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Created October 3, 2021 18:47
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#include <boost/json.hpp>
#include <boost/json/basic_parser_impl.hpp>
#include <boost/mp11.hpp>
#include <boost/describe.hpp>
// parse_error
namespace boost
namespace system
template<> struct is_error_code_enum<parse_error>: std::true_type
} // namespace system
} // namespace boost
struct parse_error_category_impl: public boost::system::error_category
const char * name() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
return "json_parse_error";
std::string message( int ev ) const
switch( static_cast<parse_error>( ev ) )
case parse_error::extra_data: return "Extra data";
case parse_error::expected_integer: return "Expected integer";
case parse_error::expected_number: return "Expected number";
case parse_error::expected_string: return "Expected string";
case parse_error::expected_bool: return "Expected boolean";
case parse_error::expected_array: return "Expected array";
case parse_error::expected_object: return "Expected object";
case parse_error::number_out_of_range: return "Number out of range";
case parse_error::invalid_array_size: return "Invalid array size";
case parse_error::invalid_member_name: return "Invalid member name";
default: return "Unknown error";
boost::system::error_category const& parse_error_category()
static constexpr parse_error_category_impl instance{};
return instance;
boost::system::error_code make_error_code( parse_error e )
return boost::system::error_code( static_cast<int>( e ), parse_error_category() );
// handler_base
#define FAIL(ec, e) static constexpr auto loc = BOOST_CURRENT_LOCATION; ec.assign( e, &loc )
template<parse_error E> class handler_error_base
handler_error_base() = default;
handler_error_base( handler_error_base const& ) = delete;
handler_error_base& operator=( handler_error_base const& ) = delete;
bool on_object_begin( boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
bool on_object_end( std::size_t, boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
bool on_array_begin( boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
bool on_array_end( std::size_t, boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
bool on_key_part( boost::json::string_view, std::size_t, boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
bool on_key( boost::json::string_view, std::size_t, boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
bool on_string_part( boost::json::string_view, std::size_t, boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
bool on_string( boost::json::string_view, std::size_t, boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
bool on_number_part( boost::json::string_view, boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
bool on_int64( std::int64_t, boost::json::string_view, boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
bool on_uint64( std::uint64_t, boost::json::string_view, boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
bool on_double( double, boost::json::string_view, boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
bool on_bool( bool, boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
bool on_null( boost::json::error_code& ec ) { FAIL( ec, E ); return false; }
// integral_handler
template<class V, class P> class integral_handler: public handler_error_base<parse_error::expected_integer>
V * value_;
P * parent_;
integral_handler( integral_handler const& ) = delete;
integral_handler& operator=( integral_handler const& ) = delete;
integral_handler( V* v, P* p ): value_( v ), parent_( p )
bool on_number_part( boost::json::string_view, boost::json::error_code& )
return true;
bool on_int64( std::int64_t v, boost::json::string_view, boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( v < std::numeric_limits<V>::min() || v > std::numeric_limits<V>::max() )
FAIL( ec, parse_error::number_out_of_range );
return false;
*value_ = static_cast<V>( v );
return true;
bool on_uint64( std::uint64_t v, boost::json::string_view, boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( v > std::numeric_limits<V>::max() )
FAIL( ec, parse_error::number_out_of_range );
return false;
*value_ = static_cast<V>( v );
return true;
bool on_array_end( std::size_t, boost::json::error_code& )
return true;
// floating_point_handler
template<class V, class P> class floating_point_handler: public handler_error_base<parse_error::expected_number>
V * value_;
P * parent_;
floating_point_handler( floating_point_handler const& ) = delete;
floating_point_handler& operator=( floating_point_handler const& ) = delete;
floating_point_handler( V* v, P* p ): value_( v ), parent_( p )
bool on_number_part( boost::json::string_view, boost::json::error_code& )
return true;
bool on_int64( std::int64_t v, boost::json::string_view, boost::json::error_code& )
*value_ = static_cast<V>( v );
return true;
bool on_uint64( std::uint64_t v, boost::json::string_view, boost::json::error_code& )
*value_ = static_cast<V>( v );
return true;
bool on_double( double v, boost::json::string_view, boost::json::error_code& )
*value_ = static_cast<V>( v );
return true;
bool on_array_end( std::size_t, boost::json::error_code& )
return true;
// string_handler
template<class V, class P> class string_handler: public handler_error_base<parse_error::expected_string>
V * value_;
P * parent_;
string_handler( V* v, P* p ): value_( v ), parent_( p )
bool on_string_part( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t, boost::json::error_code& )
value_->append( sv.begin(), sv.end() );
return true;
bool on_string( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t, boost::json::error_code& )
value_->append( sv.begin(), sv.end() );
return true;
bool on_array_end( std::size_t, boost::json::error_code& )
return true;
// bool_handler
template<class V, class P> class bool_handler: public handler_error_base<parse_error::expected_bool>
V * value_;
P * parent_;
bool_handler( bool_handler const& ) = delete;
bool_handler& operator=( bool_handler const& ) = delete;
bool_handler( V* v, P* p ): value_( v ), parent_( p )
bool on_bool( bool v, boost::json::error_code& )
*value_ = v;
return true;
bool on_array_end( std::size_t, boost::json::error_code& )
return true;
// forward declarations
template<class V, class P> class sequence_handler;
template<class V, class P> class map_handler;
template<class V, class P> class tuple_handler;
template<class V, class P> class described_struct_handler;
template<class V> struct unknown_type_handler
static_assert( sizeof(V) == 0, "This type is not supported" );
// is_string
template<class T> struct is_string: std::is_same<T, std::string>
// is_map
template<class T, class E = void> struct is_map: std::false_type
template<class T> struct is_map<T, decltype( std::declval<T&>().emplace( std::declval<std::string>(), std::declval<typename T::mapped_type>() ), (void)0 )>: std::true_type
// is_sequence
template<class T, class E = void> struct is_sequence: std::false_type
template<class T> struct is_sequence<T, decltype( std::declval<T&>().push_back( std::declval<typename T::value_type>() ), (void)0 )>: std::true_type
// is_tuple
template<class T, class E = void> struct is_tuple: std::false_type
template<class T> struct is_tuple<T, decltype( (void)std::tuple_size<T>::value )>: std::true_type
// is_described_struct
template<class T, class E = void> struct is_described_struct: std::false_type
template<class T> struct is_described_struct<T, decltype((void)boost::describe::describe_members<T, boost::describe::mod_any_access>())>: std::true_type
// get_handler
template<class V, class P> using get_handler = boost::mp11::mp_cond<
std::is_same<V, bool>, bool_handler<V, P>,
std::is_integral<V>, integral_handler<V, P>,
std::is_floating_point<V>, floating_point_handler<V, P>,
is_string<V>, string_handler<V, P>,
is_map<V>, map_handler<V, P>,
is_sequence<V>, sequence_handler<V, P>,
is_tuple<V>, tuple_handler<V, P>,
is_described_struct<V>, described_struct_handler<V, P>,
boost::mp11::mp_true, unknown_type_handler<V>
// sequence_handler
template<class V, class P> class sequence_handler
V * value_;
P * parent_;
using value_type = typename V::value_type;
using inner_handler_type = get_handler<value_type, sequence_handler>;
value_type next_value_ = {};
inner_handler_type inner_;
bool inner_active_ = false;
sequence_handler( sequence_handler const& ) = delete;
sequence_handler& operator=( sequence_handler const& ) = delete;
sequence_handler( V* v, P* p ): value_( v ), parent_( p ), inner_( &next_value_, this )
void signal_value()
value_->push_back( std::move( next_value_ ) );
next_value_ = {};
void signal_end()
inner_active_ = false;
#define INVOKE_INNER(f) if( !inner_active_ ) { FAIL( ec, parse_error::expected_array ); return false; } else return inner_.f
bool on_object_begin( boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_object_begin( ec ) );
bool on_object_end( std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_object_end( n, ec ) );
bool on_array_begin( boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ )
return inner_.on_array_begin( ec );
inner_active_ = true;
return true;
bool on_array_end( std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ )
return inner_.on_array_end( n, ec );
return true;
bool on_key_part( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_key_part( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_key( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_key( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_string_part( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_string_part( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_string( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_string( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_number_part( boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_number_part( sv, ec ) );
bool on_int64( std::int64_t v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_int64( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_uint64( std::uint64_t v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_uint64( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_double( double v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_double( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_bool( bool v, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_bool( v, ec ) );
bool on_null( boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_null( ec ) );
// map_handler
template<class V, class P> class map_handler
V * value_;
P * parent_;
using mapped_type = typename V::mapped_type;
using inner_handler_type = get_handler<mapped_type, map_handler>;
std::string key_;
mapped_type next_value_ = {};
inner_handler_type inner_;
bool inner_active_ = false;
map_handler( map_handler const& ) = delete;
map_handler& operator=( map_handler const& ) = delete;
map_handler( V* v, P* p ): value_( v ), parent_( p ), inner_( &next_value_, this )
void signal_value()
value_->emplace( std::move( key_ ), std::move( next_value_ ) );
key_ = {};
next_value_ = {};
inner_active_ = false;
void signal_end()
inner_active_ = false;
#define INVOKE_INNER(f) if( !inner_active_ ) { FAIL( ec, parse_error::expected_object ); return false; } else return inner_.f
bool on_object_begin( boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ )
return inner_.on_object_begin( ec );
return true;
bool on_object_end( std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ )
return inner_.on_object_end( n, ec );
return true;
bool on_array_begin( boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_array_begin( ec ) );
bool on_array_end( std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ )
return inner_.on_array_end( n, ec );
return true;
bool on_key_part( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ )
return inner_.on_key_part( sv, n, ec );
key_.append(, sv.size() );
return true;
bool on_key( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ )
return inner_.on_key( sv, n, ec );
key_.append(, sv.size() );
inner_active_ = true;
return true;
bool on_string_part( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_string_part( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_string( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_string( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_number_part( boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_number_part( sv, ec ) );
bool on_int64( std::int64_t v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_int64( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_uint64( std::uint64_t v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_uint64( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_double( double v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_double( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_bool( bool v, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_bool( v, ec ) );
bool on_null( boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_null( ec ) );
// handler tuple
template<std::size_t I, class T> struct handler_tuple_element
T t_;
template<class S, class... T> struct handler_tuple_impl;
template<std::size_t... I, class... T> struct handler_tuple_impl<boost::mp11::index_sequence<I...>, T...>: handler_tuple_element<I, T>...
template<class P, class... V> struct handler_tuple: public handler_tuple_impl<boost::mp11::index_sequence_for<V...>, get_handler<V, P>...>
using base_type = handler_tuple_impl<boost::mp11::index_sequence_for<V...>, get_handler<V, P>...>;
template<class... A> handler_tuple( A... a ): base_type{ { { a.first, a.second } }... }
handler_tuple( handler_tuple const& ) = delete;
handler_tuple& operator=( handler_tuple const& ) = delete;
template<std::size_t I, class T> T& get( handler_tuple_element<I, T>& e )
return e.t_;
// tuple_handler
template<class P, class T> struct tuple_inner_handlers;
template<class P, template<class...> class L, class... V> struct tuple_inner_handlers<P, L<V...>>
handler_tuple<P, V...> handlers_;
template<std::size_t... I> tuple_inner_handlers( L<V...>* pv, P* pp, boost::mp11::index_sequence<I...> ): handlers_( std::make_pair( &get<I>(*pv), pp )... )
template<class T, class P> class tuple_handler
T * value_;
P * parent_;
std::string key_;
tuple_inner_handlers<tuple_handler, T> inner_;
int inner_active_ = -1;
tuple_handler( tuple_handler const& ) = delete;
tuple_handler& operator=( tuple_handler const& ) = delete;
tuple_handler( T* v, P* p ): value_( v ), parent_( p ), inner_( v, this, boost::mp11::make_index_sequence< std::tuple_size<T>::value >() )
void signal_value()
void signal_end()
inner_active_ = -1;
#define INVOKE_INNER(fn) \
if( inner_active_ < 0 ) \
{ \
FAIL( ec, parse_error::expected_array ); \
return false; \
} \
constexpr std::size_t N = std::tuple_size<T>::value; \
if( inner_active_ >= N ) \
{ \
FAIL( ec, parse_error::invalid_array_size ); \
return false; \
} \
return boost::mp11::mp_with_index<N>( inner_active_, [&](auto I){ \
return get<I>( inner_.handlers_ ).fn; \
bool on_object_begin( boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_object_begin( ec ) );
bool on_object_end( std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_object_end( n, ec ) );
bool on_array_begin( boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ < 0 )
inner_active_ = 0;
return true;
constexpr std::size_t N = std::tuple_size<T>::value;
if( inner_active_ >= N )
inner_active_ = 0;
return true;
return boost::mp11::mp_with_index<N>( inner_active_, [&](auto I){
return get<I>( inner_.handlers_ ).on_array_begin( ec );
bool on_array_end( std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ < 0 )
return true;
constexpr std::size_t N = std::tuple_size<T>::value;
if( inner_active_ >= N )
return true;
return boost::mp11::mp_with_index<N>( inner_active_, [&](auto I){
return get<I>( inner_.handlers_ ).on_array_end( n, ec );
bool on_key_part( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_key_part( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_key( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_key( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_string_part( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_string_part( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_string( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_string( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_number_part( boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_number_part( sv, ec ) );
bool on_int64( std::int64_t v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_int64( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_uint64( std::uint64_t v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_uint64( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_double( double v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_double( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_bool( bool v, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_bool( v, ec ) );
bool on_null( boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_null( ec ) );
// described_struct_handler
template<class T, class D> using struct_member_type = std::remove_reference_t< decltype( std::declval<T&>().*D::pointer ) >;
template<class P, class T, class L> struct struct_inner_handlers;
template<class P, class T, template<class...> class L, class... D> struct struct_inner_handlers<P, T, L<D...>>
handler_tuple<P, struct_member_type<T, D>...> handlers_;
struct_inner_handlers( T* pv, P* pp ): handlers_( std::make_pair( &(pv->*D::pointer), pp )... )
template<class V, class P> class described_struct_handler
V * value_;
P * parent_;
std::string key_;
using Dm = boost::describe::describe_members<V, boost::describe::mod_public>;
struct_inner_handlers<described_struct_handler, V, Dm> inner_;
int inner_active_ = -1;
described_struct_handler( described_struct_handler const& ) = delete;
described_struct_handler& operator=( described_struct_handler const& ) = delete;
described_struct_handler( V* v, P* p ): value_( v ), parent_( p ), inner_( v, this )
void signal_value()
key_ = {};
inner_active_ = -1;
void signal_end()
key_ = {};
inner_active_ = -1;
#define INVOKE_INNER(fn) \
if( inner_active_ < 0 ) \
{ \
FAIL( ec, parse_error::expected_object ); \
return false; \
} \
return boost::mp11::mp_with_index<boost::mp11::mp_size<Dm>>( inner_active_, [&](auto I){ \
return get<I>( inner_.handlers_ ).fn; \
bool on_object_begin( boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ < 0 )
return true;
INVOKE_INNER( on_object_begin( ec ) );
bool on_object_end( std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ < 0 )
return true;
INVOKE_INNER( on_object_end( n, ec ) );
bool on_array_begin( boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_array_begin( ec ) );
bool on_array_end( std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ < 0 )
return true;
INVOKE_INNER( on_array_end( n, ec ) );
bool on_key_part( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ < 0 )
key_.append(, sv.size() );
return true;
INVOKE_INNER( on_key_part( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_key( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
if( inner_active_ >= 0 )
INVOKE_INNER( on_key( sv, n, ec ) );
key_.append(, sv.size() );
int i = 0;
boost::mp11::mp_for_each<Dm>([&](auto D){
if( key_ == )
inner_active_ = i;
if( inner_active_ < 0 )
FAIL( ec, parse_error::invalid_member_name );
return false;
return true;
bool on_string_part( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_string_part( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_string( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_string( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_number_part( boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_number_part( sv, ec ) );
bool on_int64( std::int64_t v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_int64( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_uint64( std::uint64_t v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_uint64( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_double( double v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_double( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_bool( bool v, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_bool( v, ec ) );
bool on_null( boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_null( ec ) );
// handler
template<class V> class handler
using inner_handler_type = get_handler<V, handler>;
inner_handler_type inner_;
bool inner_active_ = true;
handler( handler const& ) = delete;
handler& operator=( handler const& ) = delete;
constexpr static std::size_t max_object_size = std::size_t(-1);
constexpr static std::size_t max_array_size = std::size_t(-1);
constexpr static std::size_t max_key_size = std::size_t(-1);
constexpr static std::size_t max_string_size = std::size_t(-1);
explicit handler( V* v ): inner_( v, this )
void signal_value()
void signal_end()
bool on_document_begin( boost::json::error_code& )
return true;
bool on_document_end( boost::json::error_code& )
inner_active_ = false;
return true;
#define INVOKE_INNER(f) if( !inner_active_ ) { FAIL( ec, parse_error::extra_data ); return false; } else return inner_.f
bool on_object_begin( boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_object_begin( ec ) );
bool on_object_end( std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_object_end( n, ec ) );
bool on_array_begin( boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_array_begin( ec ) );
bool on_array_end( std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_array_end( n, ec ) );
bool on_key_part( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_key_part( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_key( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_key( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_string_part( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_string_part( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_string( boost::json::string_view sv, std::size_t n, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_string( sv, n, ec ) );
bool on_number_part( boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_number_part( sv, ec ) );
bool on_int64( std::int64_t v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_int64( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_uint64( std::uint64_t v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_uint64( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_double( double v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_double( v, sv, ec ) );
bool on_bool( bool v, boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_bool( v, ec ) );
bool on_null( boost::json::error_code& ec )
INVOKE_INNER( on_null( ec ) );
bool on_comment_part(boost::json::string_view, boost::json::error_code&)
return true;
bool on_comment(boost::json::string_view, boost::json::error_code&)
return true;
// parse_into
template<class V> void parse_into( V& v, boost::json::string_view sv, boost::json::error_code& ec )
using handler_type = handler<V>;
boost::json::basic_parser<handler_type> p_( {}, &v );
std::size_t n = p_.write_some( false,, sv.size(), ec );
if( !ec && n < sv.size() )
FAIL( ec, parse_error::extra_data );
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <chrono>
struct coordinate
double x{}, y{}, z{};
std::string name;
BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT(coordinate, (), (x, y, z, name))
struct coordinates
std::vector<coordinate> coordinates;
std::string info;
BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT(coordinates, (), (coordinates, info))
template<class T,
class D1 = boost::describe::describe_members<T,
boost::describe::mod_public | boost::describe::mod_protected>,
class D2 = boost::describe::describe_members<T, boost::describe::mod_private>,
class En = std::enable_if_t<boost::mp11::mp_empty<D2>::value> >
void tag_invoke( boost::json::value_from_tag const&, boost::json::value& v, T const & t )
auto& obj = v.emplace_object();
boost::mp11::mp_for_each<D1>([&](auto D){
obj[ ] = boost::json::value_from( t.*D.pointer );
template<class T,
class Bd = boost::describe::describe_bases<T, boost::describe::mod_any_access>,
class Md = boost::describe::describe_members<T, boost::describe::mod_any_access>>
bool operator==( T const& t1, T const& t2 )
bool r = true;
boost::mp11::mp_for_each<Bd>([&](auto D){
using B = typename decltype(D)::type;
r = r && (B const&)t1 == (B const&)t2;
boost::mp11::mp_for_each<Md>([&](auto D){
r = r && t1.*D.pointer == t2.*D.pointer;
return r;
struct accumulator
using value_type = coordinate;
std::size_t len = 0;
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
double z = 0;
void push_back( coordinate const& v )
x += v.x;
y += v.y;
z += v.z;
struct coordinates2
accumulator coordinates;
std::string info;
BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT(coordinates2, (), (coordinates, info))
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
int main()
// using T = std::map<std::string, int>;
// T t1{ { "one", 1 }, { "two", 2 }, { "three", 3 } };
// using T = std::vector< std::vector<int> >;
// T t1{ {}, {1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5, 6} };
// using T = std::map<std::string, std::vector<int>>;
// T t1{ { "one", {1} }, { "two", {2, 2} }, { "three", {3, 3, 3} } };
// using T = std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, int>>;
// T t1{ { "one", { 1, 2 } }, { "two", { 3, 4 } } };
// using T = std::vector<coordinate>;
// T t1{ { 1, 1, 1, "1" }, { 2, 2, 2, "2" } };
using T = coordinates;
T t1{};
std::string json = boost::json::serialize( boost::json::value_from( t1 ) );
std::cout << "json: " << json << std::endl;
T t2;
boost::json::error_code ec;
parse_into( t2, json, ec );
if( ec.failed() )
std::cout << "Error: " << ec.what();
return -1;
std::string json2 = boost::json::serialize( boost::json::value_from( t2 ) );
std::cout << "json2: " << json2 << std::endl;
if( t1 != t2 )
std::cout << "Mismatch!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Match!" << std::endl;
std::ifstream is( "/tmp/1.json" );
std::string json( std::istreambuf_iterator<char>( is ), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>{} );
std::cout << "1.json: " << json.size() << " bytes\n";
auto tp1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
boost::json::value jv = boost::json::parse( json );
auto tp2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::cout << "boost::json::parse: " << (tp2 - tp1) / 1ms << " ms\n";
auto x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0;
auto len = 0;
auto &obj = jv.get_object();
for( auto& v: obj["coordinates"].get_array() )
auto& coord = v.get_object();
x += coord["x"].get_double();
y += coord["y"].get_double();
z += coord["z"].get_double();
x /= len;
y /= len;
z /= len;
auto tp3 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::cout << " x: " << x << ", y: " << y << ", z: " << z << ": " << (tp3 - tp2) / 1ms << " ms\n";
auto tp1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
coordinates w;
boost::json::error_code ec;
parse_into( w, json, ec );
if( ec.failed() )
std::cout << "Error: " << ec.what() << std::endl;
auto tp2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::cout << "parse_into coordinates: " << (tp2 - tp1) / 1ms << " ms\n";
auto x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0;
auto len = 0;
for( auto const& v: w.coordinates )
x += v.x;
y += v.y;
z += v.z;
x /= len;
y /= len;
z /= len;
auto tp3 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::cout << " x: " << x << ", y: " << y << ", z: " << z << ": " << (tp3 - tp2) / 1ms << " ms\n";
auto tp1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
coordinates2 w;
boost::json::error_code ec;
parse_into( w, json, ec );
if( ec.failed() )
std::cout << "Error: " << ec.what() << std::endl;
auto tp2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::cout << "parse_into coordinates2: " << (tp2 - tp1) / 1ms << " ms\n";
double x = w.coordinates.z / w.coordinates.len;
double y = w.coordinates.y / w.coordinates.len;
double z = w.coordinates.z / w.coordinates.len;
auto tp3 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::cout << " x: " << x << ", y: " << y << ", z: " << z << ": " << (tp3 - tp2) / 1ms << " ms\n";
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