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Created March 6, 2019 23:09
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ArcGIS Data driven pages export to Google Drive file sync
# Name: - Data Driven Page(s) to PDF
# Description: exports either a single data Driven Page or all pages from a .mxd document to pdf(s). Replaces multiple previous scripts in favor of user input.
# Author: Paul Bartsch - updated December 2018
# Intent: for use at UCSB to keep hosted PDF atlas sheets up to date with GIS data and ArcGIS Online Services (see other documents for help keeping online services in sync.)
# Python 2 because this one is intended for use with ArcGIS Desktop maps that have not yet been imported to ArcGIS Pro
import arcpy
# out_path
out_path = r"I:\\My Drive\\ATLAS\\Atlas Export\\" # My Google File Stream Location
# quality of the output pdf
quality = "BEST" #Options include: BEST BETTER NORMAL FASTER FASTEST
res = 150
# two possible mxd documents. Each setup for data driven pages.
main = r"G:\GIS_Projects\Util_Atlas_Updates\Util_Atlas_Print_DO_NOT_EDIT.mxd"
west = r"G:\GIS_Projects\Util_Atlas_Updates\Util_Atlas_West_Print_DO_NOT_EDIT.mxd"
in_mxd = main
out_prefix = "ucsbatlas"
# selects mxd of either default choice or west campus choice based on user input
# py2 uses raw_input() and py3 uses input()
# because of above this works for ArcGIS Desktop but would need adapting for ArcGIS Pro
mode = raw_input("Please select Mode: 1)Export All Mode or 2)Single Page Mode [1/2]? : ")
# export all data driven pages in chosen mxd document to PDF
def export_multi():
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(in_mxd)
# pc = mxd.dataDrivenPages.pageCount
for pageNum in range(first, last):
mxd.dataDrivenPages.currentPageID = pageNum
print("Exporting " +descrip+ " page {0} of {1}".format(str(mxd.dataDrivenPages.currentPageID), str(last - first)))
arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd, out_path + out_prefix + str("%03d" % (pageNum)) + ".pdf", resolution = res, image_quality = quality)
# cleanup
del mxd
# export a single page to PDF based on user input values
def export_single():
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(in_mxd)
# correct the number for use in file naming and messaging based on UCSB grid naming convention
# (e.g. we have a grid 001 and a grid W001)
pg = int(grid)
# export to pdf
# my workflow exports to a Google Drive File Stream location for automatic upload and
# update of an online atlas lookup that our employees use to access underground utility grids in PDF form.
mxd.dataDrivenPages.currentPageID = page
print("Exporting " + out_prefix + str("%03d" % pg) + ".pdf to: " + out_path)
arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd, out_path + out_prefix + str("%03d" % pg) + ".pdf", resolution = res, image_quality = quality)
# cleanup
del mxd
# logic based on user input choices
if mode == '1':
area = raw_input("Please select either: 1)Main Campus or 2)West Campus. [1/2]? : ")
single = False
elif mode == '2':
print('single page mode')
area = raw_input("Please select either: 1)Main Campus or 2)West Campus. [1/2]? : ")
grid = raw_input("Please enter a single grid # to export : ")
single = True
print("That's not an option. Exiting script now. Simply run script again to try again.")
# set variables and run appropriate function based on user choices
if single and area == '2': # west campus single mode
in_mxd = west
out_prefix = "ucsbatlasW"
page = int(grid) + 118 #correct the number based on UCSB grid naming convention
elif single: # main campus single mode
# because Python 2 raw_input is a string
# go with defaults other than that
page = int(grid)
elif not single and area =='2': # west campus print all
in_mxd = west
out_prefix = "ucsbatlasW"
first = 119
last = 328
descrip = 'West Campus Atlas '
else: # main campus print all
first = 1
last = 119
descrip = 'Main Campus Atlas '
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