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Created July 22, 2015 19:10
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Python webserver to handle gitlab web hooks
File: gitlab_webhooks/
Author: John Andersen
Description: A webserver to receive json web hooks from gitlab_webhooks
The hooks are dealt with by calling the corresponding function in For example a push is received so the function push in is called and passed the hook data.
Crontab line to run on reboot
@reboot /usr/bin/python /path/to/gitlab_webhooks/ 9898
import sys
import json
import thread
from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn
import hooks
PORT = 9898
class Handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
Handles post requests
def do_POST(self):
Sends a 200 to the client and starts a new thread to
execute the proper hook function
# Send the client a success reponse
# Get the length of the post data
content_len = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length', 0))
# Read the post data
post_body =
# Load the post data from its json form to a dict
post_body = json.loads(post_body)
# Start a thread to deal with the received hook
thread.start_new_thread(hook_received, (post_body, ))
class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
"""Handle requests in a separate thread."""
def hook_received(hook):
Calls the hook function in the file
# Get the hook function pyt name "object_kind" from
exec_hook = getattr(hooks, hook["object_kind"])
# Call the function and pass it the hook
return exec_hook(hook)
def start(port=PORT, address=ADDRESS):
Starts the webserver
server = ThreadedHTTPServer((address, port), Handler)
def main():
Starts the webserver, first argument is port number, default is 9898
port = PORT
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
port = sys.argv[1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
import sys
import subprocess
def push(hook):
print "got push"
print hook
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