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Created October 20, 2020 11:43
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#define _GNU_SOURCE //asks stdio.h to include asprintf
#include <archive.h>
#include <archive_entry.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "stopif.h"
char* printFileSize(long int size){
char *fileSize;
if (size > 1073741824)
asprintf(&fileSize, "%.2f GB", size/1073741824.0);
else if (size > 1048576)
asprintf(&fileSize, "%.2f MB", size/1048576.0);
else if (size > 1024)
asprintf(&fileSize, "%.2f KB", size/1024.0);
asprintf(&fileSize, "%.2f B", size/1.0);
return fileSize;
int readArchive(char const *infile, int details) {
struct archive *a;
struct archive_entry *entry;
a = archive_read_new();
Stopif(archive_read_open_filename(a, infile, 10240) != ARCHIVE_OK, return -1, "Can't read archive %s\n", infile);
if (!details) printf("Calculating...\n");
size_t totalSize = 0;
while (archive_read_next_header(a, &entry) == ARCHIVE_OK) {
size_t size = archive_entry_size(entry);
if (size > 0 && details) {
char *fileSize = printFileSize(size);
printf("%s (%s)\n",archive_entry_pathname(entry), fileSize);
totalSize += size;
Stopif(archive_read_free(a) != ARCHIVE_OK, return -2, "Can't close archive %s\n", infile);
char *totalPrint = printFileSize(totalSize);
printf("Total size after unpacking: %s\n", totalPrint);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 2)
printf("Usage: %s <path_to_archive>\nAdd d after path to display details.\n", argv[0]);
if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[2], "d") == 0)
readArchive(argv[1], 1);
else if (argc > 1)
readArchive(argv[1], 0);
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