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Last active October 24, 2017 00:10
license: mit
Cities1 B/quilla Bogotá B/manga B/tura Cali C/gena Cúcuta Ibagué M/zales Medellín Neiva Pasto Pereira Sta.Marta V/cencio Yopal
Armenia 103.87 151.02 109.95 145.83 162.25 107.53 110.21 290.16 280.20 160.17 140.05 121.00 502.75 94.88 150.73 111.43
B/quilla 96.49 108.19 101.65 100.86 186.62 101.06 93.16 103.49 107.20 93.39 100.93 103.92 226.37 100.01 100.11
B/meja 106.37 112.02 205.19 104.85 104.56 98.77 146.47 108.79 113.77 117.83 101.67 112.31 113.44 101.67 119.65 120.01
Bogotá 97.05 123.38 123.75 125.97 94.11 118.91 165.30 156.40 133.70 136.68 114.77 146.20 96.15 284.64 126.04
B/manga 105.31 121.15 105.49 104.73 99.99 180.84 112.54 115.45 119.38 107.98 104.79 113.54 105.21 126.61 118.91
B/tura 98.96 123.75 105.49 164.12 101.62 105.79 138.75 137.32 126.89 111.09 122.29 141.46 93.85 126.31 109.90
Cali 97.92 125.97 104.73 164.12 103.68 105.57 147.80 141.95 127.60 111.07 140.50 148.60 93.23 129.50 105.99
C/gena 186.62 93.43 99.99 101.62 103.68 95.26 94.52 107.51 113.05 93.16 102.95 107.70 142.93 98.33 90.69
Cartago 102.74 153.80 113.18 144.50 152.82 107.39 111.73 210.59 313.57 161.56 133.43 117.85 848.39 94.29 144.12 108.99
Cúcuta 98.15 117.44 180.84 105.79 105.57 95.26 111.24 114.26 119.03 108.36 105.43 112.12 100.98 122.11 119.12
Sogamoso 102.08 155.20 144.18 112.48 107.59 94.00 133.43 122.21 123.56 114.17 114.88 108.62 113.89 105.36 129.16 186.53
Ibagué 90.10 165.30 112.54 135.77 147.80 94.52 111.24 203.04 153.33 152.74 120.55 238.02 92.85 159.12 115.76
Ipiales 98.55 114.20 105.00 120.52 134.90 103.25 105.64 119.17 119.65 115.56 104.04 270.77 121.35 98.60 116.99 107.20
M/zales 109.64 156.40 115.45 137.32 141.95 107.51 114.26 203.04 180.90 129.64 121.31 393.81 93.26 134.14 117.95
Medellín 103.47 133.70 119.38 126.89 127.60 113.05 119.03 153.33 180.90 110.22 116.16 165.32 101.52 136.76 113.42
Neiva 90.58 136.68 109.20 111.09 111.07 93.16 109.31 148.81 129.64 110.22 103.70 137.31 90.20 139.01 110.94
Pasto 98.39 114.77 104.79 122.29 140.50 106.61 105.43 120.56 121.31 116.16 103.70 118.60 98.14 115.25 104.70
Pereira 101.07 146.20 113.54 141.46 148.60 107.70 110.37 238.02 393.81 168.07 137.31 118.60 94.24 147.11 111.15
Sta.Marta 226.37 96.15 105.21 94.39 93.23 142.93 100.98 92.85 93.26 101.52 90.20 98.14 94.24 101.05 100.28
V/cencio 101.63 284.64 128.39 127.51 129.50 97.87 123.37 159.12 134.14 136.76 139.01 115.25 147.11 101.05 123.68
Yopal 98.81 125.35 118.14 109.62 105.68 90.69 118.47 115.31 117.57 113.10 110.57 104.49 110.77 100.28 123.68
d3.dijkstra = function () {
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-<h1>Programas impartidos en Casas de Cultura Barranquilla</h1>
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