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Last active April 5, 2022 07:39
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Save pdib/e319bdb353cc22c00024 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Installing node and npm on a Django AWS ElasticBeanstalk
# This specifies the deployment process on AWS ElasticBeanstalk for a Django app using npm and Postgres.
# The target environment should have access to a Postgres Database through environment variables.
# The environment can be setup using `eb create --database.engine=postgres`
# The necessary environment variables to access the database will be automatically defined on the
# instances of that environment.
# In addition, the target environment should define environment variables (django secret key ...).
# They can be manually defined using the AWS ElasticBeanstalk interface on the web.
# They can also be specified when creating the environment from command line, for example:
# ```
# eb create --database.engine=postgres --envvars ENVVAR1=value,ENVVAR2=value
# ```
git: []
postgresql93-devel: []
cwd: /tmp
test: '[ ! -f /usr/bin/node ] && echo "node not installed"'
command: 'yum install -y nodejs --enablerepo=epel'
cwd: /tmp
test: '[ ! -f /usr/bin/npm ] && echo "npm not installed"'
command: 'curl -L | sh'
cwd: /tmp
test: '[ ! -f /usr/bin/n ] && echo "node not updated"'
command: 'npm install -g n && n stable'
# your settings module here
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: "server.settings_prod"
# add the path to the root of your django app
# note that this is the path on the target machine
# EB will deploy your application in /opt/python/current on the target machines
PYTHONPATH: "/opt/python/current/app/server:$PYTHONPATH"
# path to your file from the root folder of your application
WSGIPath: server/server/
NumProcesses: 3
NumThreads: 20
"/static/": "www/static/"
# These commands will be run just before the application is started
command: 'python server/ migrate --noinput'
leader_only: true
# You can create a "createadmin" command to create a super user automatically
# You can use environment variables to define the credentials of the super user
# If you don't use a createadmin command, delete this command.
command: 'python server/ createadmin'
leader_only: true
# You can define a build script in packages.json (using gulp, grunt...) to build your client side files
command: 'npm install && npm run build'
command: 'python server/ collectstatic --noinput'
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Its better to install nodejs like this:

Your method results in nodejs version 0.10 for me.

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salian commented May 16, 2019

For yum, the package name is nodejs followed by the major version number (for instance, nodejs8, nodejs10, nodejs12, etc)

For example to install Node.js 12.x, run yum install nodejs12

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nickdjones commented Jun 14, 2019

@salian nodejs12 isn't available through EPEL on AMI (which is what Elastic Beanstalk uses)

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This code is depricated

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@DleiaDev you know what is new code? or solution

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DleiaDev commented Jan 28, 2022

@systemTetra2 As @HCNick pointed out, Node isn't available anymore through EPEL repo. What worked for me is, I created a post deploy hook (bash script) in .platform/hooks/postdeploy and installed Node through

# Install NPM (if it doesn't exist)
if ! command -v npm &> /dev/null
  curl -fsSL | sudo bash -
  sudo yum install nodejs -y

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Compile assets
npm run build

This is for Node 14, I haven't tested it for latest version.

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