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Created November 7, 2013 18:02
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value of _site_transient_update_plugins option
O:8:"stdClass":4:{s:12:"last_checked";i:1383847193;s:7:"checked";a:21:{s:27:"backupbuddy/backupbuddy.php";s:7:"";s:21:"backwpup/backwpup.php";s:6:"3.0.13";s:53:"codestyling-localization/codestyling-localization.php";s:7:"1.99.30";s:25:"doc-finder/doc-finder.php";s:3:"0.1";s:25:"duplicator/duplicator.php";s:5:"0.4.6";s:49:"easy-digital-downloads/easy-digital-downloads.php";s:7:"";s:49:"edd-gocardless-gateway/edd-gocardless-gateway.php";s:3:"0.1";s:25:"edd-stripe/edd-stripe.php";s:5:"1.6.0";s:53:"edd-multisite-sync-settings/edd-multisite-control.php";s:5:"1.0.0";s:29:"hm-top-posts/hm-top-posts.php";s:3:"0.1";s:31:"hm-wp-connect/hm-wp-connect.php";s:5:"1.0.0";s:33:"media-explorer/media-explorer.php";s:3:"1.2";s:29:"media-explorer/mexp-creds.php";s:3:"1.0";s:33:"wponlinebackup/wponlinebackup.php";s:5:"3.0.2";s:23:"unpublish/unpublish.php";s:9:"0.1-alpha";s:27:"updraftplus/updraftplus.php";s:6:"1.7.35";s:43:"wistia-mexp-service/wistia-mexp-service.php";s:3:"0.1";s:29:"wp-db-backup/wp-db-backup.php";s:5:"2.2.3";s:33:"wp-map-markers/wp-map-markers.php";s:5:"1.1.1";s:37:"wp-remote-wordpress-plugin/plugin.php";s:11:"2.7.0-alpha";s:38:"xcloner-backup-and-restore/xcloner.php";s:5:"3.0.9";}s:8:"response";a:3:{s:33:"wponlinebackup/wponlinebackup.php";O:8:"stdClass":5:{s:2:"id";s:5:"13056";s:4:"slug";s:14:"wponlinebackup";s:11:"new_version";s:5:"3.0.4";s:3:"url";s:45:"";s:7:"package";s:63:"";}s:29:"wp-db-backup/wp-db-backup.php";O:8:"stdClass":5:{s:2:"id";s:3:"419";s:4:"slug";s:12:"wp-db-backup";s:11:"new_version";s:5:"2.2.4";s:3:"url";s:43:"";s:7:"package";s:61:"";}s:25:"edd-stripe/edd-stripe.php";O:8:"stdClass":9:{s:11:"new_version";s:5:"1.6.5";s:4:"name";s:22:"Stripe Payment Gateway";s:7:"version";s:5:"1.6.5";s:4:"slug";s:10:"edd-stripe";s:6:"author";s:17:"Pippin Williamson";s:3:"url";s:70:"";s:8:"homepage";s:58:"";s:7:"package";s:134:"";s:8:"sections";a:2:{s:11:"description";s:399:"<p>This add-on gateway allows you to accept credit cards directly on your site through your <a href="" target="_blank"></a> account. When purchasing downloads through the Stripe gateway, users enter their credit card details during the checkout process and never leave your site, resulting in a better experience for the user, and more successful conversions for you.</p>
";s:9:"changelog";s:4164:"<p><strong>Version 1.6.5</strong><br />
Fixed an issue with recurring payments not getting logged after the first payment.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.6.4</strong><br />
Fixed an issue with past customers possible using the wrong stored credit card on new purchases.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.6.3</strong><br />
Fixed an issue with discount codes and recurring subscription signups.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.6.2</strong><br />
Updated edd-stripe.js for EDD v1.6 compatibility.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.6.1</strong><br />
Fixed a bug with the currency not always getting passed to Stripe, resulting in failed purchases.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.6</strong><br />
Added support for preapproved payments for integration with Crowd Funding plugins.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.5.1</strong><br />
Fixed an issue with occasional pending payments.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.5</strong><br />
Added support for the Recurring Payments extension.<br />
Fixed a bug with the Missing Stripe Token error.<br />
Improved code formatting and documentation.<br />
Improved checkout error display.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.4</strong><br />
Removed jQuery validation.<br />
EDD version 1.4.3 is strongly suggested for this gateway version.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.3.2</strong><br />
Fixed a bug with Missing Stripe Token.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.3.1</strong><br />
Fixed a broken loading image.<br />
Fixed a problem with JS validation requiring a double click.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.3</strong><br />
Upgraded the credit card form with address and billing info for improved security, especially to help prevent chargebacks.<br />
All address info associated with the card is now sent to Stripe, instead of just the number, name, and expiration.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.2.1</strong><br />
Fixed an issue with jQuery validation.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.2</strong><br />
Fixed an issue with the ajax indicator.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.1.9</strong><br />
Fixed a problem caused by disabling jQuery form validation.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.1.8</strong><br />
Fixed a conflict with jQuery validate and also fixed a problem with processing cards in Firefox.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.1.7</strong><br />
Added Stripe JS fallback support for sites that can't use Stripe JS.</p>
<p><strong>Version</strong><br />
Fixed a problem with processing cards after first payment attempt fails.</p>
<p><strong>Version</strong><br />
Fixed a compatibility problem with EDD v1.3.2</p>
<p><strong>Version</strong><br />
Fixed a problem with processing payments when ajax is disabled.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.1.6</strong><br />
Add conditional check for existence of Stripe class to prevent conflicts.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.1.5</strong><br />
Fixed a possible bug with setting the Stripe publishable key.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.1.4</strong><br />
Fixed a bug that prevented purchases from succeeded on the first try when using ajax and multiple payment gateways.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.1.3</strong><br />
Removed name attributes from input fields to improve PCI compliance.<br />
Improved code formatting.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.1.2</strong><br />
Removed a "test" alert message that was left in by accident.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.1.1</strong><br />
Fixed a JS bug that preventing purchasing with other gateways activated at the same time as Stripe.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.1</strong><br />
Added Stripe JS or better card validation and security.<br />
Added new automatic upgrade system for valid license key holders.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.0.6</strong><br />
Added unique IDs to the fieldset and P tags to aid in styling.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.0.5</strong><br />
Fixed a bug with the currency.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.0.4</strong><br />
Added full currency support in order for Canadian sellers to utilize Stripe in Canada</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.0.3</strong><br />
Fixed a bug with errors not showing when a payments fails to process</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.0.2</strong><br />
Fixed a bug with pending payments</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.0.1</strong><br />
Updated field inputs with placeholders.</p>
<p><strong>Version 1.0</strong><br />
Initial release.</p>
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