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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Apis for smart cities
var sc_api = function sc_api (sub_domain, js_type)
this.protocol = "http";
this.domain = "";
// Defualt sub_domain is pdx
if ( typeof sub_domain === "undefined" )
sub_domain = "pdx";
this.sub_domain = sub_domain;
this.origin = this.update_origin();
if ( typeof js_type === "undefined" )
js_type = "normal";
if ( js_type === "normal" )
this._get = this._normal_get;
this.url = require('url');
this.http = require('http');
this._get = this._node_get;
this.data_ids = this.data_set();
sc_api.prototype.data_set = function()
var set = {};
if ( this.sub_domain === "pdx" )
set = {
"DEQ Export": "552d2900d838c1a200fa6925",
"DEQ Stations": "552d2910d838c1a200fa6927",
"Daily Averages": "552d29ccd838c1a200fa692b",
"Average Wind Speed": "552d2a96d838c1a200fa692f",
"Powell Stations": "552d2b60d838c1a200fa6931",
"Emissions By Hour": "552d2ff7515c31c300715f13",
"Emissions By Station": "552d3029515c31c300715f15",
"Air Quality": "55353d09abadd8b7001497c4",
"Powell Travel Time Data": "55561bae2d1c07a100b750b6",
"Powell Travel Time Stations": "55561bc42d1c07a100b750b9",
"PDX Crime Data 2013": "555620542d1c07a100b750c3",
"PDX Business Licenses": "555622c42d1c07a100b750c6",
"DEQ Air Quality Combined": "55561c662d1c07a100b750bc",
"PDX Parks with Locations": "55561ff92d1c07a100b750c0",
"Traffic Travel Time Combined": "555769ffaf93c4a200776b09"
this.data_ids = set;
return set;
sc_api.prototype.set_domain = function(sub_domain)
this.sub_domain = sub_domain;
sc_api.prototype.update_origin = function()
this.origin = this.protocol + "://" + this.sub_domain + "." + this.domain + "/api/data/";
return this.origin;
sc_api.prototype._node_get = function(url, callback)
parsed_url = this.url.parse(url);
return this.http.get({
path: parsed_url.path
}, function(response) {
// Continuously update stream with data
var body = '';
response.on('data', function(d) {
body += d;
response.on('end', function() {
sc_api.prototype._normal_get = function(url, callback)
// So jquery doesn't have to be included
var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function()
if ( xmlhttp.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE )
if ( xmlhttp.status == 200 )
callback( xmlhttp.responseText );
else if ( xmlhttp.status == 400 )
console.log('AJAX ERROR: There was an error 400')
console.log('AJAX ERROR: something else other than 200 was returned')
}"GET", url, true);
sc_api.prototype.get = function(url, callback)
var get_callback = function (data)
callback( data );
this._get(this.origin + url, get_callback);
sc_api.prototype.getJSON = function(url, callback)
var json_callback = function (un_parsed)
callback( JSON.parse( un_parsed ) );
this.get(url, json_callback);
} = function(set_name, callback, query)
var url = this.data_ids[set_name] + this.get_query_string(query);
this.getJSON(url, callback);
sc_api.prototype.get_query_string = function(obj)
var str = "";
if ( typeof obj !== "undefined" )
str = "?";
for (var key in obj) {
if (str != "?") {
str += "&";
str += key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[key]);
return str;
// var api = new sc_api("pdx")
//"DEQ Export", function (data) { console.log(data); }, {"limit": 100} );
import urllib2
import urllib
import json
class api(object):
"""docstring for api"""
def __init__(self, sub_domain="pdx"):
super(api, self).__init__()
self.sub_domain = sub_domain
self.protocol = "http"
self.domain = ""
self.sub_domain = sub_domain
self.origin = self.update_origin()
self.data_ids = self.data_set()
def data_set(self):
data = {}
if self.sub_domain == "pdx":
data = {
"DEQ Export": "552d2900d838c1a200fa6925",
"DEQ Stations": "552d2910d838c1a200fa6927",
"Daily Averages": "552d29ccd838c1a200fa692b",
"Average Wind Speed": "552d2a96d838c1a200fa692f",
"Powell Stations": "552d2b60d838c1a200fa6931",
"Emissions By Hour": "552d2ff7515c31c300715f13",
"Emissions By Station": "552d3029515c31c300715f15",
"Air Quality": "55353d09abadd8b7001497c4",
"Powell Travel Time Data": "55561bae2d1c07a100b750b6",
"Powell Travel Time Stations": "55561bc42d1c07a100b750b9",
"PDX Crime Data 2013": "555620542d1c07a100b750c3",
"PDX Business Licenses": "555622c42d1c07a100b750c6",
"DEQ Air Quality Combined": "55561c662d1c07a100b750bc",
"PDX Parks with Locations": "55561ff92d1c07a100b750c0",
"Traffic Travel Time Combined": "555769ffaf93c4a200776b09"
self.data_ids = data
return data
def set_domain(self, sub_domain):
self.sub_domain = sub_domain
def update_origin(self):
self.origin = self.protocol + "://" + self.sub_domain + "." + self.domain + "/api/data/"
return self.origin
def getJSON(self, url, query={"limit": 100}):
url_values = urllib.urlencode(query)
full_url = self.origin + url + '?' + url_values
response = urllib2.urlopen(full_url)
headers =
page =
return json.loads(page)
def data(self, set_name, query={}):
url = self.data_ids[set_name]
return self.getJSON(url, query)
def main():
smart = api("pdx")
results ="Traffic Travel Time Combined", {"limit": 10})
for data_point in results:
print "traveltime:", data_point["traveltime"]
if __name__ == '__main__':
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