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Last active March 20, 2017 12:28
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Generic Adding Function for scalar types and collections (Arrays and Dictionaries)
import Foundation
protocol SummableType {
func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
extension Int: SummableType {}
extension Float: SummableType {}
extension Double: SummableType {}
extension String: SummableType {}
// Generic func for scalar types
func add<T: SummableType>(op1: T, _ op2: T) -> T {
return op1 + op2
// Assuming that collections add collection 2 to collection 1 because string adding (concatenation) is not commutative
// Generic overloading func for Arrays.
func add<T: SummableType>(var arr1: [T], _ arr2: [T]) -> [T] {
let arraySequenced: AnySequence<(index: Int, element: T)>
let arraySizeDiff = arr1.count - arr2.count
arraySequenced = arraySizeDiff >= 0 ? arr1.enumerate().dropLast(arraySizeDiff) : arr1.enumerate().dropFirst(0)
for (k, v) in arraySequenced {
arr1[k] = v + arr2[k]
arr1.appendContentsOf(arr2.dropFirst(arr2.count + arraySizeDiff))
return arr1
// Generic overloading func for Dictionaries
func add<U, T: SummableType>(var dict1: [U:T], _ dict2: [U:T]) -> [U:T] {
for (k, v) in dict1 {
if (dict2.indexForKey(k) != nil) {
dict1.updateValue(v + dict2[k]!, forKey: k)
for (k, v) in dict2 {
if (dict1.indexForKey(k) == nil) {
dict1.updateValue(v, forKey: k)
return dict1
let ints = add(1, 3) // 4
let strings = add("Hello ", "world!") // "Hello world!"
let doubles = add(1.1, 1) // 2.1
let stringArrays = add(["H", "t", "al", "!"], ["ello", "o", "l"]) // ["Hello", "to", "all", "!"]
let numbersDict = add([1: 5.12, "2": 2, "3": 5, "4": 4, "stuff": 101], [1: -1.12, "3": -3, "2": -2, "6": 6]) // [1:4, "2":0, "3":2, "4":4, "stuff": 101, "6":6]
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