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Created May 25, 2023 13:07
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Compare UDFs and External Function Execution
import duckdb
import pyarrow as pa
import pandas as pd
import time
def time_function(function):
res = []
for i in range (0,5):
start_time = time.monotonic()
ans = function()
end_time = time.monotonic()
print ("Time: " + str(res[2]))
print (ans)
def string_length_arrow(x):
tuples = len(x)
values = [len(i.as_py()) if i.as_py() != None else 0 for i in x]
array = pa.array(values, type=pa.int32(), size=tuples)
return array
def exec_internal():
global con
return con.sql("select sum(strlen_arrow(i)) from strings tbl(i)").fetchall()
def exec_external():
global con
arrow_table = con.sql("select i from strings tbl(i)").arrow()
arrow_column = arrow_table['i']
tuples = len(arrow_column)
values = [len(i.as_py()) if i.as_py() != None else 0 for i in arrow_column]
array = pa.array(values, type=pa.int32(), size=tuples)
arrow_tbl = pa.Table.from_arrays([array], names=['i'])
return con.sql("select sum(i) from arrow_tbl").fetchall()
con = duckdb.connect()
con.create_function('strlen_arrow', string_length_arrow, ['VARCHAR'], int, type='arrow')
case when i != 0 and i % 42 = 0
repeat(chr((65 + (i % 26))::INTEGER), (4 + (i % 12))) end
from range(10000000) tbl(i);
print ("Internal:")
print ("External:")
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