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Created May 26, 2020 00:45
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Converts morse code in image to text. The script supports two colors.
import sys
import string
import re
from PIL import Image
morseAlphabet = {"A": ".-","B": "-...","C": "-.-.","D": "-..","E": ".","F": "..-.","G": "--.","H": "....",
"I": "..","J": ".---","K": "-.-","L": ".-..","M": "--","N": "-.","O": "---","P": ".--.","Q": "--.-","R": ".-.",
"S": "...","T": "-","U": "..-","V": "...-","W": ".--","X": "-..-","Y": "-.--","Z": "--.."," ": "/",
"1" : ".----","2" : "..---","3" : "...--","4" : "....-","5" : ".....","6" : "-....","7" : "--...","8" : "---..",
"9" : "----.","0" : "-----",".": ".-.-.-",",": "--..--",":": "---...","?": "..--..","'": ".----.","-": "-....-",
"/": "-..-.","@": ".--.-.","=": "-...-"}
inverseMorseAlphabet = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in morseAlphabet.items())
def decodedMorse(message):
messageSeparated = message.split(' ')
decodedMessage = ''
for char in messageSeparated:
if char in inverseMorseAlphabet:
decodedMessage += inverseMorseAlphabet[char]
# CNF = Character not found
decodedMessage += '<CNF>'
print (decodedMessage)
#print ("decodedMessage= ", decodedMessage)
return decodedMessage
image =[1]))
rgb = image.convert("RGB")
width, height = image.size
binString = ""
for y in range(0, height, 1):
binString += "\n"
for x in range(0, width, 1): #1 is the step size in pixels; each square is 1x1 pixels
pixel = rgb.getpixel((x,y))
if x == 0:
color1 = pixel
if x > 0 and pixel != color1:
color2 = pixel
if pixel == color1:
binString += "1"
if pixel== color2:
binString += "0"
#binString value of 0 represents color1
#binString value of 1 repreents color2; (255,255,255)
# Formating
binString = (binString.replace("0001", "-"))
binString = (binString.replace("01", "."))
binString = re.sub('1+', ' ', binString)
binString = re.sub('\s+', ' ', binString)
binString = binString.strip()
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