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Created May 22, 2011 01:58
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2009 Sudoku Solver
# Preetam D'Souza
# 4.24.09
# Period 7
###[ Constraint Solvers: Sudoku ]###
SIZE = 9 # 9x9
# Check method cycles through each key in the dictionary, and makes
# sure that each value (neighbor) does not have the same value as the key
def check(neighbors, colors):
for k in neighbors.keys():
for v in neighbors[k]:
if colors[k] == colors[v]: # check if neighbors have same color
return False
return True # no neighbors have same color
# This Brute Force recursion method searches all possible territory
# coloring states by using a depth-first search through the
# state tree.
def brute(neighbors, colorlist, colors, depth):
if depth==len(neighbors): # list fully generated
if check(neighbors,colorlist): # good solution
print "OKAY: %s" % colorlist
#else: # solution fails
# print "NOT OKAY: %s" % colorlist
if depth>=len(neighbors): return # base case
for color in colors: # for each available color
n = neighbors.keys()[depth] # the last neighbor
colorlist[n] = color # try this color
brute(neighbors,colorlist,colors,depth+1) #depth-first recursion
# This search method uses forward checking with a degree and minimum color choice
# heuristic. There is also backtracking implemented into the recursive algorithm.
def search(neighbors, colorlist, colors, choices, sorted, depth):
if depth==len(neighbors): # list fully generated
print "OKAY: %s\n" % colorlist
for x in colorlist:
m[x[0]][x[1]] = colorlist[x]
sorted = sort(choices,sorted)
#print "Sorted list: %s\nChoices: %s\n" % (sorted,choices)
n = sorted[0] # neighbor with least color choices & most connections
for color in choices[n][0]: # for each available color for n
colorlist[n] = color # try this color
tmp = []
for x in neighbors[n]: # alter neighbors
if x not in choices: continue
choices[x][1] -= 1 # neighbors have one less uncolored neighbor
if x in sorted and color in choices[x][0]: # remove color from neighbors
sorted.remove(n) # this territory has been used
search(neighbors,colorlist,colors,choices,sorted,depth+1) #depth-first recursion
sorted.append(n) #backtrack
for k in tmp:
for x in neighbors[n]: # backtrace
if x not in choices: continue
choices[x][1] += 1
# Selection sort algorithm
def sort(choices,neighbors):
max = -1
for i in xrange(0,len(neighbors)):
m = i
for j in xrange(i+1,len(neighbors)):
jcolors = len(choices[neighbors[j]][0]) # remaining choices for neighbors[j]
mcolors = len(choices[neighbors[m]][0]) # remaining choices for neighbors[max]
if jcolors < mcolors:
m = j
elif jcolors == mcolors and choices[neighbors[j]][1] > choices[neighbors[m]][1]:
m = j
neighbors[i], neighbors[m] = neighbors[m], neighbors[i]
return neighbors
# display sudoku matrix
def display(matrix):
for i in xrange(SIZE):
print '\n'
for j in xrange(SIZE):
if matrix[i][j] == '-1':
print '_'.rjust(5),
print matrix[i][j].rjust(5),
print '\n\n'
# File I/O
infile = open('evil.txt')
filelist =
print "filelist=%s" % filelist
lines = filelist.split('\n')
lines = lines[:-2]
print "file by lines %s\n\n" % lines
m = [[-1]*SIZE for i in xrange(SIZE)]
for i in xrange(len(lines)):
line = lines[i].split(',')
for j in xrange(len(line)):
if '\r' in line[j]: line[j] = line[j][:-1]
m[i][j] = line[j]
print "Matrix: %s" % m
# dictionary creation
dict = {}
for i in xrange(SIZE):
for j in xrange(SIZE):
if m[i][j] != '-1': continue # blank space
k = (i,j)
if k not in dict: dict[k] = []
for dx in xrange(SIZE):
vr = (i,dx) # each item in row i
vc = (dx,j) # each item in col j
if vr not in dict: dict[vr] = []
if vc not in dict: dict[vc] = []
if vr != k and vr not in dict[k]: dict[k].append(vr)
if vc != k and vc not in dict[k]: dict[k].append(vc)
if vr != k and k not in dict[vr]: dict[vr].append(k)
if vc != k and k not in dict[vc]: dict[vc].append(k)
# add neighbors in each 3x3 square region
t = (1,1)
for i in xrange(3):
r = (t[0]+3*i,t[1])
for j in xrange(3):
r = (r[0],t[1]+3*j)
square = [(r[0]-1,r[1]-1),(r[0]-1,r[1]),(r[0]-1,r[1]+1),
(r[0] ,r[1]-1),(r[0] ,r[1]),(r[0] ,r[1]+1),
for k in square:
for v in square:
if v == k : continue
if v not in dict[k]: dict[k].append(v)
if k not in dict[v]: dict[v].append(k)
# get rid of fixed places
for key in dict.keys():
if m[key[0]][key[1]] != '-1':
del dict[key]
print "Dictionary: %s\n\n" % dict
colors = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9".split(' ')
# create the choices dictionary
colorlist = {}
choices = {}
for x in dict.keys():
if m[x[0]][x[1]] != '-1':
tmp = colors*1
for n in dict[x]:
if m[n[0]][n[1]] in tmp:
choices[x] = [tmp*1,len(dict[x])] # [remaining choices, # of neighbors]
print "Color Choices and Uncolored Neighbors Dictionary: %s\n\n" % choices
sorted = sort(choices,dict.keys())
print "Sorted Neighbor List: %s\n" % sorted
# output solution
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