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Created July 27, 2012 03:07
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BxPollModule Dolphin 7.0
* Dolphin Smart Community Builder
* -------------------
* begin : Mon Mar 23 2006
* copyright : (C) 2007 BoonEx Group
* website :
* This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder
* Dolphin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or any later version.
* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Dolphin,
* see license.txt file; if not, write to
require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolModule.php');
require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolAlerts.php');
require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolCategories.php');
define( 'POLL_ERROR_OCCURED', _t( '_Error occured') );
define( 'POLL_EMPTY_FIELDS', _t( '_please_fill_next_fields_first') );
define( 'POLL_CREATED', _t( '_bx_poll_created') );
define( 'POLL_EDITED', _t( '_bx_poll_was_edited') );
define( 'POLL_MAX_REACHED', _t( '_bx_poll_max_reached') );
define( 'POLL_NOT_ALLOW', _t( '_bx_poll_not_available') );
class BxCheckerPoll extends BxDolFormCheckerHelper
function checkAnswers($aItems, $iLenMin, $iLenMax)
if (count($aItems) < 2) {
return false;
return parent::checkLength ($aItems, $iLenMin, $iLenMax);
function passAnswers ($a) {
if (is_array($a))
foreach ($a as $k => $v)
$a[$k] = $this->passXss ($v);
return is_array($a) ? implode(',', $a) : $a;
* Poll module by BoonEx
* This module allow users to create some of polls.
* This is default module and Dolphin can not work properly without this module.
* Profile's Wall:
* no wall events
* Spy:
* 'add poll' events are displayed on spy's page
* Memberships/ACL:
* no levels here;
* Service methods:
* Generate polls list.
* @see BxPollModule::serviceGetPolls
* BxDolService::call('poll', 'get_polls', array($sAction, $iProfileId));
* Generate poll's link into member menu in 'profile' section (this link will show the number of profile's polls).
* @see BxPollModule::serviceGetMemberMenuLink
* BxDolService::call('poll', 'get_member_menu_link', array($iMemberId));
* Will draw edit poll's button ;
* @see BxPollModule::serviceEditActionButton
* BxDolService::call('poll', 'edit_action_button', array($iMemberId, $iPollId));
* Will draw delete poll's button ;
* @see BxPollModule::serviceDeleteActionButton
* BxDolService::call('poll', 'delete_action_button', array($iMemberId, $iPollId));
* will return all needed systems alerts for 'spy' module;
* @see BxPollModule::serviceGetSpyData
* BxDolService::call('poll', 'get_spy_data', array());
* will return sys alerts' answer on some action for 'spy' module;
* @see BxPollModule::serviceGetSpyPost
* BxDolService::call('poll', 'get_spy_post', array($sAction, $iObjectId, $iSenderId));
* Alerts:
* Alerts type/unit - 'bx_poll'
* The following alerts are rised
* vote - vote for some of poll
* $iPollID - poll's Id
* $iVoteNumber - vote number
* delete_poll - delete poll
* $iPollId - poll's id
* add - add new poll
* $iPollID - poll's Id
* edit - edit poll
* $iPollId - poll's Id
class BxPollModule extends BxDolModule
var $sHomeUrl;
// contain all needed templates name;
var $aUsedTemplates;
// contain some of needed poll's settings;
var $aPollSettings;
// contain some module information ;
var $aModuleInfo;
// contain answer for some member's action ;
var $sActionAnswer = null;
// contain path to current module;
var $sPathToModule = null;
// privacy object;
var $oPrivacy = null;
// title of poll's home page;
var $sPollHomeTitleLenght = 70;
// number of polls elements for per line;
var $iPollsForPerLine = 3;
var $oSearch;
* Constructor ;
* @param : $aModule (array) - contain some information about this module;
* [ id ] - (integer) module's id ;
* [ title ] - (string) module's title ;
* [ vendor ] - (string) module's vendor ;
* [ path ] - (string) path to this module ;
* [ uri ] - (string) this module's URI ;
* [ class_prefix ] - (string) this module's php classes file prefix ;
* [ db_prefix ] - (string) this module's Db tables prefix ;
* [ date ] - (string) this module's date installation ;
* @param : $aPollSettings (array) - contain some needed poll's settings;
* [ admin_mode ] - (boolean) check admin mode ;
* [ member_id ] - (integer) logged member's id ;
* [ page_columns ] - (integer) number of poll's columns for per page ;
* [ per_page ] - (integer) number of poll's elements for per page ;
* [ page ] - (integer) current page ;
* [ action ] - (string) contain some specific actions for pools ;
function BxPollModule($aModule, $aPollSettings = array() )
global $logged;
$this -> sHomeUrl = $this ->_oConfig -> _sHomeUrl;
$this -> aPollSettings = $aPollSettings;
$this -> aPollSettings['question_min_length'] = 10;
$this -> aPollSettings['question_max_length'] = 300;
$this -> aPollSettings['answer_min_length'] = 1;
$this -> aPollSettings['answer_max_length'] = 300;
// init some pagination parameters;
if( !$this -> aPollSettings['per_page'] )
$this -> aPollSettings['per_page'] = 10;
if ( $this -> aPollSettings['per_page'] > 100 )
$this -> aPollSettings['per_page'] = 100;
if( $this -> aPollSettings['page'] < 1 )
$this -> aPollSettings['page'] = 1;
// fill array with templates name;
$this -> aUsedTemplates = array
'poll_init' => 'poll_init.html',
'poll_block' => 'poll_block.html',
'poll_view_block' => 'poll_view_block.html',
'poll_block_ajax' => 'poll_block_ajax.html',
'poll_questions_list' => 'poll_questions_list.xml',
'poll_results_list' => 'poll_results_list.xml',
'server_answer' => 'server_answer.xml',
'poll_creation_form' => 'poll_creation_form.html',
'poll_edit_form' => 'poll_edit_form.html',
'poll_actions' => 'poll_actions.html',
'poll_premoderation' => 'poll_premoderation.html',
'poll_owner' => 'entry_view_block_info.html',
$this -> aModuleInfo = $aModule;
// prepare the location link ;
$this -> sPathToModule = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this -> _oConfig -> getBaseUri();
if ($this -> aPollSettings['action']) {
$this -> sPathToModule .= '&action=' . rawurlencode($this -> aPollSettings['action']);
$this -> oPrivacy = &new BxPollPrivacy($this);
$this -> oSearch = &new BxPollSearch($this);
* Function will return path to current module;
* @return : (string) - path;
function getModulePath()
return BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this -> _oConfig -> getBaseUri();
* Function will generate information about the poll's onwer;
* @param : $iPollOwner (integer) - poll's owner id;
* @param : $aPollInfo (array) - poll's information;
* @return : (text) - Html presentation data;
function getOwnerBlock($iPollOwner, $aPollInfo)
$aMemberInfo = getProfileInfo($iPollOwner);
$sThumbImg = get_member_thumbnail($aMemberInfo['ID'], 'none');
$aTemplateKeys = array(
'author_thumb' => $sThumbImg,
'date' => getLocaleDate($aPollInfo['poll_date'], BX_DOL_LOCALE_DATE_SHORT),
'date_ago' => _format_when( time() - $aPollInfo['poll_date']),
'tags' => getLinkSet($aPollInfo['poll_tags'], $this -> getModulePath() . '&action=tag&tag=', BX_DOL_TAGS_DIVIDER),
'fields' => null,
'author_username' => $aMemberInfo['NickName'],
'author_url' => getProfileLink($aMemberInfo['ID']),
'cats' => getLinkSet($aPollInfo['poll_categories'], $this -> getModulePath() . '&action=category&category=', CATEGORIES_DIVIDER),
$sOutpuCode = $this -> _oTemplate -> parseHtmlByName($this -> aUsedTemplates['poll_owner'], $aTemplateKeys);
return $sOutpuCode;
* Function will generate block of member's administration;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function genMemberAdministration()
global $_page;
switch($this -> aPollSettings['mode']) {
case 'edit_poll' :
$sPageCaption = _t('_bx_poll_edit_poll');
$_page['header'] = $sPageCaption ;
$_page['header_text'] = $sPageCaption ;
$sOutputCode = $this -> getEditForm();
case 'add' :
$sPageCaption = _t('_bx_poll_add');
$_page['header'] = $sPageCaption ;
$_page['header_text'] = $sPageCaption ;
$sOutputCode = $this -> getCreationForm();
case 'manage' :
case 'pending' :
$sPageCaption = $this -> aPollSettings['mode'] == 'manage'
? _t('_bx_poll_manage_poll')
: _t('_bx_poll_pending_poll');
$_page['header'] = $sPageCaption ;
$_page['header_text'] = $sPageCaption ;
if( !empty($_POST['poll_el']) && is_array($_POST['poll_el']) && $this -> aPollSettings['member_id']) {
foreach($_POST['poll_el'] as $iKey)
$iPollId = (int) $iKey;
$aPollInfo = array_shift( $this -> _oDb -> getPollInfo($iPollId) );
if($aPollInfo['id_profile'] == $this -> aPollSettings['member_id']
|| $this -> aPollSettings['admin_mode']) {
$this -> _oDb -> deletePoll($iKey);
// select approvedn polls or not;
$sOutputCode = $this -> getInitPollPage();
$sOutputCode .= ($this -> aPollSettings['mode'] == 'manage')
? $this -> getManagePollsPage()
: $this -> getManagePollsPage(false);
case 'main' :
default :
$sOutputCode = '<center>' . _t('_bx_poll_have_not_approval',
'<b>' . $this -> _oDb -> getUnApprovedPolls($this -> aPollSettings['member_id']) . '</b>') . '</center>';
$aTemplateKeys = array(
'content' => $sOutputCode,
$sOutputCode = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate'] -> parseHtmlByName('default_padding.html', $aTemplateKeys);
$sOutputCode = DesignBoxContent( _t( '_bx_poll_administration' ), $sOutputCode, 1, $this -> genToggleElements() );
return $sOutputCode;
function genToggleElements()
$sOutputCode = null;
// generate toggle ellements ;
$aToggleItems = array
'main' => _t('_bx_poll_main'),
'add' => _t('_bx_poll_add'),
'manage' => _t('_bx_poll_manage'),
'pending' => _t('_bx_poll_pending'),
// set default
if(!$this -> aPollSettings['mode']){
$this -> aPollSettings['mode'] = 'main';
// add new toggle el;
if($this -> aPollSettings['mode'] == 'edit_poll') {
$aToggleItems['edit_poll'] = _t('_bx_poll_edit');
foreach($aToggleItems AS $sKey => $sValue)
// define the css class name and link action
if($this -> aPollSettings['mode'] == $sKey) {
$sCssClassName = 'active';
$sActionLink = '<span>' . $sValue . '</span>';
else {
// block is not active;
$sCssClassName = 'notActive';
$sActionLink = '<a class="top_members_menu" href="'
. $this -> sPathToModule . '&mode=' . $sKey . '">' . $sValue . '</a>';
$sOutputCode .=
<div class="'. $sCssClassName .'">
' . $sActionLink . '
$sOutputCode =
<div class="dbTopMenu">
' . $sOutputCode . '
return $sOutputCode;
* Function will get manage poll's page;
* @param : $bApproval (boolean) - only approavl polls needed;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function getManagePollsPage($bApproval = true)
// try to get all approved polls;
if($bApproval) {
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['my']['value'] = $this -> aPollSettings['member_id'];
$sExtraParam = '&mode=manage';
$sOutputCode = $this -> showSearchResult(null, $sExtraParam, 0, true, 0, false);
else {
// get all anapproved polls;
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['my']['value'] = $this -> aPollSettings['member_id'];
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['approvalStatus']['value'] = 0;
$sExtraParam = '&mode=pending';
$sOutputCode = $this -> showSearchResult(null, $sExtraParam, 0, true, 0, false);
// draw manage elements;
$aAdminSection = $this -> showAdminActionsPanel('manage_form', array( _t('_bx_poll_delete') ), 'poll_el' );
$sOutputCode =
<div id="pol_container">
<form id="manage_form" method="post">
' . $sOutputCode . $aAdminSection . '
return $sOutputCode;
function showAdminActionsPanel($sWrapperId, $aButtons, $sCheckboxName = 'entry', $bSelectAll = true, $bSelectAllChecked = false) {
$aUnit = array();
$aBtns = array();
foreach ($aButtons as $k => $v) {
if(is_array($v)) {
$aBtns[] = $v;
$aBtns[] = array(
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => $k,
'value' => ('_' == $v[0] ? _t($v) : $v),
'onclick' => ''
$aUnit['bx_repeat:buttons'] = $aBtns;
$aUnit['bx_if:selectAll'] = array(
'condition' => $bSelectAll,
'content' => array(
'wrapperId' => $sWrapperId,
'checkboxName' => $sCheckboxName,
'checked' => ($bSelectAll && $bSelectAllChecked ? 'checked="checked"' : '')
$aUnit['bx_if:customHTML'] = array(
'condition' => false,
'content' => array(),
return $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('adminActionsPanel.html', $aUnit, array('{','}'));
* Function will generate private block;
* @param : $aPollInfo (array) - contain some poll's information ;
[ id_poll ] - (integer) poll's Id;
[ id_profile ] - (integer) poll's owner Id;
[ PollDate ] - (string) poll's date creation;
[ sec ] - (integer) poll's date creation in seconds;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function getPrivatePollBlock(&$aPollInfo)
$aMemberInfo = getProfileInfo($aPollInfo['id_profile']);
// owner's nickname;
$sNickName = $aMemberInfo['NickName'];
// generate link to the owner's page ;
if ($sNickName) {
$sLinkPath = getProfileLink( $aMemberInfo['ID'] );
$sOwnerLink = '<a href="' . $sLinkPath . '" class="small">' . $sNickName . '</a>';
else {
$sOwnerLink = _t( '_Admin' );
// ** generate the some of poll's information ;
// language keys ;
$aLanguageKeys = array (
'by' => _t('_bx_poll_by'),
'private' => _t('_bx_poll_private'),
$sProfileIcon = ($aMemberInfo)
? get_member_icon( $aMemberInfo['ID'], 'left')
: get_member_icon( 0, 'left');
$sDateAdd = date('M d, Y', $aPollInfo['poll_date']);
// need to modify (move the top member's info to bottom)
$aTemplateKeys = array
'private_caption'=> $aLanguageKeys['private'],
'poll_picture' => $sProfileIcon,
'profile_link' => $sOwnerLink,
'date_add' => $sDateAdd ,
'by' => $aLanguageKeys['by'],
'lock_img' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl('lock.png'),
'spacer_img' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ('spacer.gif'),
// poll's corner's images ;
'l_t_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ('l_t_corner.png'),
't_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ('t_side.png'),
'r_t_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ('r_t_corner.png'),
'pool_down_src' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ('poll_down.png'),
'pool_up_src' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ('poll_up.png'),
'l_m_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ('l_m_side.png'),
'r_m_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ('r_m_side.png'),
'l_b_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ('l_b_corner.png'),
'b_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ('b_side.png'),
'r_b_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ('r_b_corner.png'),
'spacer' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ('spacer.gif'),
return $this -> _oTemplate -> parseHtmlByName('poll_private_block.html', $aTemplateKeys);
* Function will generate the pool block;
* @param : $aPollInfo (array) - contain some poll's information ;
[ id_poll ] - (integer) poll's Id;
[ id_profile ] - (integer) poll's owner Id;
[ PollDate ] - (string) poll's date creation;
[ sec ] - (integer) poll's date creation in seconds;
* @param : $bAjaxQuery (boolean) - if isset this param that script will use different template;
function getPollBlock(&$aPollInfo, $bAjaxQuery = false, $bViewMode = false)
if(!$this -> oPrivacy -> check('view', $aPollInfo['id_poll'], $this -> aPollSettings['member_id']) ) {
return $this -> getPrivatePollBlock($aPollInfo);
// ** init some needed variables ;
$sPollActions = null;
$aMemberInfo = array();
// language keys ;
$aLanguageKeys = array
'results' => _t('_bx_poll_result'),
'delete' => _t('_bx_poll_delete'),
'edit' => _t('_bx_poll_edit'),
'active' => _t('_bx_poll_active'),
'sure' => _t('_Are you sure?'),
'by' => _t('_bx_poll_by' ),
'poll' => _t('_bx_poll'),
// get poll's owner information ;
if ($aPollInfo['id_profile']) {
$aMemberInfo = getProfileInfo($aPollInfo['id_profile']);
// owner's nickname;
$sNickName = $aMemberInfo['NickName'];
// generate link to the owner's page ;
if ($sNickName) {
$sLinkPath = getProfileLink( $aMemberInfo['ID'] );
$sOwnerLink = '<a href="' . $sLinkPath . '" class="small">' . $sNickName . '</a>';
else {
$sOwnerLink = _t( '_Admin' );
// if owner not site's member;
$sOwnerLink = _t( '_Admin' );
// ** generate the some of poll's information ;
$sProfileIcon = ($aMemberInfo)
? get_member_icon( $aMemberInfo['ID'], 'left')
: get_member_icon( 0, 'left');
$sDateAdd = getLocaleDate($aPollInfo['poll_date'], BX_DOL_LOCALE_DATE);
// need to modify (move the top member's info to bottom)
$aTemplateKeys = array
'bx_if:start_tag' => array (
'condition' => !$bAjaxQuery,
'content' => array('uid' => $aPollInfo['id_poll']),
'bx_if:manage_page' => array (
'condition' => ($this -> aPollSettings['mode'] == 'manage' || $this -> aPollSettings['mode'] == 'pending'
&& $this -> aPollSettings['member_id'] && $aPollInfo['id_profile'] == $aPollInfo['id_profile']),
'content' => array(
'bx_if:end_tag' => array (
'condition' => !$bAjaxQuery,
'content' => array(),
'uid' => $aPollInfo['id_poll'],
'poll_url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this -> _oConfig -> getBaseUri() . '&action=show_poll_info&id=' . $aPollInfo['id_poll'],
'poll_picture' => $sProfileIcon,
'profile_link' => $sOwnerLink,
'date_add' => $sDateAdd ,
'result' => $aLanguageKeys['results'],
'actions' => $sPollActions,
'by' => $aLanguageKeys['by'],
// poll's corner's images ;
'l_t_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ( 'l_t_corner.png' ),
't_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ( 't_side.png' ),
'r_t_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ( 'r_t_corner.png' ),
'pool_down_src' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ( 'poll_down.png' ),
'pool_up_src' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ( 'poll_up.png' ),
'l_m_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ( 'l_m_side.png' ),
'r_m_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ( 'r_m_side.png' ),
'l_b_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ( 'l_b_corner.png' ),
'b_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ( 'b_side.png' ),
'r_b_side' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ( 'r_b_corner.png' ),
'spacer' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ( 'spacer.gif' ),
'back' => $aLanguageKeys['poll'],
$sTemplateName = (!$bViewMode)
? $this -> aUsedTemplates['poll_block']
: $this -> aUsedTemplates['poll_view_block'];
$sOutputHtml = $this -> _oTemplate -> parseHtmlByName($sTemplateName, $aTemplateKeys);
return $sOutputHtml;
* Function will generate poll's init page ;
* @param $bDynamic boolean
* @return : (text) - Html presentation data ;
function getInitPollPage($bDynamic = true)
global $site;
$sJS = '';
if($bDynamic) {
$this -> _oTemplate -> addJs('profile_poll.js');
else {
$sJS = $this -> _oTemplate -> addJs('profile_poll.js', true);
// language keys;
$aLanguageKeys = array
'delete' => _t('_bx_poll_delete'),
'loading' => _t('_bx_poll_loading') . '...',
'poll_deleted' => _t('_bx_poll_was_deleted'),
'make_it' => _t('_bx_poll_make_it'),
'you_should' => _t('_bx_poll_specify_least'),
$aTemplateKeys = array
// init some of needed poll's parameters ;
'delete' => $aLanguageKeys['delete'],
'loading' => $aLanguageKeys['loading'],
'poll_deleted' => $aLanguageKeys['poll_deleted'],
'make_it' => $aLanguageKeys['make_it'],
'you_should' => $aLanguageKeys['you_should'],
'path_to_script' => $this -> sHomeUrl,
'module_name' => $this -> aModuleInfo['uri'],
'site' => $site['url'],
// generate init page ;
$sInitPart = $this -> _oTemplate -> parseHtmlByName( $this -> aUsedTemplates['poll_init'], $aTemplateKeys );
return $sJS . $sInitPart;
* Function will procces all recevied poll's data;
function proccesData()
$sPollAnsers = null;
$sPollResults = null;
if (isset($_POST['question'])
and ( $this -> aPollSettings['member_id'] or $this -> aPollSettings['admin_mode'] ) ) {
// process the poll's question ;
$sPollQuestion = strip_tags( trim($_POST['question']) );
if( $_POST['answers'] and is_array($_POST['answers']) ) {
// procces the answers list ;
foreach( $_POST['answers'] as $iKey => $sValue )
if ($sValue) {
$sValue = strip_tags( trim($sValue) );
$sPollAnsers .= $sValue . '<delim>';
$sPollResults .= '0;';
else {
// try define answer list as separate values;
foreach($_POST as $sKey => $sValue)
if( strstr($sKey, 'answers_') ) {
$sPollAnsers .= $sValue . '<delim>';
// procces recived tags;
$sTags = null;
if( isset($_POST['tags']) ) {
$sTags = strip_tags( trim($_POST['tags']) );
$sCategory = null;
if( isset($_POST['Categories']) && is_array($_POST['Categories']) ) {
foreach($_POST['Categories'] as $iKey => $sValue)
if($sValue) {
$sCategory .= strip_tags( trim($sValue, BX_TAGS_STRIP) ) . CATEGORIES_DIVIDER;
// define the privacy group value;
$iCommentGroupValue = ( isset($_POST['allow_comment_to']) )
? (int) $_POST['allow_comment_to']
: 3;
$iVoteGroupValue = ( isset($_POST['allow_vote_to']) )
? (int) $_POST['allow_vote_to']
: 3;
$iViewGroupValue = ( isset($_POST['allow_view_to']) )
? (int) $_POST['allow_view_to']
: 3;
if ($_GET['mode'] == 'add' && $sPollAnsers) {
// create new poll ;
$this -> createPoll
else if ($_GET['mode'] == 'edit_poll' && $sPollAnsers) {
$bActive = ( isset($_POST['active']) ) ? true : false ;
$bApprove = ( isset($_POST['approve']) && isAdmin() ) ? true : false ;
$this -> editPoll
$this -> aPollSettings['edit_poll_id'],
* Function will generate the poll's creation form ;
* @return : (text) - Html presentation data ;
function getCreationForm()
// check membership;
if(!$this -> isPollCreateAlowed($this -> aPollSettings['member_id'], false) ) {
return MsgBox( _t('_bx_poll_access_denied') );
$iDefaultAnswerCount = 2;
$aLanguageKeys = array
'create' => _t('_bx_poll_create'),
'tags' => _t('_bx_poll_tags'),
'tags_sep' => _t('_sys_tags_note'),
'generate' => _t('_bx_poll_generate'),
'question' => _t('_bx_poll_question'),
'answer' => _t('_bx_poll_answer'),
'add_answer' => _t('_bx_poll_add'),
'max_pool' => _t('_bx_poll_max_reached'),
'question_length_req' => _t('_bx_poll_question_length_required',
$this -> aPollSettings['question_min_length'], $this -> aPollSettings['question_max_length']),
'answer_length_req' => _t('_bx_poll_answer_length_required',
$this -> aPollSettings['answer_min_length'], $this -> aPollSettings['answer_max_length']),
$aForm = array (
'form_attrs' => array (
'action' => $this -> sPathToModule . '&mode=' . $this -> aPollSettings['mode'],
'method' => 'post',
'name' => 'poll_creation_form'
'params' => array (
'checker_helper' => 'BxCheckerPoll',
'db' => array(
'submit_name' => 'do_submit', // some filed name with non empty value to determine if the for was submitted,
'inputs' => array(
'question' => array (
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'question',
'caption' => $aLanguageKeys['question'],
'required' => true,
// checker params
'checker' => array (
'func' => 'length',
'params' => array($this -> aPollSettings['question_min_length'], $this -> aPollSettings['question_max_length']),
'error' => $aLanguageKeys['question_length_req'],
'answers' => array (
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'answers[]',
'caption' => $aLanguageKeys['answer'],
'required' => true,
'value' => array ('', ''),
'attrs' => array(
'multiplyable' => 'true',
// checker params
'checker' => array (
'func' => 'answers',
'params' => array($this -> aPollSettings['answer_min_length'], $this -> aPollSettings['answer_max_length']),
'error' => $aLanguageKeys['answer_length_req'],
'db' => array (
'pass' => 'Anwers',
'tags' => array (
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'tags',
'caption' => $aLanguageKeys['tags'],
'required' => false,
'info' => $aLanguageKeys['tags_sep'],
'allow_view_to' => $this -> oPrivacy -> getGroupChooser($this -> aPollSettings['member_id']
, $this -> aModuleInfo['uri'], 'view', array(), _t('_bx_poll_allow_view') ),
'allow_comments_to' => $this -> oPrivacy -> getGroupChooser($this -> aPollSettings['member_id']
, $this -> aModuleInfo['uri'], 'comment', array(), _t('_bx_poll_allow_comment') ),
'allow_vote_to' => $this -> oPrivacy -> getGroupChooser($this -> aPollSettings['member_id']
, $this -> aModuleInfo['uri'], 'vote', array(), _t('_bx_poll_allow_vote') ),
// generate categories;
$oCategories = new BxDolCategories();
$oCategories -> getTagObjectConfig();
$aForm['inputs']['category'] = $oCategories -> getGroupChooser ('bx_poll', $this -> aPollSettings['member_id'], true);
// add submit button;
$aForm['inputs'][] = array (
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'do_submit',
'value' => $aLanguageKeys['generate'],
$oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm);
$oForm -> initChecker();
// create new poll
if ( $oForm -> isSubmittedAndValid() ) {
$this -> proccesData();
$sOutputCode .= $this -> sActionAnswer;
else {
$sOutputCode .= $oForm -> getCode();
return $sOutputCode;
* Function will generate custom Button;
function getCustomActionButton()
$iProfileId = getLoggedId();
if( $iProfileId && isMember() ) {
$aOpt = array('only_menu' => 1, 'BaseUri' => $this -> _oConfig -> getBaseUri());
$GLOBALS['oTopMenu'] -> setCustomSubActions($aOpt, 'bx_poll');
* Function will generate the edit poll's form ;
* @return : (text) - Html presentation data ;
function getEditForm()
if($this -> aPollSettings['edit_poll_id']) {
$aPollInfo = $this -> _oDb -> getPollInfo($this -> aPollSettings['edit_poll_id']);
$aPollInfo = array_shift($aPollInfo);
// check poll's permission;
if ($this -> aPollSettings['admin_mode']
|| $aPollInfo['id_profile'] == $this -> aPollSettings['member_id'] ) {
$aLanguageKeys = array
'question' => _t('_bx_poll_question'),
'answer' => _t('_bx_poll_answer'),
'edit' => _t('_bx_poll_edit'),
'close' => _t('_bx_poll_close'),
'active' => _t('_bx_poll_active'),
'approve' => _t('_bx_poll_approve'),
'tags' => _t('_bx_poll_tags'),
'tags_sep' => _t('_bx_poll_tags_separeted'),
'question_length_req' => _t('_bx_poll_question_length_required',
$this -> aPollSettings['question_min_length'], $this -> aPollSettings['question_max_length']),
'answer_length_req' => _t('_bx_poll_answer_length_required',
$this -> aPollSettings['answer_min_length'], $this -> aPollSettings['answer_max_length']),
// generate edit form;
$aForm = array (
'form_attrs' => array (
'action' => $this -> sPathToModule . '&mode=' . $this -> aPollSettings['mode'] . '&edit_poll_id=' . $this -> aPollSettings['edit_poll_id'],
'method' => 'post',
'name' => 'poll_edit_form'
'params' => array (
'checker_helper' => 'BxCheckerPoll',
'db' => array(
'submit_name' => 'do_submit', // some filed name with non empty value to determine if the for was submitted,
'inputs' => array (
'allow_view_to' => $this -> oPrivacy -> getGroupChooser($this -> aPollSettings['member_id']
, $this -> aModuleInfo['uri'], 'view', array(), _t('_bx_poll_allow_view') ),
'allow_comments_to' => $this -> oPrivacy -> getGroupChooser($this -> aPollSettings['member_id']
, $this -> aModuleInfo['uri'], 'comment', array(), _t('_bx_poll_allow_comment') ),
'allow_vote_to' => $this -> oPrivacy -> getGroupChooser($this -> aPollSettings['member_id']
, $this -> aModuleInfo['uri'], 'vote', array(), _t('_bx_poll_allow_vote') ),
'question' => array (
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'question',
'caption' => $aLanguageKeys['question'],
'required' => true,
'value' => $aPollInfo['poll_question'],
// checker params
'checker' => array (
'func' => 'length',
'params' => array($this -> aPollSettings['question_min_length'], $this -> aPollSettings['question_max_length']),
'error' => $aLanguageKeys['question_length_req'],
// generate answers list ;
$aAnswers = explode('<delim>', $aPollInfo['poll_answers']);
$iIndex = 0;
foreach($aAnswers as $iKey => $sValue)
if ($sValue) {
$aForm['inputs'][] = array(
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'answers_' . $iIndex,
'caption' => $aLanguageKeys['answer'] . ' ' . $iIndex,
'required' => true,
'value' => $sValue,
// checker params
'checker' => array (
'func' => 'length',
'params' => array($this -> aPollSettings['answer_min_length'], $this -> aPollSettings['answer_max_length']),
'error' => $aLanguageKeys['answer_length_req'],
// generate tags el;
$aForm['inputs'][] = array (
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'tags',
'caption' => $aLanguageKeys['tags'],
'required' => false,
'info' => $aLanguageKeys['tags_sep'],
'value' => $aPollInfo['poll_tags'],
// add status checkbox;
$aForm['inputs'][] = array (
'type' => 'checkbox',
'name' => 'active',
'caption' => $aLanguageKeys['active'],
'attrs' => array(
'checked' => ($aPollInfo['poll_status']) ? 'checked' : null,
// add approve checkbox;
if ( isAdmin() ) {
$aForm['inputs'][] = array (
'type' => 'checkbox',
'name' => 'approve',
'caption' => $aLanguageKeys['approve'],
'attrs' => array(
'checked' => ($aPollInfo['poll_approval']) ? 'checked' : null,
// generate categories;
$oCategories = new BxDolCategories();
$oCategories -> getTagObjectConfig();
$aCurrentCategories = explode(CATEGORIES_DIVIDER, $aPollInfo['poll_categories']);
$aForm['inputs']['category'] = $oCategories -> getGroupChooser ('bx_poll', $this -> aPollSettings['member_id']
, true, $aPollInfo['poll_categories']);
$aForm['inputs']['category']['value'] = $aCurrentCategories;
// add submit button;
$aForm['inputs'][] = array (
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'do_submit',
'value' => $aLanguageKeys['edit'],
$aForm['inputs']['allow_view_to']['value'] = (string) $aPollInfo['allow_view_to'];
$aForm['inputs']['allow_comments_to']['value'] = (string) $aPollInfo['allow_comment_to'];
$aForm['inputs']['allow_vote_to']['value'] = (string) $aPollInfo['allow_vote_to'];
$oForm = &new BxTemplFormView($aForm);
$oForm -> initChecker();
// create new poll
if ( $oForm -> isSubmittedAndValid() ) {
$this -> proccesData();
$sOutputCode = MsgBox( _t('_bx_poll_was_edited') );
else {
$sOutputCode = $oForm -> getCode();
return $sOutputCode;
* Function will generate the poll's vote results list ;
* @param : $iPollID (integer) - poll's Id ;
function actionResultsList($iPollID)
// ** init some needed variables ;
$aPoints = array();
$aNames = array();
// get information about received pool ;
$aPoll = $this -> _oDb -> getPollInfo( (int) $iPollID );
$aAnswersResult = explode(';', $aPoll[0]['poll_results'] );
$aAnswersNames = explode('<delim>', $aPoll[0]['poll_answers'] );
$iTotalVotes = $aPoll[0]['poll_total_votes'];
foreach ($aAnswersResult as $value)
if ( $value ) {
$aPoints[] = array
'point' => round( (0 != $iTotalVotes ? (( $value / $iTotalVotes ) * 100) : 0), 1),
'number' => htmlspecialchars ( $value ),
else if ( $value != '' ) {
$aPoints[] = array
'point' => 0,
'number' => 0,
foreach ($aAnswersNames as $value)
if ( $value ) {
$aNames[] = array
'name' => htmlspecialchars ( $value ),
// return the generated poll's results list ;
header('Content-Type: application/xml');
$aTemplateKeys = array
'bx_repeat:points' => $aPoints,
'bx_repeat:names' => $aNames,
$this -> _oTemplate -> _bCacheEnable = false;
echo $this -> _oTemplate -> parseHtmlByName( $this -> aUsedTemplates['poll_results_list'], $aTemplateKeys );
* Function will generate list with questions ;
* @param : $iPollID (integer) - poll's Id ;
* @return : - (xml) - xml data ;
function actionGetQuestions($iPollID)
// ** init some needed variables ;
// contain processed answer list ;
$aQuestionsList = array();
// get information about received pool ;
$aPoll = $this -> _oDb -> getPollInfo( (int) $iPollID );
// processing received answer list ;
if ($aPoll) {
$aQuestions = explode( '<delim>', $aPoll[0]['poll_answers']);
foreach ($aQuestions as $sValue)
if ($sValue) {
$aQuestionsList[] = array
'answer' => htmlspecialchars($sValue),
else {
$aQuestionsList[] = array
'answer' => _t( '_Empty' ),
// prepare to output ;
$aTemplateKeys = array
'question' => ( isset($aPoll[0]['poll_question']) )
? htmlspecialchars( $aPoll[0]['poll_question'] )
: null,
'bx_repeat:answer_list' => $aQuestionsList,
header('Content-Type: application/xml');
$this -> _oTemplate -> _bCacheEnable = false;
echo $this -> _oTemplate -> parseHtmlByName( $this -> aUsedTemplates['poll_questions_list'], $aTemplateKeys );
* Function will receive and save the poll's vote result ;
* @param : $iPollID (integer) - poll's Id ;
* @param : $iVoteNumber (integer) - poll's vote number ;
function actionSetAnswer($iPollID, $iVoteNumber)
if ( (int) $iVoteNumber >= 0 )
// get information about received pool ;
$aPoll = $this -> _oDb -> getPollInfo( (int) $iPollID );
// explode all votes results ;
$aVotes = explode( ';', $aPoll[0]['poll_results'] );
$iPoll_total_votes = array_sum($aVotes);
$sVotes = implode(';', $aVotes);
if ( !isset($_COOKIE['profile_polls_question_' . $iPollID]) ) {
if ( $this -> _oDb -> setVotes( (int) $iPollID, $sVotes, $iPoll_total_votes) )
// if vote was created ;
setcookie( 'profile_polls_question_' . $iPollID, 1 , 0, '/' );
// create system event
$oZ = new BxDolAlerts('bx_poll', 'answered', $aPoll[0]['id_profile'], $this -> aPollSettings['member_id'], array('poll_id' => $iPollID, 'vote' => $iVoteNumber));
// return the poll's votes result ;
echo $this -> actionResultsList( $iPollID );
* Share poll
* @param $iEntryId integer
* @return void
function actionSharePopup ($iEntryId = 0) {
$iEntryId = (int)$iEntryId;
if ( !($aDataEntry = $this -> _oDb -> getPollInfo($iEntryId)) ) {
echo MsgBox(_t('_Empty'));
$aDataEntry = array_shift($aDataEntry);
require_once (BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . "");
$sEntryUrl = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this -> _oConfig -> getBaseUri()
. '&action=show_poll_info&id=' . $aDataEntry['id_poll'];
$aSitesPrepare = getSitesArray ($sEntryUrl);
$sIconsUrl = getTemplateIcon('digg.png');
$sIconsUrl = str_replace('digg.png', '', $sIconsUrl);
$aSites = array ();
foreach ($aSitesPrepare as $k => $r) {
$aSites[] = array (
'icon' => $sIconsUrl . $r['icon'],
'name' => $k,
'url' => $r['url'],
$aVarsContent = array (
'bx_repeat:sites' => $aSites,
$aVarsPopup = array (
'title' => _t('_Share'),
'content' => $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('popup_share.html', $aVarsContent),
echo $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->transBox($this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('popup.html', $aVarsPopup), true);
* Function will delete poll;
* @param : $iPollID (integer) - poll's Id ;
function actionDeletePoll($iPollId)
// ** init some needed variables;
settype($iPollId, "integer");
$sAnswer = null;
$iMemberId = getLoggedId();
$iAdminMode = $GLOBALS['logged']['admin'] ? 1 : 0;
// get information about received pool ;
$aPoll = $this -> _oDb -> getPollInfo($iPollId);
if ( $iAdminMode or
($iMemberId and $aPoll[0]['id_profile'] == $iMemberId) ) {
$this -> _oDb -> deletePoll( $iPollId);
$sAnswer = 'ok';
$oTag = new BxDolTags();
$oTag -> reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iPollId);
$oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
$oCateg->reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iPollId);
// create system event
$oZ = new BxDolAlerts('bx_poll', 'delete_poll', $iPollId);
else {
// error occured ;
$sAnswer = _t( '_Error Occured' );
$aTemplateKeys = array
'answer' => $sAnswer,
header('Content-Type: application/xml');
$this -> _oTemplate -> _bCacheEnable = false;
echo $this -> _oTemplate -> parseHtmlByName( $this -> aUsedTemplates['server_answer'], $aTemplateKeys );
* Function will return generated poll's block ;
* @param : $iPollId (integer) - poll's block id;
* @param : $bViewMode (boolean) - view mode (need for single poll block);
* @return : Html presentation data ;
function actionGetPollBlock($iPollId, $bViewMode = false)
$aPollInfo = $this -> _oDb -> getPollInfo( (int) $iPollId );
$aPoll = array (
'id_poll' => $aPollInfo[0]['id_poll'],
'id_profile' => $aPollInfo[0]['id_profile'],
'poll_date' => $aPollInfo[0]['poll_date'],
'poll_approval' => $aPollInfo[0]['poll_approval'],
echo $this -> getPollBlock($aPoll, true, $bViewMode) ;
* Function will generate page with nedded polls by date;
function actionViewCalendar($iYear = 0, $iMonth = 0, $iDay = 0)
global $_page;
global $_page_cont;
$sCaption = _t('_bx_poll_browse_by_day')
. ': ' . getLocaleDate( strtotime("{$iYear}-{$iMonth}-{$iDay}"), BX_DOL_LOCALE_DATE_SHORT);
$iIndex = 57;
$_page['name_index'] = $iIndex;
$_page['css_name'] = 'main.css';
$_page['header'] = $sCaption ;
$_page['header_text'] = $sCaption ;
$sSearchResult = $this -> searchByDate($sCaption, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay);
$_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = $sSearchResult;
PageCode($this -> _oTemplate);
function actionCalendar($iYear = null, $iMonth = null )
global $_page;
$sPageCaption = _t('_bx_poll_calendar');
$_page['header'] = $sPageCaption ;
$_page['header_text'] = $sPageCaption ;
$this -> getCustomActionButton();
$oCalendar = new BxPollCalendar($iYear, $iMonth, $this->_oDb, $this->_oTemplate, $this->_oConfig);
$sCode = $oCalendar->display();
$this->_oTemplate->pageCode($this->aPageTmpl, array('page_main_code' => $sCode));
function actionCategories()
$this -> getCustomActionButton();
$aParam = array(
'type' => 'bx_poll'
$oCateg = new BxTemplCategoriesModule($aParam, '', BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'categories');
$sCode = $oCateg->getCode();
$this -> _oTemplate -> defaultPage( _t('_bx_poll_categories'), $sCode);
* Function will generate tag's search result;
* @param : ($sTag) - tag
* @return : (text) - Html presentation data;
function actionTag($sTag = '')
$sProccessed = uri2title($sTag);
$sExtraParam = 'tag/' . urlencode($sTag);
$this -> _oTemplate -> addCss('main.css');
echo $this -> _oTemplate -> defaultPage( _t('_bx_poll_view_tag')
, $this -> searchTags($sProccessed, $sExtraParam ) );
* Function will generate page with all poll's tags list
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function actionTags()
$this -> getCustomActionButton();
$aParam = array(
'type' => 'bx_poll',
'pagination' => ( isset($_GET['per_page']) )
? (int) $_GET['per_page']
: getParam('tags_perpage_browse'),
$oTags = new BxTemplTagsModule($aParam, '', BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'tags');
$sCode = $oTags->getCode();
$this -> _oTemplate -> defaultPage( _t('_bx_poll_tags'), $sCode);
function getAdminForm()
$oNewSearchresult = &new BxTemplSearchResult();
$aPolls = array();
$aPollsList = array();
$iPage = ( isset($_GET['page']) )
? (int) $_GET['page']
: 1;
$iPerPage = ( isset($_GET['per_page']) )
? (int) $_GET['per_page']
: 6;
if ( $iPerPage > 100 ) {
$iPerPage = 100;
if ($iPerPage <= 0 ) {
$iPerPage = 6;
if ( !$iPage ) {
$iPage = 1;
// proccessed all post datas ;
if ( isset($_POST['poll']) and is_array($_POST['poll']) ) {
foreach($_POST['poll'] as $iKey => $iValue )
$iValue = (int) $iValue;
// set as approved;
if( isset($_POST['approve']) ) {
$this -> _oDb -> setStatus($iValue, 1);
else if( isset($_POST['disapprove']) ) {
$this -> _oDb -> setStatus($iValue, 0);
else if( isset($_POST['delete'])) {
$this -> _oDb -> deletePoll($iValue);
else if( isset($_POST['featured'])) {
$this -> _oDb -> setFeatured($iValue, 1);
else if( isset($_POST['unfeatured'])) {
$this -> _oDb -> setFeatured($iValue, 0);
$oTag = new BxDolTags();
$oTag -> reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iValue);
$oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
$oCateg->reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iValue);
$aLanguageKeys = array
'premoderation' => _t('_bx_poll_moderation'),
'select_all' => _t('_bx_poll_select_all'),
'approve' => _t('_bx_poll_approve'),
'disapprove' => _t('_bx_poll_disapprove'),
'delete' => _t('_bx_poll_delete'),
'sure' => _t('_Are you sure?'),
'featured' => _t('_bx_poll_featured'),
'unfeatured' => _t('_bx_poll_unfeatured'),
'poll_info' => _t('_bx_poll_info'),
'poll_status' => _t('_bx_poll_status'),
'poll_approved' => _t('_bx_poll_approved'),
'poll_unapproved' => _t('_bx_poll_unapproved'),
'is_featured' => _t('_bx_poll_is_featured'),
'edit' => _t('_bx_poll_edit'),
// get only the member's polls ;
$iTotalNum = $this -> _oDb -> getPollsCount(0, true);
if ( !$iTotalNum ) {
$sOutputHtml = MsgBox( _t( '_Empty' ) );
$sLimitFrom = ( $iPage - 1 ) * $iPerPage;
$sqlLimit = "LIMIT {$sLimitFrom}, {$iPerPage}";
$aPolls = $this -> _oDb -> getAllPolls($sqlLimit, 0, true);
$iIndex = 0;
foreach($aPolls as $iKey => $aItems)
$aPollsList[] = array
// define the poll's status ;
'poll_status' => ( $aItems['poll_approval'] )
? 'admin_poll_approved'
: 'admin_poll_not_approved',
'poll_uid' => $aItems['id_poll'],
'site_url' => $GLOBALS['site']['url'],
'profile_id' => $aItems['id_profile'],
'poll_info_c' => $aLanguageKeys['poll_info'],
'poll_status_c' => $aLanguageKeys['poll_status'],
'appr_status' => ($aItems['poll_approval']) ? $aLanguageKeys['poll_approved'] : $aLanguageKeys['poll_unapproved'],
'is_featured' => $aLanguageKeys['is_featured'],
'featured_status' => ($aItems['poll_featured']) ? '<b>' . $aLanguageKeys['featured'] . '</b>' : $aLanguageKeys['unfeatured'],
'edit_poll' => $aLanguageKeys['edit'],
'edit_src' => $this -> sPathToModule . '&action=my&mode=edit_poll&edit_poll_id=' . $aItems['id_poll'],
'poll' => $this -> getPollBlock($aItems),
'clear' => $iIndex % 2 ? '<div class="clear_both">&nbsp;</div>' : '',
// generate init page ;
$sInitPart = $this -> getInitPollPage();
// generate page pagination ;
$sRequest = $this -> sPathToModule . 'administration&amp;page={page}&amp;per_page={per_page}';
$oPaginate = new BxDolPaginate
'page_url' => $sRequest,
'count' => $iTotalNum,
'per_page' => $iPerPage,
'sorting' => null,
'page' => $iPage,
'per_page_changer' => true,
'page_reloader' => true,
'on_change_page' => null,
'on_change_per_page' => null,
$sPagination = $oPaginate -> getPaginate();
// generate needed buttons;
$aButtons = array(
'approve' => $aLanguageKeys['approve'],
'disapprove' => $aLanguageKeys['disapprove'],
'featured' => $aLanguageKeys['featured'],
'unfeatured' => $aLanguageKeys['unfeatured'],
'delete' => array(
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'delete',
'value' => $aLanguageKeys['delete'],
'onclick' => 'onclick="return confirm(\'' . $aLanguageKeys['sure'] . '\')"',
$sButtons = $oNewSearchresult -> showAdminActionsPanel('poll_form', $aButtons, 'poll');
if (isset($GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate'])) {
$GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->addDynamicLocation($this->_oConfig->getHomePath(), $this->_oConfig->getHomeUrl());
$GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate'] -> addCss('main.css');
// generate template ;
$aTemplateKeys = array
'action' => $this -> sPathToModule . 'administration&amp;page=' .
$iPage . '&amp;per_page=' . $iPerPage,
'init_js' => $sInitPart,
'js_file' => $this -> _oTemplate -> addJs( 'profile_poll.js', true ),
'bx_repeat:polls' => $aPollsList,
'pagination' => $sPagination,
'admin_panel' => $sButtons,
$sOutputHtml .= $this -> _oTemplate -> parseHtmlByName( $this -> aUsedTemplates['poll_premoderation'], $aTemplateKeys );
$sOutputHtml =
<div id="pol_container">
' . $sOutputHtml . '
return $sOutputHtml;
* Function will generate the poll's admin page ;
* @return : (text) - Html presentation data ;
function actionAdministration()
$GLOBALS['iAdminPage'] = 1;
if( !isAdmin() ) {
header('location: ' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT);
$aLanguageKeys = array(
'premoderation' => _t('_bx_poll_tags_premoderation'),
$aMenu = array(
'bx_poll_main' => array('title' => _t('_bx_poll_main'), 'href' => $this -> sPathToModule . 'administration&action=main'),
'bx_poll_settings' => array('title' => _t('_bx_poll_settings'), 'href' => $this -> sPathToModule . 'administration&action=settings'),
$sAction = ( isset($_GET['action']) ) ? $_GET['action'] : null;
switch ($sAction) {
case 'main':
$aMenu['bx_poll_main']['active'] = 1;
$sContent = $this -> getAdminForm();
case 'settings':
$aMenu['bx_poll_settings']['active'] = 1;
$sContent = $this -> getSettingsForm();
$aMenu['bx_poll_main']['active'] = 1;
$sContent = $this -> getAdminForm();
$this -> _oTemplate-> pageCodeAdminStart();
echo $this -> _oTemplate -> adminBlock ($sContent, $aLanguageKeys['premoderation'], $aMenu);
$this -> _oTemplate->pageCodeAdmin( _t('_bx_poll_module') );
* Function will generate global settings form ;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function getSettingsForm()
$iId = $this-> _oDb -> getSettingsCategory('enable_poll');
if(!$iId) {
return MsgBox( _t('_Empty') );
$mixedResult = '';
if(isset($_POST['save']) && isset($_POST['cat'])) {
$oSettings = new BxDolAdminSettings($iId);
$mixedResult = $oSettings -> saveChanges($_POST);
$oSettings = new BxDolAdminSettings($iId);
$sResult = $oSettings->getForm();
if($mixedResult !== true && !empty($mixedResult))
$sResult = $mixedResult . $sResult;
return $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']
-> parseHtmlByName( 'design_box_content.html', array('content' => $sResult) );
* Function will search poll used the recived tag;
* @param : $sTag (string) - tag text;
* @param : $sExtraParam (string) - extra URI params;
* @param : $bUseInitPart (boolean) - if isset this param, function will add poll's js part;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function searchTags($sTag, $sExtraParam = '', $bUseInitPart = true)
$sOutputCode = '';
//concat init part;
if($bUseInitPart) {
$sOutputCode = $this -> getInitPollPage();
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['tag']['value'] = $sTag;
!$sExtraParam ? $sExtraParam = '&tag=' . urlencode( title2uri($sTag) ) : '';
$sOutputCode .= $this
-> showSearchResult( _t('_bx_poll_browse_tag') . ': ' . stripslashes($sTag), $sExtraParam );
return $sOutputCode;
* Function will search poll used the recived category name;
* @param : $sCategory (string) - poll's category;
* @param : $sExtraParam (string) - extra URI params;
* @param : $bUseInitPart (boolean) - if isset this param, function will add poll's js part;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function searchCategories($sCategory, $sExtraParam = null, $bUseInitPart = true)
$sOutputCode = null;
//concat init part;
if($bUseInitPart) {
$sOutputCode = $this -> getInitPollPage();
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['category']['value'] = $sCategory;
$sExtraParam .= '&category=' . urlencode( title2uri($sCategory) );
$sOutputCode .= $this -> showSearchResult( _t('_bx_poll_browse_category')
. ': ' . stripslashes($sCategory), $sExtraParam );
return $sOutputCode;
* Function will search featured polls;
* @param : $bUseInitPart (boolean) - if isset this param, function will add poll's js part;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function searchFeatured($bUseInitPart = true, $iLimit = 0)
$sOutputCode = null;
//concat init part;
if($bUseInitPart) {
$sOutputCode = $this -> getInitPollPage();
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['featured']['value'] = '1';
$sOutputCode .= $this -> showSearchResult( _t('_bx_poll_featured') );
return $sOutputCode;
* Function will search featured polls;
* @param : $bUseInitPart (boolean) - if isset this param, function will add poll's js part;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function searchFeaturedHome($bUseInitPart = true)
$sOutputCode = null;
//concat init part;
if($bUseInitPart) {
$sOutputCode = $this -> getInitPollPage();
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['featured']['value'] = '1';
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = 1;
$sOutputCode .= $this -> showSearchResult( _t('_bx_poll_featured'), null, 0, false, 1);
return $sOutputCode;
* Function will search featured polls;
* @param : $bUseInitPart (boolean) - if isset this param, function will add poll's js part;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function searchPopular($bUseInitPart = true)
$sOutputCode = null;
//concat init part;
if($bUseInitPart) {
$sOutputCode = $this -> getInitPollPage();
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['sorting'] = 'popular';
$sOutputCode .= $this -> showSearchResult( _t('_bx_poll_popular') );
return $sOutputCode;
* Function will all profile's polls;
* @param : $bUseInitPart (boolean) - if isset this param, function will add poll's js part;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function searchMy($bUseInitPart = true)
$sOutputCode = null;
$sMemberPanel = $this -> genMemberAdministration();
//concat init part;
if($bUseInitPart) {
$sOutputCode = $this -> getInitPollPage();
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['my']['value'] = $this -> aPollSettings['member_id'];
if($this -> aPollSettings['mode'] != 'manage'
&& $this -> aPollSettings['mode'] != 'pending') {
$sOutputCode .= $this -> showSearchResult( _t('_bx_poll_my') );
return $sMemberPanel . $sOutputCode;
* Function will search all polls;
* @param : $iLimit (integer) - limit of returning polls;
* @param : $iPerLine (integer) - number elements for per line;
* @param : $bUseInitPart (boolean) - if isset this param, function will add poll's js part;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function searchAll($iLimit = 0, $iPerLine = 0, $bUseInitPart = true, $sCaption = null, $bShowEmptyMsg = true)
$sOutputCode = null;
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['unfeatured']['value'] = 0;
//concat init part;
if($bUseInitPart) {
$sOutputCode = $this -> getInitPollPage();
$sPageCaption = $sCaption ? _t($sCaption) : _t('_bx_poll_latest');
$sOutputCode .= $this -> showSearchResult( $sPageCaption
, null, ($iLimit) ? $iLimit : 0, ($iLimit) ? false : true, $iPerLine, true, $bShowEmptyMsg);
return $sOutputCode;
* Function will search all polls;
* @param : $iProfileId (integer) - profile's id;
* @param : $bUseInitPart (boolean) - if isset this param, function will add poll's js part;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function searchProfilePolls($iProfileId, $iLimit = 6, $bUseInitPart = true, $bShowEmptyMsg = true)
$sOutputCode = null;
//concat init part;
if($bUseInitPart) {
$sOutputCode = $this -> getInitPollPage();
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['my']['value'] = $iProfileId;
$sOutputCode .= $this -> showSearchResult( _t('_bx_polls_profile'), null, $iLimit, false, 1, true, $bShowEmptyMsg );
return $sOutputCode;
* Function will search all profile's polls;
* @param : $iProfileId (integer) - profile's Id;
* @param : $iLimit (integer) - limit of returning polls;
* @param : $iPerLine (integer) - number elements for per line;
* @param : $bUseInitPart (boolean) - if isset this param, function will add poll's js part;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function searchAllProfilePolls($iProfileId, $iLimit = 0, $iPerLine = 0, $bUseInitPart = true)
$sOutputCode = null;
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['my']['value'] = $iProfileId;
//concat init part;
if($bUseInitPart) {
$sOutputCode = $this -> getInitPollPage();
$sNickName = isset($_GET['nickname']) ? $_GET['nickname'] : null;
$sExtraParam = '&nickname=' . $sNickName;
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['sorting'] = 'popular';
$sOutputCode .= $this -> showSearchResult( _t('_bx_poll_popular'), $sExtraParam );
return $sOutputCode;
* Function will search all polls by date;
* @param $sCaption string
* @param : $iYear (integer) - nedded year;
* @param : $iMonth (integer) - nedded month;
* @param : $iDay (integer) - nedded day;
* @param : $bUseInitPart (boolean) - if isset this param, function will add poll's js part;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function searchByDate($sCaption, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay, $bUseInitPart = true)
$sOutputCode = null;
//concat init part;
if($bUseInitPart) {
$sOutputCode = $this -> getInitPollPage();
$oCalendar = new BxPollCalendar($iYear, $iMonth, $this->_oDb, $this->_oTemplate, $this->_oConfig);
$iYear = (int) $iYear;
$iMonth = (int) $iMonth;
$iDay = (int) $iDay;
$iNextDay = $iDay + 1;
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['calendar-min']['value'] = "UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{$iYear}-{$iMonth}-{$iDay}')";
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['calendar-max']['value'] = "UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{$iYear}-{$iMonth}-{$iNextDay}')-1";
$sExtraParam = $oCalendar -> sActionViewResult . "{$iYear}/{$iMonth}/{$iDay}";
$sOutputCode .= $this -> showSearchResult( $sCaption, $sExtraParam );
return $sOutputCode;
* Function will draw the search result;
* @param : $sBlockCaption (string) - block's caption;
* @param : $iPerPage (integer) - per page value;
* @param : $bShowPagination (boolean) - if isset this parameter, that function will generate pagination block;
* @param : $iPerLine (integer) - number of elements for per line;
* @param : $bUseDesignBox (boolean) - if isset this parameter that rsult will return into design box;
* @return : (text) Html presentation data;
function showSearchResult($sBlockCaption, $sExtraParam = null, $iPerPage = 6, $bShowPagination = true, $iPerLine = 0, $bUseDesignBox = true, $bShowEmptyMsg = true)
$sOutputCode = null;
if(!$iPerPage) {
$iPerPage = 6;
if(!$iPerLine) {
$iPerLine = $this -> iPollsForPerLine;
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = $iPerPage;
if(!$bShowPagination) {
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['paginate']['page'] = 1;
$aPolls = $this -> oSearch -> getSearchData();
//process recived data;
if( $aPolls && is_array($aPolls) ) {
$sOutputCode = $this -> genPollsColumns($aPolls, $iPerLine);
// show pagination block;
if($bShowPagination) {
$sOutputCode .= $this -> oSearch -> showPagination($this -> sPathToModule . $sExtraParam);
else {
$sOutputCode = $bShowEmptyMsg ? MsgBox( _t('_Empty') ) : '';
return ($bUseDesignBox && $sOutputCode) ? DesignBoxContent($sBlockCaption, $sOutputCode, 1) : $sOutputCode;
* Function will create new poll ;
* @param : $sPollQuestion (string) - poll's qiestion ;
* @param : $sPollAnswers (string) - poll's answers list ;
* @param : $sPollResults (string) - poll's vote result list ;
* @param : $sTags (string) - poll's tags;
* @param : $iCommentGroupValue (integer) - poll's comment privacy group value;
* @param : $iVoteGroupValue (integer) - poll's vote privacy group value;
* @param : $iViewGroupValue (integer) - poll's view privacy group value;
* @return : (integer) - number of affected rows ;
function createPoll($sPollQuestion, $sPollAnswers, $sPollResults, $sTags, $iCommentGroupValue, $iVoteGroupValue, $sCategory, $iViewGroupValue)
// check membership;
if(!$this -> isPollCreateAlowed($this -> aPollSettings['member_id'], true) ) {
// ** init some needed variables ;
$aPoolInfo = array();
if ( !$sPollQuestion or !$sPollAnswers ) {
$this -> sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_EMPTY_FIELDS);
else {
$aPoolInfo = array
'owner_id' => $this -> aPollSettings['member_id'],
'question' => $sPollQuestion,
'answers' => $sPollAnswers,
'results' => $sPollResults,
'tags' => $sTags,
'allow_comment' => $iCommentGroupValue,
'allow_vote' => $iVoteGroupValue,
'category' => $sCategory,
'allow_view' => $iViewGroupValue
$iResponse = $this -> _oDb -> createPoll($aPoolInfo, $this -> aPollSettings['admin_mode']);
$iLastPoll = $this -> _oDb -> lastId();
// define the action number ;
switch($iResponse) {
case '0':
$this -> sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_NOT_ALLOW);
case '1' :
$this -> sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_CREATED);
// create system event
$oZ = new BxDolAlerts('bx_poll', 'add', $iLastPoll);
$oTag = new BxDolTags();
$oTag -> reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iLastPoll);
$oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
$oCateg->reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iLastPoll);
case '2' :
$this -> sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_MAX_REACHED);
// Added 7-26-2012: Autocreate Poll for LiveStreamModule
function autocreatePoll($sPollQuestion, $sPollAnswers,/* $sPollResults, $sTags, */ $iCommentGroupValue, $iVoteGroupValue, $sCategory, $iViewGroupValue)
// Predefined function arguments
$sPollQuestion = 'How would you rate this?';
$sPollAnswers = array (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
// $sPollResults
// $sTags
$iCommentGroupValue = 3;
$iVoteGroupValue = 3;
$sCategory = 'Broadcasts';
$iViewGroupValue = 3;
// check membership;
if(!$this -> isPollCreateAlowed($this -> aPollSettings['member_id'], true) ) {
// ** init some needed variables ;
$aPoolInfo = array();
if ( !$sPollQuestion or !$sPollAnswers ) {
$this -> sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_EMPTY_FIELDS);
else {
$aPoolInfo = array
'owner_id' => $this -> aPollSettings['member_id'],
'question' => $sPollQuestion,
'answers' => $sPollAnswers,
'results' => $sPollResults,
'tags' => $sTags,
'allow_comment' => $iCommentGroupValue,
'allow_vote' => $iVoteGroupValue,
'category' => $sCategory,
'allow_view' => $iViewGroupValue
$iResponse = $this -> _oDb -> createPoll($aPoolInfo, $this -> aPollSettings['admin_mode']);
$iLastPoll = $this -> _oDb -> lastId();
// define the action number ;
switch($iResponse) {
case '0':
$this -> sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_NOT_ALLOW);
case '1' :
$this -> sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_CREATED);
// create system event
$oZ = new BxDolAlerts('bx_poll', 'add', $iLastPoll);
$oTag = new BxDolTags();
$oTag -> reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iLastPoll);
$oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
$oCateg->reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iLastPoll);
case '2' :
$this -> sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_MAX_REACHED);
// Added 7-26-2012: Autocreate Poll for LiveStreamModule
* Function will edit poll's information ;
* @param : $iPollId (integer) - poll's Id ;
* @param : $sPollQuestion (string) - poll's qiestion ;
* @param : $sPollAnswers (string) - poll's answers list ;
* @param : $bActive (boolean) - is active or not ;
* @param : $bApprove (boolean) - approve or not ;
* @return : (integer) - number of affected rows ;
function editPoll($iPollId, $sPollQuestion, $sPollAnswers, $sCategory, $bActive = true, $bApprove = false, $sTags = null, $iCommentGroupValue = 3, $iVoteGroupValue = 3, $iViewGroupValue = 3)
if ( !$sPollQuestion or !$sPollAnswers ) {
$this -> sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_EMPTY_FIELDS);
else {
// check poll's owner Id;
$aPoolInfo = $this -> _oDb -> getPollInfo( $iPollId );
if ( $this -> aPollSettings['admin_mode']
or ( $this -> aPollSettings['member_id']
and $aPoolInfo[0]['id_profile'] == $this -> aPollSettings['member_id']) ) {
$aPoolInfo = array
'question' => $sPollQuestion,
'answers' => $sPollAnswers,
'status' => ( $bActive ) ? 'active' : null,
'Id' => $iPollId,
'tags' => $sTags,
'allow_comment' => $iCommentGroupValue,
'allow_vote' => $iVoteGroupValue,
'category' => $sCategory,
'allow_view' => $iViewGroupValue,
if ( $this -> aPollSettings['admin_mode'] ) {
$aPoolInfo['approve'] = ( $bApprove ) ? true : false;
$this -> _oDb -> editPoll($aPoolInfo);
$this -> sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_EDITED);
// create system event
$oZ = new BxDolAlerts('bx_poll', 'edit', $iPollId);
// reparse poll's tags;
$oTag = new BxDolTags();
$oTag -> reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iPollId);
$oCateg = new BxDolCategories();
$oCateg->reparseObjTags('bx_poll', $iPollId);
else {
$this -> sActionAnswer = MsgBox(POLL_NOT_ALLOW);
* Function will generate polls list ;
* @param : $sAction (string) - action name ;
* @param : $iProfileId (integer) - profile's Id;
* @return : (text) - Html presentation data ;
function serviceGetPolls($sAction, $iProfileId = 0)
// concat css file;
$this -> _oTemplate -> addCss('main.css');
switch($sAction) {
// for profile's page;
case 'get_profile_polls' :
if($iProfileId) {
$iRowsLimit = $this -> _oConfig -> iProfilePagePollsCount;
$sOutputCode = $this -> searchProfilePolls($iProfileId, $iRowsLimit, true, false);
// for index page;
case 'get_polls' :
$this -> oSearch -> aCurrent['restriction']['allow_view']['value'] = BX_DOL_PG_ALL;
$iRowsLimit = $this ->_oConfig -> iIndexPagePollsCount;
$sOutputCode = $this -> searchAll($iRowsLimit, 1, true, '_bx_polls_public', false);
echo $sOutputCode;
function serviceGetMemberMenuLink($iMemberId)
$oMemberMenu = bx_instance('BxDolMemberMenu');
// get number of member's polls;
$iPollCount = count($this -> _oDb -> getAllPolls(null, $iMemberId));
// language keys;
$aLanguageKeys = array(
'polls' => _t( '_bx_poll' ),
// fill all necessary data;
$aLinkInfo = array(
'item_img_src' => $this -> _oTemplate -> getIconUrl ('member_menu_sub_polls.png'),
'item_img_alt' => $aLanguageKeys['polls'],
'item_link' => $this -> sPathToModule . '&action=my',
'item_onclick' => null,
'item_title' => $aLanguageKeys['polls'],
'extra_info' => $iPollCount,
return $oMemberMenu -> getGetExtraMenuLink($aLinkInfo);
* Function will check is member owner of recived poll script will return edit link;
function serviceEditActionButton($iMemberId, $iPollId)
$sEditLink = null;
$aPollInfo = $this -> _oDb -> getPollInfo( (int) $iPollId);
$aPollInfo = array_shift($aPollInfo);
if($aPollInfo['id_profile'] == $iMemberId || isAdmin() ){
$sEditLink = $this -> sPathToModule . '&action=my&mode=edit_poll&edit_poll_id=' . $iPollId;
return $sEditLink;
* Function will check is member owner of recived poll script will return edit link;
function serviceDeleteActionButton($iMemberId, $iPollId)
$sDeleteLink = null;
$aPollInfo = $this -> _oDb -> getPollInfo( (int) $iPollId);
$aPollInfo = array_shift($aPollInfo);
if($aPollInfo['id_profile'] == $iMemberId || isAdmin() ){
$sDeleteLink = $this -> sPathToModule . '&action=delete_poll&id=' . $iPollId;
return $sDeleteLink;
function serviceGetSpyData () {
return array(
'handlers' => array(
array('alert_unit' => 'bx_poll', 'alert_action' => 'add', 'module_uri' => 'poll', 'module_class' => 'Module', 'module_method' => 'get_spy_post'),
array('alert_unit' => 'bx_poll', 'alert_action' => 'answered', 'module_uri' => 'poll', 'module_class' => 'Module', 'module_method' => 'get_spy_post'),
array('alert_unit' => 'bx_poll', 'alert_action' => 'rate', 'module_uri' => 'poll', 'module_class' => 'Module', 'module_method' => 'get_spy_post'),
array('alert_unit' => 'bx_poll', 'alert_action' => 'commentPost', 'module_uri' => 'poll', 'module_class' => 'Module', 'module_method' => 'get_spy_post'),
'alerts' => array(
array('unit' => 'bx_poll', 'action' => 'add'),
array('unit' => 'bx_poll', 'action' => 'answered'),
array('unit' => 'bx_poll', 'action' => 'rate'),
array('unit' => 'bx_poll', 'action' => 'commentPost'),
* Function will get post data for spy module;
* @return : (array);
function serviceGetSpyPost($sAction, $iObjectId = 0, $iSenderId = 0, $aExtraParams = array())
$aRet = array();
switch($sAction) {
case 'add' :
// define some poll's data for rendering;
$sNickName = getNickName($iSenderId);
$sProfileLink = getProfileLink($iSenderId);
$aPollInfo = $this -> _oDb -> getPollInfo($iObjectId);
$sPollCaption = $aPollInfo[0]['poll_question'];
$sPollLink = $this -> sPathToModule . '&action=show_poll_info&id=' . $iObjectId;
$aRet = array(
'lang_key' => '_bx_poll_added',
'params' => array(
'profile_link' => $sProfileLink,
'profile_nick' => $sNickName,
'poll_url' => $sPollLink,
'poll_caption' => $sPollCaption,
'recipient_id' => 0,
case 'answered' :
$aRet = $this -> _getSpyArray($aExtraParams['poll_id'], $iSenderId, '_bx_poll_answered', 'content_activity', $iObjectId);
case 'rate' :
$aRet = $this -> _getSpyArray($iObjectId, $iSenderId, '_bx_poll_rated');
case 'commentPost' :
$aRet = $this -> _getSpyArray($iObjectId, $iSenderId, '_bx_poll_commented');
return $aRet;
* Function will get array for spy module
* @param : $iObjectId (integer) - poll's Id;
* @param : $iSenderId (integer) - alert's sender id's;
* @param : $sLangKey (string) - language key;
* @param : $sActivityType (string) - type of activity;
* @return : array;
function _getSpyArray($iObjectId, $iSenderId, $sLangKey, $sActivityType = 'content_activity', $iRecipientId = 0)
$aRet = array();
// try define the poll's owner;
$aPollInfo = array_shift( $this -> _oDb -> getPollInfo($iObjectId) );
if( isset($aPollInfo['id_profile']) ) {
$sRecipientNickName = getNickName($aPollInfo['id_profile']);
$sRecipientProfileLink = getProfileLink($aPollInfo['id_profile']);
$sSenderNickName = $iSenderId ? getNickName($iSenderId) : _t('_Guest');
$sSenderProfileLink = $iSenderId ? getProfileLink($iSenderId) : 'javascript:void(0)';
$sPollLink = $this -> sPathToModule . '&action=show_poll_info&id=' . $aPollInfo['id_poll'];
$aRet = array(
'lang_key' => $sLangKey,
'params' => array(
'recipient_p_link' => $sRecipientProfileLink,
'recipient_p_nick' => $sRecipientNickName,
'profile_nick' => $sSenderNickName,
'profile_link' => $sSenderProfileLink,
'poll_link' => $sPollLink,
'recipient_id' => ($iRecipientId) ? $iRecipientId : $aPollInfo['id_profile'],
'spy_type' => $sActivityType,
return $aRet;
* Function will generate polls columns;
* @param : $aActivePolls (array) - active polls list;
* @param : $iBlockStep (integer) - number of elements for per line;
* @return : (text) - html presentation data;
function genPollsColumns(&$aActivePolls, $iBlockStep = 3)
$sOutputCode = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">';
$iIndex = 0;
// procces all received polls ;
foreach($aActivePolls as $iKey => $aItems)
$sCollspan = null;
if($iIndex==0) {
$sOutputCode .= '<tr>';
if( !isset($aActivePolls[$iKey + 1]) && $iIndex < 3 ) {
$iIndex = $iBlockStep - $iIndex + 1;
$sCollspan = 'colspan="' . $iIndex . '"';
$sOutputCode .=
<td valign="top" ' . $sCollspan . '>
' . $this -> getPollBlock($aItems) . '
if($iIndex >= $iBlockStep) {
$sOutputCode .= '</tr>';
if($iIndex < $iBlockStep) {
$sOutputCode .= '</tr>';
$sOutputCode .= '</table>';
$sOutputCode =
<div id="pol_container">
' . $sOutputCode . '
return $sOutputCode;
* Function will check membership level for current type if users;
* @param : $iMemberId (integer) - member's Id;
* @param : $isPerformAction (boolean) - if isset this parameter that function will amplify the old action's value;
function isPollCreateAlowed($iMemberId, $isPerformAction = false)
$this -> _defineActions();
$aCheck = checkAction($iMemberId, BX_CREATE_POLLS, $isPerformAction);
function _defineActions()
defineMembershipActions( array('create polls') );
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