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Created July 13, 2016 02:09
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Good way to get a tag a string and a map
(ns tag-map.clj
(defn tag
(str "`" word "`"))
(def line-str "This is a test to see if this works. It's a cool dog test. One must work hard to get the right answer.")
(def keywords
{"right" (tag "right")
"test" (tag "test")
"answer" (tag "answer")})
(defn upper
(clojure.string/upper-case line))
(defn upper-map [m f]
(into {} (for [[k v] m] [(f k) (f v)])))
(defn replace-map
"given an input string and a hash-map, returns a new string with all
keys in map found in input replaced with the value of the key"
[s1 m1]
(let [s (upper s1)
m (upper-map m1 clojure.string/upper-case)]
(clojure.string/replace s (re-pattern (apply str (interpose "|" (map #(java.util.regex.Pattern/quote %) (keys m))))) m)))
(defn -main
[& args]
(println (replace-map line-str keywords)))
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