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Last active April 20, 2024 08:50
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Convert a web page or HTML file to PDF in Rust. Complete tutorial:
use std::fs::File;
use std::error::Error;
use reqwest::blocking::Client;
use reqwest::blocking::multipart::{Form, Part};
// API endpoint and Pdfcrowd credentials
static API_ENDPOINT: &'static str = "";
static USERNAME: &'static str = "demo";
static API_KEY: &'static str = "ce544b6ea52a5621fb9d55f8b542d14d";
// conversion function as a multipart post to Pdfcrowd API servers
fn convert(fields: Vec<(&str, &str)>, files: Vec<(&str, &str)>, output_filename: &str) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// create multipart form
let mut form = Form::new();
// set fields to upload
for (key, value) in fields {
let part = Part::text(value.to_string()).mime_str("text/plain")?;
form = form.part(key.to_string(), part);
// set files to upload
for (key, filename) in files {
form = form.file(key.to_string(), filename)?;
// create client and make the POST request
let client = Client::builder().build()?;
let mut response =
.basic_auth(USERNAME.to_string(), Some(API_KEY))
// check the HTTP response
if !response.status().is_success() {
eprintln!("Pdfcrowd Error Code: {}", response.status().as_u16());
eprintln!("Pdfcrowd Error Details: {}", response.text()?);
return Err("Unexpected conversion error".into());
// write the output to a local file
let mut file = File::create(output_filename)?;
response.copy_to(&mut file)?;
fn convert_url_example() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let options = vec![
("input_format", "html"),
("output_format", "pdf"),
("page_size", "letter"),
("url", "")
convert(options, vec![], "example_url.pdf")
fn convert_text_example() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let options = vec![
("input_format", "html"),
("output_format", "pdf"),
("page_size", "letter"),
("text", "<h1>Hello from Pdfcrowd</h1>")
convert(options, vec![], "example_text.pdf")
fn convert_file_example() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let options = vec![
("input_format", "html"),
("output_format", "pdf"),
("page_size", "letter")
let files = vec![
("file", "your-file.html")
convert(options, files, "example_file.pdf")
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
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