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Last active January 13, 2021 09:18
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RSpec Cheat Sheet

This is a cheat sheet for RSpec, including its methods, and test doubles. It also includes FactoryGirl methods, even though that is separate from RSpec. This cheat sheet is based on Rails 4 Test Prescriptions by Noel Rappin (the best of a bad lot when it comes to RSpec books) and the RSpec documentation published on Relish. RSpec documentation is generally not very good, which is why I created this cheat sheet for myself.



Standard stub (to intercept a method call), for objects and classes, respectively:

allow(object).to receive(:method)[.and_return(value)]
allow(Class).to receive(:method)[.and_return(value)]

For instance method, where the object cannot be easily ascertained (eg, checking value after a DB transaction):

allow_any_instance_of(Class).to receive(:method)[.and_return(value)]

To intercept a 'nested' method call on an object (eg, printing errors from an ActiveRecord method call on an object):

allow(object).to receive_message_chain("method1.method2")[.and_return(value)]

To use these as expectations (using #expect) the expectation must go before the test code that should trigger methods satisfying the expectation (just like using allow but in contrast the usual place of expectations, which is at the end of the example).

RSpec 3.2 Matchers

Full listing of built-in matchers.

FactoryGirl & Doubles

FactoryGirl Creation Methods

To create an object in the DB:

obj = create(:class)

To create an object without saving to the DB. You can call #save on the object later.

obj = build(:class)

If :class contains associations, then FactoryGirl will also create those objects, but with #create unless a different strategy is specified using the :strategy parameter to #association. Q: What is a [build] strategy?

To create an object that is not saved in the DB, but will have a fake ActiveRecord ID anyway:

obj = build_stubbed(:class)

This will create associations using #build_stubbed, not #create. #build_stubbed raises an exception if any of the ActiveRecord methods (eg, #save) are called on the object.

Test Doubles

An object used as a stand-in for another object. #double is provided by RSpec.

The basic form simply creates a dummy object with an optional list of methods it responds to, and their return values. It returns an error if a method not specified is called on the object. Q: Does "error" mean "raise an exception"?

obj = double("Object Name", [method: return_val]*)

Verifying doubles are based on actual objects, and returns an error if a method that does not exist on the actual object is called. The following methods are for instance and class doubles, respectively. Q: Does "error" mean "raise an exception"?

obj = instance_double(:class, [method: return_val]*)
obj = class_double(Class, [method: return_val]*)

Controller specs

Maybe I'll never fill this in.

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Sandi Metz wouldn't fill in "Controller Specs" ;)

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