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Created December 4, 2022 11:16
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ChatGPT Codespace Hidden Feature
(self.webpackChunk_N_E = self.webpackChunk_N_E || []).push([
[841], {
53306: function(e, n, t) {
"use strict";
t.r(n), t.d(n, {
__N_SSP: function() {
return h
var r = t(91530),
i = t.n(r),
a = t(70079),
o = t(11276),
u = t(28864),
s = t(39010),
c = t(67138),
f = t(91831),
d = t(57076),
l = t(66740),
p = t(2656),
_ = t(35250),
h = !0;
n.default = function(e) {
var n = e.user,
t = e.accessToken,
r = e.initialTree,
h = e.initialCurrentLeafId,
m = e.paletteFeatures,
v = e.features,
w = e.pages,
C = (0, a.useState)(!1),
g = C[0],
x = C[1],
N = (0, a.useMemo)(function() {
return {
id: "programming",
name: "Codespace",
href: "/codespace",
description: "Get help with code",
theme: {
icon: "terminal",
color: "#C089F8"
features: new Set([o.u9.Retrieval])
}, []),
E = (0, c.P)(;
(0, f.Z)("Codespace", n, t);
var P = (0, a.useMemo)(function() {
return {
app: p.VY,
origin: "codebot"
}, []);
return (0, a.useEffect)(function() {
}, [E]), (0, _.jsx)(d.y.Provider, {
value: N,
children: (0, _.jsxs)(l.Af.Provider, {
value: P,
children: [(0, _.jsx)(u.Z, {
isOpen: g,
onModalClose: i(),
type: "success",
title: "",
primaryButton: void 0,
children: (0, _.jsx)(c.Z, {
onClose: function() {
return x(!1)
}), (0, _.jsx)(s.Z, {
contextName: "proxy",
initialCurrentLeafId: h,
initialTree: r,
artifacts: [],
paletteFeatures: m,
features: new Set(v),
pages: w
42265: function(e, n, t) {
(window.__NEXT_P = window.__NEXT_P || []).push(["/codespace", function() {
return t(53306)
function(e) {
e.O(0, [861, 741, 798, 495, 589, 894, 774, 888, 179], function() {
return e(e.s = 42265)
}), _N_E = e.O()
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