draft: true }).reload } | |
it "converts keys and values to strings" do | |
expect(tdd.properties).to eq("author" => "DHH", "word_count" => "100") | |
expect(bdd.properties).to eq("author" => "Philippe", "word_count" => "42") | |
expect(foo.properties).to eq("author" => "Philippe", "draft" => "true") | |
end | |
it "saves when an element is changed" do | |
tdd.properties["author"] = "Bob" | |
tdd.save! | |
tdd.reload | |
expect(tdd.properties).to eq("author" => "Bob", "word_count" => "100") | |
end | |
it "searches for records with key" do | |
results = Post.where("properties ? :key", key: "draft") | |
expect(results).to eq [foo] | |
end | |
it "searches for records with specific property" do | |
results = Post.where("properties -> :key = :value", key: "author", value: "Philippe") | |
expect(results).to eq [bdd, foo] | |
end | |
it "searches for records with specific a value that we like" do | |
results = Post.where("properties -> :key LIKE :value", key: "author", value: "Phil%") | |
expect(results).to eq [bdd, foo] | |
end | |
end | |
OooOoo .oOOOo. .oOOOo. o. O | |
O o o .O o. Oo o | |
o O. O o O O O | |
O `OOoo. o O O o o | |
o `O O o O o O | |
O o o O o O O | |
O o O. .O `o O' o Oo | |
`OooOO' `oooO' `OoooO' O `o | |
require_relative 'setup' | |
# | |
# Json - Since 9.2 | |
# | |
# Json is stored as text. You can index specific keys. | |
# | |
# http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/datatype-json.html | |
# http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/functions-json.html | |
# | |
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base | |
end | |
describe "json" do | |
before(:all) do | |
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do | |
create_table :posts, force: true do |t| | |
t.json :data | |
end | |
end | |
Post.reset_column_information | |
end | |
before { Post.delete_all } | |
let!(:tdd) do | |
Post.create!(data: { | |
title: "TDD is dead", | |
author: { name: "DHH", email: "dhh@example.com" }, | |
tags: ["tdd", "testing", "death", false], | |
word_count: 100 | |
}).reload | |
end | |
let!(:bdd) do | |
Post.create!(data: { | |
title: "BDD is woot", | |
author: { name: "Philippe", email: "philippe@example.com" }, | |
tags: ["bdd", "testing", "woot", true], | |
word_count: 42 | |
}).reload | |
end | |
let!(:foo) do | |
Post.create!(data: { | |
title: "FOO is bar", | |
author: { name: "Philippe", email: "philippe@example.com" }, | |
tags: ["foo", "bar", 42], | |
draft: true | |
}).reload | |
end | |
it "preserves *JSON* types" do | |
expect(tdd.data).to eq( | |
"title" => "TDD is dead", | |
"author" => { "name" => "DHH", "email" => "dhh@example.com" }, | |
"tags" => ["tdd", "testing", "death", false], | |
"word_count" => 100 | |
) | |
end | |
it "saves when an element is changed" do | |
tdd.data["author"]["name"] = "Bob" | |
tdd.save! | |
tdd.reload | |
expect(tdd.data["author"]["name"]).to eq "Bob" | |
end | |
it "searches for records with specific property (title)" do | |
results = Post.where("data ->> :key = :value", key: "title", value: "TDD is dead") | |
expect(results).to eq [tdd] | |
end | |
it "searches for records with nested property (author, name)" do | |
results = Post.where("data #>> '{author, name}' = :value", value: "DHH") | |
expect(results).to eq [tdd] | |
end | |
it "does not search for records with nested array containing an element" do | |
pending "works with jsonb only" | |
Post.where(%|data @> '{"tags": ["testing"]}'|).to_a | |
end | |
end | |
OooOoo .oOOOo. .oOOOo. o. O o.oOOOo. | |
O o o .O o. Oo o o o | |
o O. O o O O O O O | |
O `OOoo. o O O o o oOooOO. | |
o `O O o O o O o `O | |
O o o O o O O O o | |
O o O. .O `o O' o Oo o .O | |
`OooOO' `oooO' `OoooO' O `o `OooOO' | |
require_relative 'setup' | |
# | |
# Jsonb - Since 9.4 | |
# | |
# Json is stored as binary. You can index everything! ZOMG! NOSQL! | |
# | |
# http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/datatype-json.html | |
# http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/functions-json.html | |
# | |
# Add jsonb support to ActiveRecord. Pretty easy, eh? | |
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.type_map.alias_type "jsonb", "json" | |
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base | |
end | |
describe "jsonb" do | |
before(:all) do | |
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do | |
create_table :posts, force: true do |t| | |
t.column :data, :jsonb | |
end | |
end | |
Post.reset_column_information | |
end | |
before { Post.delete_all } | |
let!(:tdd) do | |
Post.create!(data: { | |
title: "TDD is dead", | |
author: { name: "DHH", email: "dhh@example.com" }, | |
tags: ["tdd", "testing", "death", false], | |
word_count: 100 | |
}).reload | |
end | |
let!(:bdd) do | |
Post.create!(data: { | |
title: "BDD is woot", | |
author: { name: "Philippe", email: "philippe@example.com" }, | |
tags: ["bdd", "testing", "woot", true], | |
word_count: 42 | |
}).reload | |
end | |
let!(:foo) do | |
Post.create!(data: { | |
title: "FOO is bar", | |
author: { name: "Philippe", email: "philippe@example.com" }, | |
tags: ["foo", "bar", 42], | |
draft: true | |
}).reload | |
end | |
it "preserves *JSON* types" do | |
expect(tdd.data).to eq( | |
"title" => "TDD is dead", | |
"author" => { "name" => "DHH", "email" => "dhh@example.com" }, | |
"tags" => ["tdd", "testing", "death", false], | |
"word_count" => 100 | |
) | |
end | |
it "saves when an element is changed" do | |
tdd.data["author"]["name"] = "Bob" | |
tdd.save! | |
tdd.reload | |
expect(tdd.data["author"]["name"]).to eq "Bob" | |
end | |
it "searches for records with specific property (title)" do | |
results = Post.where("data ->> :key = :value", key: "title", value: "TDD is dead") | |
expect(results).to eq [tdd] | |
end | |
it "searches for records with nested property (author, name)" do | |
results = Post.where("data #>> '{author, name}' = :value", value: "DHH") | |
expect(results).to eq [tdd] | |
end | |
it "searches for records with nested array containing an element" do | |
results = Post.where(%|data @> '{"tags": ["testing"]}'|) | |
expect(results).to eq [tdd, bdd] | |
end | |
it "searches with multiple conditions" do | |
results = Post.where(%|data @> '{"author": {"name": "Philippe"}, "tags": ["testing"]}'|) | |
expect(results).to eq [bdd] | |
end | |
it "searches with multiple conditions including key existence" do | |
results = Post.where(%|data @> '{"author": {"name": "Philippe"}}'|). | |
where(%|data ? 'draft'|) | |
expect(results).to eq [foo] | |
end | |
end | |
require_relative 'setup' | |
# | |
# Say you store json data from an API and want to access it easily. | |
# Instead of mapping the json data to a table structure, you can | |
# just take advantage of jsonb and create a SQL View that maps | |
# that attributes you are interested in on the fly. | |
# This approach makes it very easy to add new columns if needed. | |
# | |
# Add jsonb support to ActiveRecord. Pretty easy, eh? | |
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.type_map.alias_type "jsonb", "json" | |
class JsonPost < ActiveRecord::Base | |
end | |
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base | |
end | |
describe "jsonb" do | |
before(:all) do | |
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do | |
create_table :json_posts, force: true do |t| | |
t.column :data, :jsonb | |
end | |
end | |
Post.reset_column_information | |
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS posts" | |
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute <<-SQL | |
id, | |
data ->> 'title' AS title, | |
data #>> '{author,name}' AS author_name, | |
data #>> '{author,email}' AS author_email, | |
(data ->> 'tags')::json AS tags, | |
(data ->> 'draft')::boolean AS draft | |
FROM json_posts | |
SQL | |
end | |
after(:all) do | |
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS posts" | |
end | |
before { JsonPost.delete_all } | |
let!(:tdd) do | |
JsonPost.create!(data: { | |
title: "TDD is dead", | |
author: { name: "DHH", email: "dhh@example.com" }, | |
tags: ["tdd", "testing", "death", false], | |
word_count: 100 | |
}).reload | |
end | |
let!(:bdd) do | |
JsonPost.create!(data: { | |
title: "BDD is woot", | |
author: { name: "Philippe", email: "philippe@example.com" }, | |
tags: ["bdd", "testing", "woot", true], | |
word_count: 42 | |
}).reload | |
end | |
let!(:foo) do | |
JsonPost.create!(data: { | |
title: "FOO is bar", | |
author: { name: "Philippe", email: "philippe@example.com" }, | |
tags: ["foo", "bar", 42], | |
draft: true | |
}).reload | |
end | |
it "maps fields" do | |
post = Post.find_by_title! "FOO is bar" | |
expect(post.author_name).to eq("Philippe") | |
expect(post.author_email).to eq("philippe@example.com") | |
expect(post.tags).to eq ["foo", "bar", 42] | |
expect(post).to be_draft | |
end | |
it "provides search as if it was a good old table" do | |
expect(Post.where(author_name: "Philippe").pluck(:title)).to eq ["BDD is woot", "FOO is bar"] | |
expect(Post.where(draft: true).count).to eq(1) | |
end | |
end |
source 'https://rubygems.org' | |
gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails' | |
gem 'arel', github: 'rails/arel' | |
gem 'pg' | |
gem 'pry' | |
gem 'rspec' |
GIT | |
remote: git://github.com/rails/arel.git | |
revision: ebbd786945c12f65062ef5b4809b4f13643e3c52 | |
specs: | |
arel ( | |
GIT | |
remote: git://github.com/rails/rails.git | |
revision: 5add8b8d6d27afac9fe46bcee09cd341fb124294 | |
specs: | |
actionmailer (4.2.0.alpha) | |
actionpack (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
actionview (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
mail (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.4) | |
actionpack (4.2.0.alpha) | |
actionview (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
activesupport (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
rack (~> 1.5.2) | |
rack-test (~> 0.6.2) | |
actionview (4.2.0.alpha) | |
activesupport (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
builder (~> 3.1) | |
erubis (~> 2.7.0) | |
activemodel (4.2.0.alpha) | |
activesupport (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
builder (~> 3.1) | |
activerecord (4.2.0.alpha) | |
activemodel (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
activesupport (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
arel (~> 6.0.0) | |
activesupport (4.2.0.alpha) | |
i18n (~> 0.6, >= 0.6.9) | |
json (~> 1.7, >= 1.7.7) | |
minitest (~> 5.1) | |
thread_safe (~> 0.1) | |
tzinfo (~> 1.1) | |
rails (4.2.0.alpha) | |
actionmailer (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
actionpack (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
actionview (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
activemodel (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
activerecord (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
activesupport (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
bundler (>= 1.3.0, < 2.0) | |
railties (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
sprockets-rails (~> 2.1) | |
railties (4.2.0.alpha) | |
actionpack (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
activesupport (= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
rake (>= 0.8.7) | |
thor (>= 0.18.1, < 2.0) | |
GEM | |
remote: https://rubygems.org/ | |
specs: | |
builder (3.2.2) | |
coderay (1.1.0) | |
diff-lcs (1.2.5) | |
erubis (2.7.0) | |
hike (1.2.3) | |
i18n (0.6.9) | |
json (1.8.1) | |
mail (2.6.1) | |
mime-types (>= 1.16, < 3) | |
method_source (0.8.2) | |
mime-types (2.3) | |
minitest (5.3.5) | |
multi_json (1.10.1) | |
pg (0.17.1) | |
pry (0.10.0) | |
coderay (~> 1.1.0) | |
method_source (~> 0.8.1) | |
slop (~> 3.4) | |
rack (1.5.2) | |
rack-test (0.6.2) | |
rack (>= 1.0) | |
rake (10.3.2) | |
rspec (3.0.0) | |
rspec-core (~> 3.0.0) | |
rspec-expectations (~> 3.0.0) | |
rspec-mocks (~> 3.0.0) | |
rspec-core (3.0.2) | |
rspec-support (~> 3.0.0) | |
rspec-expectations (3.0.2) | |
diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0) | |
rspec-support (~> 3.0.0) | |
rspec-mocks (3.0.2) | |
rspec-support (~> 3.0.0) | |
rspec-support (3.0.2) | |
slop (3.5.0) | |
sprockets (2.12.1) | |
hike (~> 1.2) | |
multi_json (~> 1.0) | |
rack (~> 1.0) | |
tilt (~> 1.1, != 1.3.0) | |
sprockets-rails (2.1.3) | |
actionpack (>= 3.0) | |
activesupport (>= 3.0) | |
sprockets (~> 2.8) | |
thor (0.19.1) | |
thread_safe (0.3.4) | |
tilt (1.4.1) | |
tzinfo (1.2.1) | |
thread_safe (~> 0.1) | |
ruby | |
arel! | |
pg | |
pry | |
rails! | |
rspec |
task :default do | |
Dir['*'].sort.select { |path| path =~ /^\d/ }.each do |path| | |
case path | |
when /\.rb$/ | |
system "bundle exec rspec -cf documentation #{path}" | |
else | |
system "cat #{path}" | |
end | |
end | |
end |
# Based on https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/guides/bug_report_templates/active_record_master.rb | |
def system!(cmd) | |
puts cmd | |
system(cmd) or exit(-1) | |
end | |
require 'bundler' | |
Bundler.setup(:default) | |
require 'active_record' | |
require 'rspec/its' | |
require 'logger' | |
require 'pry' | |
DATABASE_NAME = 'pg-ar-demo' | |
begin | |
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'postgresql', database: DATABASE_NAME, encoding: "utf-8") | |
ActiveRecord::Base.connection | |
rescue ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError => e | |
system! %{echo 'CREATE DATABASE "#{DATABASE_NAME}";' | psql} | |
retry | |
end |
thanks, very useful!
thanks, good stuff, very usefull 👍
I was trying to setup jsonb support like you did here
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.type_map.alias_type "jsonb", "json"
but I get the following error.Any ideas?