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Created August 5, 2019 17:28
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gophercon stay in the lines
// What it does:
// This example opens a video capture device, then streams MJPEG from it.
// Once running point your browser to the hostname/port you passed in the
// command line (for example http://localhost:8080) and you should see
// the live video stream.
// How to run:
// mjpeg-streamer [camera ID] [host:port]
// go get -u
// sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2
// go run ./cmd/mjpeg-streamer/main.go 0
// +build example
package main
import (
// "fmt"
// "os"
// ""
var (
deviceID int
err error
webcam *gocv.VideoCapture
stream *mjpeg.Stream
var (
r *raspi.Adaptor
pca9685 *i2c.PCA9685Driver
mpu6050 *i2c.MPU6050Driver
ctx *gg.Context
var (
steering, throttle atomic.Value
throttleZero = 350
func init() {
func main() {
if len(os.Args) < 4 {
fmt.Println("How to run:\n\tmjpeg-streamer [camera ID] [host:port] [throttle]")
// parse args
deviceID := os.Args[1]
host := os.Args[2]
t, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(os.Args[3], 64)
r = raspi.NewAdaptor()
pca9685 = i2c.NewPCA9685Driver(r)
mpu6050 = i2c.NewMPU6050Driver(r)
work := func() {
// init the PWM controller
// init the ESC controller for throttle zero
pca9685.SetPWM(0, 0, uint16(throttleZero))
time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond)
gobot.Every(100*time.Millisecond, func() {
robot := gobot.NewRobot("gophercar",
[]gobot.Device{pca9685, mpu6050},
// open webcam
webcam, err = gocv.OpenVideoCapture(deviceID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error opening capture device: %v\n", deviceID)
defer webcam.Close()
// create the mjpeg stream
stream = mjpeg.NewStream()
// start capturing
go mjpegCapture()
fmt.Println("Capturing. Point your browser to " + host)
// start http server
http.Handle("/", stream)
go func() { log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(host, nil)) }()
func mjpegCapture() {
img := gocv.NewMat()
defer img.Close()
if ok := webcam.Read(&img); ok {
gocv.IMWrite("/tmp/img.jpg", img)
for {
if ok := webcam.Read(&img); !ok {
fmt.Printf("Device closed: %v\n", deviceID)
if img.Empty() {
img, rawSteering := Vision(img)
buf, _ := gocv.IMEncode(".jpg", img)
func applySteeringCurve(raw float64) {
steering.Store(float64(raw) * -7)
// this does not really do anything yet except connect to all of the various devices
func handleSteering() {
steeringVal := getSteeringPulse(steering.Load().(float64))
pca9685.SetPWM(1, 0, uint16(steeringVal))
func handleThrottle() {
throttleVal := getThrottlePulse(throttle.Load().(float64))
pca9685.SetPWM(0, 0, uint16(throttleVal))
// adjusts the steering from -1.0 (hard left) <-> 1.0 (hardright) to the correct
// pwm pulse values.
func getSteeringPulse(val float64) float64 {
return gobot.Rescale(val, -1, 1, 290, 490)
// adjusts the throttle from -1.0 (hard back) <-> 1.0 (hard forward) to the correct
// pwm pulse values.
func getThrottlePulse(val float64) int {
if val > 0 {
return int(gobot.Rescale(val, 0, 1, 350, 300))
return int(gobot.Rescale(val, -1, 0, 490, 350))
func round(x, unit float64) float64 {
return math.Round(x/unit) * unit
// import (
// ""
// )
// func main() {
// webcam, _ := gocv.VideoCaptureDevice(0)
// window := gocv.NewWindow("Hello")
// img := gocv.NewMat()
// for {
// webcam.Read(&img)
// window.IMShow(img)
// window.WaitKey(1)
// }
// // What it does:
// This example shows how to find lines in an image using Hough transform.
// How to run:
// go run ./cmd/find-lines/main.go lines.jpg
// +build example
func Vision(original gocv.Mat) (gocv.Mat, float64) {
bwImg := gocv.NewMat()
defer bwImg.Close()
blurredImg := gocv.NewMat()
defer blurredImg.Close()
thresholdImg := gocv.NewMat()
defer thresholdImg.Close()
erodedImg := gocv.NewMat()
defer erodedImg.Close()
outputImg := gocv.NewMat()
defer outputImg.Close()
dim := original.Size()
cropHeight := int(float64(dim[0]) * 0.4)
region := original.Region(image.Rectangle{image.Point{0, cropHeight}, image.Point{dim[1], dim[0]}})
gocv.CvtColor(region, &bwImg, gocv.ColorBGRToGray)
gocv.GaussianBlur(bwImg, &blurredImg, image.Point{X: 5, Y: 5}, float64(5), float64(5), gocv.BorderDefault)
gocv.Threshold(blurredImg, &thresholdImg, float32(100), float32(255), gocv.ThresholdBinary)
gocv.Erode(thresholdImg, &erodedImg, gocv.GetStructuringElement(gocv.MorphRect, image.Point{X: 6, Y: 6}))
gocv.Dilate(erodedImg, &outputImg, gocv.GetStructuringElement(gocv.MorphRect, image.Point{X: 6, Y: 6}))
contours := gocv.FindContours(outputImg, gocv.RetrievalList, gocv.ChainApproxNone)
maxArea := float64(0)
maxContour := 0
for idx, contour := range contours {
area := gocv.ContourArea(contour)
if area > maxArea {
maxArea = area
maxContour = idx
line := gocv.NewMatWithSize(region.Rows(), region.Cols(), gocv.MatTypeCV8U)
gocv.FillPoly(&line, contours[maxContour:maxContour+1], color.RGBA{R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255})
M := gocv.Moments(line, true)
cx := M["m10"] / M["m00"]
// fmt.Printf("dim0: %v, dim1: %v, cx: %v\n\n", dim[0], dim[1], cx)
// fmt.Println(matLines.Cols())
// fmt.Println(matLines.Rows())
// for i := 0; i < matLines.Rows(); i++ {
// pt1 := image.Pt(int(matLines.GetVeciAt(i, 0)[0]), int(matLines.GetVeciAt(i, 0)[1]))
// pt2 := image.Pt(int(matLines.GetVeciAt(i, 0)[2]), int(matLines.GetVeciAt(i, 0)[3]))
// gocv.Line(&mat, pt1, pt2, color.RGBA{0, 255, 0, 50}, 10)
// }
gocv.DrawContours(&region, contours, maxContour, color.RGBA{R: 255, A: 255}, 3)
dim = region.Size()
centerX := dim[1] / 2
gocv.Line(&region, image.Point{X: centerX, Y: 0}, image.Point{X: centerX, Y: dim[0]}, color.RGBA{B: 255, A: 255}, 1)
gocv.Circle(&region, image.Point{X: int(cx), Y: dim[0] / 2}, 1, color.RGBA{G: 255, A: 255}, 2)
steer := cx/float64(centerX) - 0.5
return region, steer
// func removeBackground(image) {
// gocv.InRange()
// }
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