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Last active April 2, 2017 21:17
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Voronoi Scatterplot with zooming
height: 550

This extends Philippe Rivière's port of Nadieh Bremer's block: Step 6 - Final - Voronoi (Distance Limited Tooltip) Scatterplot by zooming and panning functionality.

------ 8X --------


This is a D3.v4 port by Philippe Rivière of Nadieh Bremer's block: Step 6 - Final - Voronoi (Distance Limited Tooltip) Scatterplot.

In addition, we use d3.voronoi.find(x,y,radius) to locate the point, instead of relying on a SVG overlay of clipped circles.

This gives:

  1. lazy computation of the Voronoi
  2. other objects are allowed capture the mouse before svg.

------ 8X --------


This scatterplot is part of the extension of my blog on Using a D3 Voronoi grid to improve a chart's interactive experience. After writing that blog Franck Lebeau came with another version which uses large circles to define the tooltip region. I thought this was a great idea! But I made this variation on his code, because I felt that the extra code used in this example (versus the previous version 4) is more in line with the rest of the code.

The tooltip now reacts when you hover over an invisible large circular region around each circle.

You can find all of the steps here

forked from Fil's block: Step 6 - d3.v4 [UNLISTED]

forked from Fil's block: Nadieh Bremer's Scatterplot with Voronoi - ported to d3.v4, and no SVG overlay

forked from anonymous's block: WIP: Voronoi Scatterplot with zooming

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
<title>Scatterplot with Voronoi</title>
<!-- D3.js -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- D3-voronoi with .find(x,y) -->
<script src="d3-voronoi.min.js"></script>
<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- Open Sans & CSS -->
<link href='//,400,300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
body {
font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: 400;
color: #525252;
text-align: center;
.axis path,
.axis line {
fill: none;
stroke: #B3B3B3;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.axis text {
font-size: 10px;
fill: #6B6B6B;
.countries {
pointer-events: none;
.guide {
pointer-events: none;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 600;
.popover {
pointer-events: none;
.legendCircle {
stroke-dasharray:2 2;
.legendLine {
stroke-width: 1;
stroke: #D1D1D1;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.legendTitle {
fill: #1A1A1A;
color: #1A1A1A;
text-anchor: middle;
font-size: 10px;
.legendText {
fill: #949494;
text-anchor: start;
font-size: 9px;
@media (min-width: 500px) {
.col-sm-3, .col-sm-9 {
float: left;
.col-sm-9 {
width: 75%;
.col-sm-3 {
width: 25%;
<div id="cont" class="container-fluid text-center">
<div class="row scatter">
<h5 style="color: #3B3B3B;">Life expectancy versus GDP per Capita</h5>
<h6 style="color: #A6A6A6;">Look ma! No SVG overlay, but zooming!</h6>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<div id="chart"></div>
<div id = "legend" class="col-sm-3" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px;">
<div class="zoomTitle" style="font-size: 12px;">ZOOM</div>
<div style="padding-bottom: 1em;">
<button id="zoom_in">+</button>
<button id="zoom_out">-</button>
<button id="zoom_init">Init</button>
<div class="legendTitle" style="font-size: 12px;">REGION</div>
<div id="legend"></div>
<script src="worldbank.js"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
//////////////////////// Set-up ////////////////////////////
//Quick fix for resizing some things for mobile-ish viewers
var mobileScreen = ($( window ).innerWidth() < 500 ? true : false);
var margin = {left: 0, top: 1, right: 0, bottom: 0},
width = Math.min($("#chart").width(), 840) - margin.left - margin.right,
height = width*2/3;
var svg ="#chart").append("svg")
.attr("width", (width + margin.left + margin.right))
.attr("height", (height + + margin.bottom));
var wrapper = svg.append("g").attr("class", "chordWrapper")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
///////////// Initialize Axes & Scales ///////////////
var opacityCircles = 0.7,
maxDistanceFromPoint = 50;
//Set the color for each region
var color = d3.scaleOrdinal()
.range(["#EFB605", "#E58903", "#E01A25", "#C20049", "#991C71", "#66489F", "#2074A0", "#10A66E", "#7EB852"])
.domain(["Africa | North & East", "Africa | South & West", "America | North & Central", "America | South",
"Asia | East & Central", "Asia | South & West", "Europe | North & West", "Europe | South & East", "Oceania"]);
//Set the new x axis range
var xScale = d3.scaleLog()
.range([0, width])
.domain([100,2e5]); //I prefer this exact scale over the true range and then using "nice"
//.domain(d3.extent(countries, function(d) { return d.GDP_perCapita; }))
//Set new x-axis
var xAxis = d3.axisTop()
.tickFormat(function (d) {
return xScale.tickFormat((mobileScreen ? 4 : 8),function(d) {
return d3.format('$.2s')(d);
//Append the x-axis
// wrapper.append("g")
var gX = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + 0 + "," + height + ")")
//Set the new y axis range
var yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain(d3.extent(countries, function(d) { return d.lifeExpectancy; }))
var yAxis = d3.axisRight()
.ticks(6) //Set rough # of ticks
//Append the y-axis
var gY = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "y axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + 0 + "," + 0 + ")")
//Scale for the bubble size
var rScale = d3.scaleSqrt()
.range([mobileScreen ? 1 : 2, mobileScreen ? 10 : 16])
.domain(d3.extent(countries, function(d) { return d.GDP; }));
///////////////// Initialize Labels //////////////////
//Set up X axis label
// wrapper.append("g")
.attr("class", "x title")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.style("font-size", (mobileScreen ? 8 : 12) + "px")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width + "," + (height - 20) + ")")
.text("GDP per capita [US $] - Note the logarithmic scale");
//Set up y axis label
// wrapper.append("g")
.attr("class", "y title")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.style("font-size", (mobileScreen ? 8 : 12) + "px")
.attr("transform", "translate(40, 0) rotate(-90)")
.text("Life expectancy");
///// Capture mouse events and voronoi.find() the site /////
// Use the same variables of the data in the .x and .y as used in the cx and cy of the circle call
svg._tooltipped = svg._voronoi = null;
svg.on('mousemove', function() {
if (!svg._voronoi) {
console.log('computing the voronoi…');
svg._voronoi = d3.voronoi()
.x(function(d) { return xScale(d.GDP_perCapita); })
.y(function(d) { return yScale(d.lifeExpectancy); })
// using d3.mouse on the g node instead of the svg node so we don't have to worry about margin and transforms
var p = d3.mouse(g.node()), site;
// don't react if the mouse is close to one of the axis
if (p[0] < 5 || p[1] < 5) {
site = null;
} else {
site = svg._voronoi.find(p[0], p[1], maxDistanceFromPoint);
if (site !== svg._tooltipped) {
if (svg._tooltipped) removeTooltip(
if (site) showTooltip(;
svg._tooltipped = site;
/////////////////// Zoom implementation ////////////////////
var g ="g");
//var svg ='#svg');
var zoom = d3.zoom()
.scaleExtent([1/2, 8])
.on("zoom", zoomed);;
function zoomed() {
var transform = d3.event.transform;;;
g.attr('transform', `translate(${transform.x}, ${transform.y}) scale(${transform.k})`);
function transition(zoomLevel) {
.call(zoom.scaleBy, zoomLevel);
d3.selectAll('button').on('click', function() {
if ( === 'zoom_in') {
console.log('zooming in')
transition(1.2); // increase on 0.2 each time
if ( === 'zoom_out') {
console.log('zooming out')
transition(0.8); // deacrease on 0.2 each time
if ( === 'zoom_init') {
console.log('reset zoom')
.call(zoom.transform, d3.zoomIdentity); // return to initial state
zoom.filter(function() { return !event.button && event.type !== 'wheel'; }) // allow scrolling by disallowing 'wheel'
/////////////////// Scatterplot Circles ////////////////////
//Initiate a group element for the circles
var circleGroup = wrapper.append("g")
.attr("class", "circleWrapper");
//Place the country circles
.data(countries.sort(function(a,b) { return b.GDP > a.GDP; })) //Sort so the biggest circles are below
.attr("class", function(d,i) { return "countries " + d.CountryCode; })
.attr("cx", function(d) {return xScale(d.GDP_perCapita);})
.attr("cy", function(d) {return yScale(d.lifeExpectancy);})
.attr("r", function(d) {return rScale(d.GDP);})
.style("opacity", opacityCircles)
.style("fill", function(d) {return color(d.Region);});
/////////////////// Hover functions of the circles ////////////////////////
//Hide the tooltip when the mouse moves away
function removeTooltip (d, i) {
//Save the chosen circle (so not the voronoi)
var element = d3.selectAll(".countries."+d.CountryCode);
//Fade out the bubble again"opacity", opacityCircles);
//Hide tooltip
$('.popover').each(function() {
//Fade out guide lines, then remove them
.style("opacity", 0)
}//function removeTooltip
//Show the tooltip on the hovered over slice
function showTooltip (d, i) {
//Save the chosen circle (so not the voronoi)
var element =".countries."+d.CountryCode),
el = element._groups[0];
//Define and show the tooltip
placement: 'auto top',
container: '#chart',
trigger: 'manual',
html : true,
content: function() {
return "<span style='font-size: 11px; text-align: center;'>" + d.Country + "</span>"; }
//Make chosen circle more visible"opacity", 1);
//Place and show tooltip
var x = +element.attr("cx"),
y = +element.attr("cy"),
color ="fill");
//Append lines to bubbles that will be used to show the precise data points
//vertical line
.attr("class", "guide")
.attr("x1", x)
.attr("x2", x)
.attr("y1", y)
.attr("y2", height) // TO DO: zoom transform height
.style("stroke", color)
.style("opacity", 0)
.style("opacity", 0.5);
//Value on the x axis
.attr("class", "guide")
.attr("x", x) // TO DO: zoom transform x
.attr("y", height - 8)
.style("fill", color)
.style("opacity", 0)
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.text("$ " + d3.format(".2s")(d.GDP_perCapita) )
.style("opacity", 0.5);
//horizontal line
.attr("class", "guide")
.attr("x1", x)
.attr("x2", 0)
.attr("y1", y)
.attr("y2", y)
.style("stroke", color)
.style("opacity", 0)
.style("opacity", 0.5);
//Value on the y axis
.attr("class", "guide")
.attr("x", 35)
.attr("y", y + 10) // TO DO: zoom transform y
.attr("dy", "0.35em")
.style("fill", color)
.style("opacity", 0)
.style("text-anchor", "end")
.text( d3.format(".1f")(d.lifeExpectancy) )
.style("opacity", 0.5);
}//function showTooltip
///////////////////////// Create the Legend////////////////////////////////
if (!mobileScreen) {
var legendMargin = {left: 5, top: 10, right: 5, bottom: 10},
legendWidth = 145,
legendHeight = 270;
var svgLegend ="#legend").append("svg")
.attr("width", (legendWidth + legendMargin.left + legendMargin.right))
.attr("height", (legendHeight + + legendMargin.bottom));
var legendWrapper = svgLegend.append("g").attr("class", "legendWrapper")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + legendMargin.left + "," + +")");
var rectSize = 15, //dimensions of the colored square
rowHeight = 20, //height of a row in the legend
maxWidth = 144; //widht of each row
//Create container per rect/text pair
var legend = legendWrapper.selectAll('.legendSquare')
.attr('class', 'legendSquare')
.attr("transform", function(d,i) { return "translate(" + 0 + "," + (i * rowHeight) + ")"; })
.style("cursor", "pointer")
.on("mouseover", selectLegend(0.02))
.on("mouseout", selectLegend(opacityCircles));
//Non visible white rectangle behind square and text for better hover
.attr('width', maxWidth)
.attr('height', rowHeight)
.style('fill', "white");
//Append small squares to Legend
.attr('width', rectSize)
.attr('height', rectSize)
.style('fill', function(d) {return d;});
//Append text to Legend
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + 22 + ',' + (rectSize/2) + ')')
.attr("class", "legendText")
.style("font-size", "10px")
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text(function(d,i) { return color.domain()[i]; });
//Create g element for bubble size legend
var bubbleSizeLegend = legendWrapper.append("g")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (legendWidth/2 - 30) + "," + (color.domain().length*rowHeight + 20) +")");
//Draw the bubble size legend
bubbleLegend(bubbleSizeLegend, rScale, legendSizes = [1e11,3e12,1e13], legendName = "GDP (Billion $)");
}//if !mobileScreen
else {"#legend").style("display","none");
/////////////////// Bubble Legend ////////////////////
function bubbleLegend(wrapperVar, scale, sizes, titleName) {
var legendSize1 = sizes[0],
legendSize2 = sizes[1],
legendSize3 = sizes[2],
legendCenter = 0,
legendBottom = 50,
legendLineLength = 25,
textPadding = 5,
numFormat = d3.format(",");
.attr("transform", "translate(" + legendCenter + "," + 0 + ")")
.attr("x", 0 + "px")
.attr("y", 0 + "px")
.attr("dy", "1em")
.attr('r', scale(legendSize1))
.attr('cx', legendCenter)
.attr('cy', (legendBottom-scale(legendSize1)));
.attr('r', scale(legendSize2))
.attr('cx', legendCenter)
.attr('cy', (legendBottom-scale(legendSize2)));
.attr('r', scale(legendSize3))
.attr('cx', legendCenter)
.attr('cy', (legendBottom-scale(legendSize3)));
.attr('x1', legendCenter)
.attr('y1', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize1)))
.attr('x2', (legendCenter + legendLineLength))
.attr('y2', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize1)));
.attr('x1', legendCenter)
.attr('y1', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize2)))
.attr('x2', (legendCenter + legendLineLength))
.attr('y2', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize2)));
.attr('x1', legendCenter)
.attr('y1', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize3)))
.attr('x2', (legendCenter + legendLineLength))
.attr('y2', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize3)));
.attr('x', (legendCenter + legendLineLength + textPadding))
.attr('y', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize1)))
.attr('dy', '0.25em')
.text("$ " + numFormat(Math.round(legendSize1/1e9)) + " B");
.attr('x', (legendCenter + legendLineLength + textPadding))
.attr('y', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize2)))
.attr('dy', '0.25em')
.text("$ " + numFormat(Math.round(legendSize2/1e9)) + " B");
.attr('x', (legendCenter + legendLineLength + textPadding))
.attr('y', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize3)))
.attr('dy', '0.25em')
.text("$ " + numFormat(Math.round(legendSize3/1e9)) + " B");
//////////////////// Hover function for the legend ////////////////////////
//Decrease opacity of non selected circles when hovering in the legend
function selectLegend(opacity) {
return function(d, i) {
var chosen = color.domain()[i];
.filter(function(d) { return d.Region != chosen; })
.style("opacity", opacity);
}//function selectLegend
var countries = [
"Country": "Afghanistan",
"CountryCode": "AFG",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 15936784437.22,
"GDP_perCapita": 561.2,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.60009756
"Country": "Albania",
"CountryCode": "ALB",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 11926957254.63,
"GDP_perCapita": 4094.36,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.9785122
"Country": "Algeria",
"CountryCode": "DZA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 161207304960.46,
"GDP_perCapita": 4349.57,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.61660976
"Country": "Angola",
"CountryCode": "AGO",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 82470894868.33,
"GDP_perCapita": 4218.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 50.65417073
"Country": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"CountryCode": "ATG",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1135539037.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 13017.31,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.33390244
"Country": "Argentina",
"CountryCode": "ARG",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 462703793707.19,
"GDP_perCapita": 11460.38,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.66356098
"Country": "Armenia",
"CountryCode": "ARM",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 9260287416.06,
"GDP_perCapita": 3124.78,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.21965854
"Country": "Aruba",
"CountryCode": "ABW",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 2467703910.61,
"GDP_perCapita": 24289.14,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.95202439
"Country": "Australia",
"CountryCode": "AUS",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 1141267760188.09,
"GDP_perCapita": 51800.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.69512195
"Country": "Austria",
"CountryCode": "AUT",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 389656071767.18,
"GDP_perCapita": 46590.61,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.5804878
"Country": "Azerbaijan",
"CountryCode": "AZE",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 52902703376.11,
"GDP_perCapita": 5842.81,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.45029268
"Country": "Bahamas, The",
"CountryCode": "BHS",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 7.91e+09,
"GDP_perCapita": 21941.87,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.59239024
"Country": "Bahrain",
"CountryCode": "BHR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 25713544824.94,
"GDP_perCapita": 20545.97,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.26485366
"Country": "Bangladesh",
"CountryCode": "BGD",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 115279077465.23,
"GDP_perCapita": 762.8,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.48580488
"Country": "Barbados",
"CountryCode": "BRB",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 4433700000,
"GDP_perCapita": 15812.28,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.80178049
"Country": "Belarus",
"CountryCode": "BLR",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 55220932613.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 5818.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.40487805
"Country": "Belgium",
"CountryCode": "BEL",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 484404271608.09,
"GDP_perCapita": 44358.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.23414634
"Country": "Belize",
"CountryCode": "BLZ",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1397113450,
"GDP_perCapita": 4527.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.2704878
"Country": "Benin",
"CountryCode": "BEN",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 6561782312.62,
"GDP_perCapita": 690,
"lifeExpectancy": 58.74668293
"Country": "Bermuda",
"CountryCode": "BMU",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 5744414000,
"GDP_perCapita": 88207.33,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.28853659
"Country": "Bhutan",
"CountryCode": "BTN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 1585396256.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 2211.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.00468293
"Country": "Bolivia",
"CountryCode": "BOL",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 19649631308.16,
"GDP_perCapita": 1934.67,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.31970732
"Country": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"CountryCode": "BIH",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 16847493058.85,
"GDP_perCapita": 4380.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.80668293
"Country": "Botswana",
"CountryCode": "BWA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 13746712711.21,
"GDP_perCapita": 6980.36,
"lifeExpectancy": 46.44029268
"Country": "Brazil",
"CountryCode": "BRA",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 2143067871759.89,
"GDP_perCapita": 10978.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.07531707
"Country": "Brunei Darussalam",
"CountryCode": "BRN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 12369708858.9,
"GDP_perCapita": 30880.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 77.98865854
"Country": "Bulgaria",
"CountryCode": "BGR",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 48669060511.71,
"GDP_perCapita": 6580.81,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.51219512
"Country": "Burkina Faso",
"CountryCode": "BFA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 8992678844.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 578.67,
"lifeExpectancy": 55.0067561
"Country": "Burundi",
"CountryCode": "BDI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2026864414.47,
"GDP_perCapita": 219.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 52.62402439
"Country": "Cabo Verde",
"CountryCode": "CPV",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1664310632.51,
"GDP_perCapita": 3413.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.85697561
"Country": "Cambodia",
"CountryCode": "KHM",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 11242266333.93,
"GDP_perCapita": 782.62,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.64336585
"Country": "Cameroon",
"CountryCode": "CMR",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 23622482954.8,
"GDP_perCapita": 1145.37,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.69482927
"Country": "Canada",
"CountryCode": "CAN",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1614072093764.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 47465.35,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.8934878
"Country": "Central African Republic",
"CountryCode": "CAF",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1986014759.2,
"GDP_perCapita": 456.56,
"lifeExpectancy": 48.09873171
"Country": "Chad",
"CountryCode": "TCD",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 10657705536.5,
"GDP_perCapita": 909.3,
"lifeExpectancy": 49.76985366
"Country": "Chile",
"CountryCode": "CHL",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 217501911333.71,
"GDP_perCapita": 12681.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.05046341
"Country": "China",
"CountryCode": "CHN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 5930502270312.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 4433.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.88502439
"Country": "Colombia",
"CountryCode": "COL",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 287018184637.53,
"GDP_perCapita": 6179.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.36768293
"Country": "Comoros",
"CountryCode": "COM",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 516962949.5,
"GDP_perCapita": 756.81,
"lifeExpectancy": 60.20341463
"Country": "Congo, Rep.",
"CountryCode": "COG",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 12007880067.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 2920.41,
"lifeExpectancy": 57.20402439
"Country": "Costa Rica",
"CountryCode": "CRI",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 36298327669.9,
"GDP_perCapita": 7773.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.27970732
"Country": "Cote d'Ivoire",
"CountryCode": "CIV",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 24884503950.68,
"GDP_perCapita": 1311.33,
"lifeExpectancy": 49.67529268
"Country": "Croatia",
"CountryCode": "HRV",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 59643818181.82,
"GDP_perCapita": 13500.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.47560976
"Country": "Cuba",
"CountryCode": "CUB",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 64328220000,
"GDP_perCapita": 5701.96,
"lifeExpectancy": 78.71778049
"Country": "Cyprus",
"CountryCode": "CYP",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 23132450331.13,
"GDP_perCapita": 27889.04,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.30982927
"Country": "Czech Republic",
"CountryCode": "CZE",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 207016402026.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 19764.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 77.42439024
"Country": "Denmark",
"CountryCode": "DNK",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 319812413596.9,
"GDP_perCapita": 57647.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.1
"Country": "Djibouti",
"CountryCode": "DJI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1128611700.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 1353.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 60.29119512
"Country": "Dominican Republic",
"CountryCode": "DOM",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 53042943731.14,
"GDP_perCapita": 5295.4,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.79214634
"Country": "Ecuador",
"CountryCode": "ECU",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 69555367000,
"GDP_perCapita": 4636.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.64770732
"Country": "Egypt, Arab Rep.",
"CountryCode": "EGY",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 218887812549.85,
"GDP_perCapita": 2803.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.45082927
"Country": "El Salvador",
"CountryCode": "SLV",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 21418300000,
"GDP_perCapita": 3444.46,
"lifeExpectancy": 71.63441463
"Country": "Equatorial Guinea",
"CountryCode": "GNQ",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 11582917790.3,
"GDP_perCapita": 16638.13,
"lifeExpectancy": 51.53307317
"Country": "Eritrea",
"CountryCode": "ERI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2117039510.7,
"GDP_perCapita": 368.75,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.18509756
"Country": "Estonia",
"CountryCode": "EST",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 19479012423.35,
"GDP_perCapita": 14629.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.42926829
"Country": "Ethiopia",
"CountryCode": "ETH",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 29933790334.34,
"GDP_perCapita": 343.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.46795122
"Country": "Fiji",
"CountryCode": "FJI",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 3140508835.95,
"GDP_perCapita": 3649.38,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.38231707
"Country": "Finland",
"CountryCode": "FIN",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 247799815768.48,
"GDP_perCapita": 46202.42,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.87073171
"Country": "France",
"CountryCode": "FRA",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 2646837111794.78,
"GDP_perCapita": 40706.08,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.66341463
"Country": "Gabon",
"CountryCode": "GAB",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 14569527124.62,
"GDP_perCapita": 9362.11,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.2897561
"Country": "Gambia, The",
"CountryCode": "GMB",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 951827284.92,
"GDP_perCapita": 566.35,
"lifeExpectancy": 58.1335122
"Country": "Georgia",
"CountryCode": "GEO",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 11638536834.43,
"GDP_perCapita": 2613.76,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.67473171
"Country": "Germany",
"CountryCode": "DEU",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 3412008772736.86,
"GDP_perCapita": 41723.37,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.98780488
"Country": "Ghana",
"CountryCode": "GHA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 32174839712.79,
"GDP_perCapita": 1326.09,
"lifeExpectancy": 60.59956098
"Country": "Greece",
"CountryCode": "GRC",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 299598056253.27,
"GDP_perCapita": 26861.46,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.38780488
"Country": "Grenada",
"CountryCode": "GRD",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 771015875.27,
"GDP_perCapita": 7365.67,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.33687805
"Country": "Guatemala",
"CountryCode": "GTM",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 41337958251.63,
"GDP_perCapita": 2882.39,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.99597561
"Country": "Guinea",
"CountryCode": "GIN",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 4735956475.83,
"GDP_perCapita": 435.45,
"lifeExpectancy": 55.298
"Country": "Guinea-Bissau",
"CountryCode": "GNB",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 847491366.89,
"GDP_perCapita": 534.15,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.55843902
"Country": "Guyana",
"CountryCode": "GUY",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 2259288396.24,
"GDP_perCapita": 2873.95,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.7024878
"Country": "Haiti",
"CountryCode": "HTI",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 6622541528.57,
"GDP_perCapita": 669.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.8667561
"Country": "Honduras",
"CountryCode": "HND",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 15839344591.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 2078.33,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.85031707
"Country": "Hong Kong SAR, China",
"CountryCode": "HKG",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 228637697575.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 32550,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.97804878
"Country": "Hungary",
"CountryCode": "HUN",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 129585601615.85,
"GDP_perCapita": 12958.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.20731707
"Country": "Iceland",
"CountryCode": "ISL",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 13261035516.56,
"GDP_perCapita": 41695.99,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.89756098
"Country": "India",
"CountryCode": "IND",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 1708458876829.92,
"GDP_perCapita": 1417.07,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.6942439
"Country": "Indonesia",
"CountryCode": "IDN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 709190823319.75,
"GDP_perCapita": 2946.66,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.16785366
"Country": "Iran, Islamic Rep.",
"CountryCode": "IRN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 422567967404.51,
"GDP_perCapita": 5674.92,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.13014634
"Country": "Iraq",
"CountryCode": "IRQ",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 138516722649.57,
"GDP_perCapita": 4473.71,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.8297561
"Country": "Ireland",
"CountryCode": "IRL",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 218435251789.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 47900.84,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.74390244
"Country": "Israel",
"CountryCode": "ISR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 232907996790.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 30550.92,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.60243902
"Country": "Italy",
"CountryCode": "ITA",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 2126620402889.09,
"GDP_perCapita": 35875.73,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.03658537
"Country": "Jamaica",
"CountryCode": "JAM",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 13230844040.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 4917.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.84712195
"Country": "Japan",
"CountryCode": "JPN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 5495387182996.1,
"GDP_perCapita": 42909.25,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.84268293
"Country": "Jordan",
"CountryCode": "JOR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 26425379436.62,
"GDP_perCapita": 4370.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.43587805
"Country": "Kazakhstan",
"CountryCode": "KAZ",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 148047348240.64,
"GDP_perCapita": 9070.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.29536585
"Country": "Kenya",
"CountryCode": "KEN",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 40000138830.87,
"GDP_perCapita": 977.78,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.54707317
"Country": "Kiribati",
"CountryCode": "KIR",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 150431113.56,
"GDP_perCapita": 1539.05,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.88382927
"Country": "Korea, Rep.",
"CountryCode": "KOR",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 1094499350178.46,
"GDP_perCapita": 22151.21,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.55121951
"Country": "Kuwait",
"CountryCode": "KWT",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 115428557470.18,
"GDP_perCapita": 38584.48,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.16192683
"Country": "Kyrgyz Republic",
"CountryCode": "KGZ",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 4794357795.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 880.04,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.3
"Country": "Lao PDR",
"CountryCode": "LAO",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 7181441151.89,
"GDP_perCapita": 1122.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.89843902
"Country": "Latvia",
"CountryCode": "LVA",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 24009680459.99,
"GDP_perCapita": 11446.51,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.48292683
"Country": "Lebanon",
"CountryCode": "LBN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 38009950248.76,
"GDP_perCapita": 8755.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.25278049
"Country": "Lesotho",
"CountryCode": "LSO",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2175692207.16,
"GDP_perCapita": 1083.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 47.48341463
"Country": "Liberia",
"CountryCode": "LBR",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1292696475.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 326.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.43431707
"Country": "Libya",
"CountryCode": "LBY",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 74755288916.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 12375.45,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.7924878
"Country": "Lithuania",
"CountryCode": "LTU",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 36709511568.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 11852.17,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.26829268
"Country": "Luxembourg",
"CountryCode": "LUX",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 52143650382.99,
"GDP_perCapita": 102856.97,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.63170732
"Country": "Macao SAR, China",
"CountryCode": "MAC",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 28359706123.1,
"GDP_perCapita": 53045.88,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.69295122
"Country": "Macedonia, FYR",
"CountryCode": "MKD",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 9338674078.31,
"GDP_perCapita": 4442.3,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.72214634
"Country": "Madagascar",
"CountryCode": "MDG",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 8729936135.74,
"GDP_perCapita": 414.14,
"lifeExpectancy": 63.34973171
"Country": "Malawi",
"CountryCode": "MWI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 5398616984.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 359.58,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.46570732
"Country": "Malaysia",
"CountryCode": "MYS",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 247533525517.7,
"GDP_perCapita": 8754.24,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.49558537
"Country": "Maldives",
"CountryCode": "MDV",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 2134104883.7,
"GDP_perCapita": 6552.48,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.78631707
"Country": "Mali",
"CountryCode": "MLI",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 9422267259.99,
"GDP_perCapita": 673.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.77073171
"Country": "Malta",
"CountryCode": "MLT",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 8163841059.6,
"GDP_perCapita": 19695.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.39756098
"Country": "Mauritania",
"CountryCode": "MRT",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 3526947608.88,
"GDP_perCapita": 977.15,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.0232439
"Country": "Mauritius",
"CountryCode": "MUS",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 9718233910.68,
"GDP_perCapita": 7772.1,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.96731707
"Country": "Mexico",
"CountryCode": "MEX",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1051627949327,
"GDP_perCapita": 8920.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.69029268
"Country": "Micronesia, Fed. Sts.",
"CountryCode": "FSM",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 294117200,
"GDP_perCapita": 2838.45,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.62173171
"Country": "Moldova",
"CountryCode": "MDA",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 5811604051.97,
"GDP_perCapita": 1631.54,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.45812195
"Country": "Mongolia",
"CountryCode": "MNG",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 6200357070.11,
"GDP_perCapita": 2285.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.89460976
"Country": "Montenegro",
"CountryCode": "MNE",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 4114881346.94,
"GDP_perCapita": 6636.07,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.41673171
"Country": "Morocco",
"CountryCode": "MAR",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 90770671431.67,
"GDP_perCapita": 2822.73,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.17158537
"Country": "Mozambique",
"CountryCode": "MOZ",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 10165353591.17,
"GDP_perCapita": 424.13,
"lifeExpectancy": 49.13707317
"Country": "Namibia",
"CountryCode": "NAM",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 11281996426.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 5177.68,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.48029268
"Country": "Nepal",
"CountryCode": "NPL",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 15994094606.97,
"GDP_perCapita": 595.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.10492683
"Country": "Netherlands",
"CountryCode": "NLD",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 836389937229.2,
"GDP_perCapita": 50338.25,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.70243902
"Country": "New Zealand",
"CountryCode": "NZL",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 143466743661.01,
"GDP_perCapita": 32975.55,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.70243902
"Country": "Nicaragua",
"CountryCode": "NIC",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 8938209651.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 1535.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.79512195
"Country": "Niger",
"CountryCode": "NER",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 5718589550.16,
"GDP_perCapita": 359.8,
"lifeExpectancy": 56.98563415
"Country": "Nigeria",
"CountryCode": "NGA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 369062403181.95,
"GDP_perCapita": 2310.86,
"lifeExpectancy": 51.28941463
"Country": "Norway",
"CountryCode": "NOR",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 420945705225.42,
"GDP_perCapita": 86096.14,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.99756098
"Country": "Oman",
"CountryCode": "OMN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 58641352878.43,
"GDP_perCapita": 20922.66,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.04580488
"Country": "Pakistan",
"CountryCode": "PAK",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 177165635077.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 1023.2,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.12634146
"Country": "Panama",
"CountryCode": "PAN",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 28814100000,
"GDP_perCapita": 7833.9,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.94870732
"Country": "Papua New Guinea",
"CountryCode": "PNG",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 9717175432.14,
"GDP_perCapita": 1416.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.00780488
"Country": "Paraguay",
"CountryCode": "PRY",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 20030529733.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 3100.84,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.02665854
"Country": "Peru",
"CountryCode": "PER",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 148522810971.5,
"GDP_perCapita": 5075.48,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.90509756
"Country": "Philippines",
"CountryCode": "PHL",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 199589447424.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 2135.92,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.23026829
"Country": "Poland",
"CountryCode": "POL",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 476687891752.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 12484.07,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.24634146
"Country": "Portugal",
"CountryCode": "PRT",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 238303443425.21,
"GDP_perCapita": 22538.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.02682927
"Country": "Qatar",
"CountryCode": "QAT",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 125122249141.25,
"GDP_perCapita": 71510.16,
"lifeExpectancy": 78.14604878
"Country": "Russian Federation",
"CountryCode": "RUS",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 1524916112078.87,
"GDP_perCapita": 10709.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.85609756
"Country": "Rwanda",
"CountryCode": "RWA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 5698548923.48,
"GDP_perCapita": 525.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.21214634
"Country": "Samoa",
"CountryCode": "WSM",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 643059403.01,
"GDP_perCapita": 3456.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.40802439
"Country": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"CountryCode": "STP",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 201037916.58,
"GDP_perCapita": 1127.98,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.85368293
"Country": "Saudi Arabia",
"CountryCode": "SAU",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 526811466666.67,
"GDP_perCapita": 19326.58,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.07560976
"Country": "Senegal",
"CountryCode": "SEN",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 12932427724.32,
"GDP_perCapita": 998.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.84187805
"Country": "Serbia",
"CountryCode": "SRB",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 39368633038.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 5399.3,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.33658537
"Country": "Seychelles",
"CountryCode": "SYC",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 973360306.52,
"GDP_perCapita": 10842.82,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.19756098
"Country": "Sierra Leone",
"CountryCode": "SLE",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2578159495.56,
"GDP_perCapita": 448.22,
"lifeExpectancy": 44.83895122
"Country": "Singapore",
"CountryCode": "SGP",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 236420337242.78,
"GDP_perCapita": 46569.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.54146341
"Country": "Slovak Republic",
"CountryCode": "SVK",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 89011919205.3,
"GDP_perCapita": 16509.9,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.11219512
"Country": "Slovenia",
"CountryCode": "SVN",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 47972988741.72,
"GDP_perCapita": 23417.64,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.42195122
"Country": "Solomon Islands",
"CountryCode": "SLB",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 681587104.77,
"GDP_perCapita": 1294.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.06665854
"Country": "South Africa",
"CountryCode": "ZAF",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 375349442837.19,
"GDP_perCapita": 7389.96,
"lifeExpectancy": 54.3907561
"Country": "Spain",
"CountryCode": "ESP",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 1431587612302.26,
"GDP_perCapita": 30736,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.62682927
"Country": "Sri Lanka",
"CountryCode": "LKA",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 49567521669.91,
"GDP_perCapita": 2400.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.75526829
"Country": "St. Lucia",
"CountryCode": "LCA",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1244297407.41,
"GDP_perCapita": 7014.2,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.41102439
"Country": "St. Vincent and the Grenadines",
"CountryCode": "VCT",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 681225962.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 6231.71,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.18492683
"Country": "Sudan",
"CountryCode": "SDN",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 65632081240.3,
"GDP_perCapita": 1439.52,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.47829268
"Country": "Suriname",
"CountryCode": "SUR",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 4368398047.64,
"GDP_perCapita": 8321.39,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.33582927
"Country": "Swaziland",
"CountryCode": "SWZ",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 3891575151.61,
"GDP_perCapita": 3261.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 48.3457561
"Country": "Sweden",
"CountryCode": "SWE",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 488377689564.92,
"GDP_perCapita": 52076.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.45121951
"Country": "Switzerland",
"CountryCode": "CHE",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 581208562423.37,
"GDP_perCapita": 74276.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.24634146
"Country": "Tajikistan",
"CountryCode": "TJK",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 5642178579.58,
"GDP_perCapita": 739.73,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.9955122
"Country": "Tanzania",
"CountryCode": "TZA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 30917376837.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 707.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.18170732
"Country": "Thailand",
"CountryCode": "THA",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 318907930075.71,
"GDP_perCapita": 4802.66,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.81378049
"Country": "Togo",
"CountryCode": "TGO",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 3172945506.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 503.16,
"lifeExpectancy": 55.46887805
"Country": "Tonga",
"CountryCode": "TON",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 369212477.46,
"GDP_perCapita": 3546.78,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.18263415
"Country": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"CountryCode": "TTO",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 20758191857.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 15630.05,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.59736585
"Country": "Tunisia",
"CountryCode": "TUN",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 44426016487.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 4212.15,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.60243902
"Country": "Turkey",
"CountryCode": "TUR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 731168051903.11,
"GDP_perCapita": 10135.75,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.21119512
"Country": "Turkmenistan",
"CountryCode": "TKM",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 22148070175.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 4392.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.01821951
"Country": "Uganda",
"CountryCode": "UGA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 18803852465.55,
"GDP_perCapita": 553.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 57.29653659
"Country": "Ukraine",
"CountryCode": "UKR",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 136419300367.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 2974,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.26536585
"Country": "United Arab Emirates",
"CountryCode": "ARE",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 286049293398.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 33885.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.59860976
"Country": "United Kingdom",
"CountryCode": "GBR",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 2407933767804.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 38363.44,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.40243902
"Country": "United States",
"CountryCode": "USA",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1.49644e+13,
"GDP_perCapita": 48377.39,
"lifeExpectancy": 78.54146341
"Country": "Uruguay",
"CountryCode": "URY",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 38881102099.88,
"GDP_perCapita": 11530.64,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.61621951
"Country": "Uzbekistan",
"CountryCode": "UZB",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 39332770928.94,
"GDP_perCapita": 1377.08,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.8587561
"Country": "Vanuatu",
"CountryCode": "VUT",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 700804286.22,
"GDP_perCapita": 2965.75,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.83890244
"Country": "Venezuela, RB",
"CountryCode": "VEN",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 393801556872.31,
"GDP_perCapita": 13559.13,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.17046341
"Country": "Vietnam",
"CountryCode": "VNM",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 115931749904.86,
"GDP_perCapita": 1333.58,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.31173171
"Country": "Yemen, Rep.",
"CountryCode": "YEM",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 31743751169.32,
"GDP_perCapita": 1394.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.52765854
"Country": "Zambia",
"CountryCode": "ZMB",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 20265396325.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 1533.28,
"lifeExpectancy": 54.52756098
"Country": "Zimbabwe",
"CountryCode": "ZWE",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 9456808200,
"GDP_perCapita": 723.16,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.59312195
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