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Created November 23, 2011 17:04
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Save pdewouters/1389225 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* File: insertPersonData.php
* By: TMIT
* Date: 20100601
* This script sets up an ARRAY for tPerson field names
* and an ARRAY for 3 tPerson ROWs of data
* the script creates an SQL INSERT statement to insert these rows into tPerson
* We then modify the script to
* a) use a 'while () {}' construct to create the INSERT statement
* irrespective of how many ROWS of data existed
* b) use php: fopen, feof, fgets and fclose to read the data
* from a file instead of inside the script
* c) use the php 'explode' construct to set a variable to
* an array comprising a the line of data in the datafile
{ // Connect and Test MySQL and specific DB (return $dbSuccess = T/F)
$hostname = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$databaseName = "alphacrm";
$dbConnected = @mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password);
$dbSelected = @mysql_select_db($databaseName,$dbConnected);
$dbSuccess = true;
if ($dbConnected) {
if (!$dbSelected) {
echo "DB connection FAILED<br /><br />";
$dbSuccess = false;
} else {
echo "MySQL connection FAILED<br /><br />";
$dbSuccess = false;
// Execute code ONLY if connections were successful
if ($dbSuccess) {
{ // setup ARRAY of field names
$personField = array(
'Salutation' => 'Salutation',
'FirstName' => 'FirstName',
'LastName' => 'LastName',
'CompanyID' => 'CompanyID',
{ // setup ARRAY of data ROWS
// read CSV data file
$file = fopen("datafile", "r"); // open the file 'datafile' for 'r'eading
$i = 0;
while(!feof($file)) // while NOT the End Of File
$thisLine = fgets($file); // gets the next line from 'datafile'
$personData[$i] = explode(",", $thisLine);// sets
// $personData[$i] = array( $thisLine );
// whatever's in $thisline separated by commas .
$i++; // increment $i
fclose($file); // close the file
$numRows = sizeof($personData);
{ // SQL statement with ARRAYS
// Fieldnames part of INSERT statement
$person_SQLinsert = "INSERT INTO tPerson (
) ";
// VALUES part of INSERT statement
$person_SQLinsert .= "VALUES ";
$indx = 0;
while($indx < $numRows) {
$person_SQLinsert .= "(
) ";
if ($indx < ($numRows - 1)) {
$person_SQLinsert .= ",";
{ // Echo and Execute the SQL and test for success
echo "<strong><u>SQL:<br /></u></strong>";
echo $person_SQLinsert."<br /><br />";
if (mysql_query($person_SQLinsert)) {
echo "was SUCCESSFUL.<br /><br />";
} else {
echo "FAILED.<br /><br />";
} // END ($dbSuccess)
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