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Created January 23, 2021 06:25
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# Documentation:
import os
import time
import socket
import pathlib
import getpass
# Documentation:
import digitalocean
# Documentation:
import pssh.utils
import pssh.clients
import gevent
def digitalocean_ensure_ssh_key_present(
manager, public_ssh_key_path=pathlib.Path("~", ".ssh", "").expanduser()
Make sure that the SSH public key on our system is present within our
DigitalOcean account
We require a pathlib.Path object used to reference the file path of the
public key file on disk. It's in our home directory which we reference
using the `~` character. When we use that character we MUST call
the expanduser() method on the Path object to replace that character with
the correct path to the home directory.
# We'll be using the private key to connect to the server. It's the same
# file path as the public key only without the .pub suffix
private_ssh_key_path = public_ssh_key_path.with_suffix("")
# The key's name will be our username plus the name of the machine we're on
key_name = getpass.getuser() + "_" + socket.gethostname()
# Check if the key exists already
for ssh_key in manager.get_all_sshkeys():
if == key_name:
return private_ssh_key_path, ssh_key
# We then read the contents of the file into a variable
public_ssh_key_contents = public_ssh_key_path.read_text()
# Create a digitalocean.SSHKey object. Reuse the token from the manager
public_ssh_key = digitalocean.SSHKey(
token=manager.token, name=key_name, public_key=public_ssh_key_contents,
# Call the create() method on the key object to create the key
# Return the key
return private_ssh_key_path, public_ssh_key
def print_image_slugs(manager):
Call this function to have a list of image descriptions and their slug's
printed to the terminal.
for image in manager.get_global_images():
print(f"{image.slug}: {image.description}")
def print_region_slugs(manager):
Call this function to have a list of data centers and their slug's printed
to the terminal.
for region in manager.get_all_regions():
print(f"{region.slug}: {}")
def print_size_slugs(manager):
Call this function to have a list of VM sizes and their slug's printed
to the terminal.
for size in manager.get_all_sizes():
print(f"{size.slug:<15}", end=" ")
# Print out the following attributes from the size object
for attr in [
value = getattr(size, attr)
print(f"{attr}: {value!s:<8}", end=" ")
def main():
# Get the API access token for our account from the environment variables
if not "DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN" in os.environ:
raise Exception(
"DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN must be set as an environment variable"
digitalocean_access_token = os.environ["DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN"]
# Create an instance of the manager object to interact with the Digital
# Ocean API.
manager = digitalocean.Manager(token=digitalocean_access_token)
# A "slug" is the unique string we use to refer to a particular VM iamge
# Use print_image_slugs(manager) to see more options
image_slug = "docker-20-04"
# The region is the data center we want to run the VM in
# Use print_region_slugs(manager) to see more options
region_slug = "sfo2"
# The VM size is how big of a machine we are asking for
# Use print_size_slugs(manager) to see more options
size_slug = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
# The name of this project
project_name = "my-test-app"
# The template to use for the VMs names. Use f string formating to add the
# variables we already have defined into the name
name_template = f"{project_name}-{region_slug}-{size_slug}"
# The str.format(*args) method will look for any {} and replace their
# contents with whatever ever args were passed. We need to append it after
# we have done any f string formating so that Python doesn't try to fill the
# empty {} at time of f string formatting. We only want it filled later when
# we call str.format()
name_template += "-{}"
# The number of VMs to create
num_vms = 2
# Make sure we have our machine's ssh key registered with Digital Ocean
private_ssh_key_path, public_ssh_key = digitalocean_ensure_ssh_key_present(manager)
# Create a mapping of droplet names to their objects for all VMs we have
all_vms = { vm for vm in manager.get_all_droplets()}
# Create a tag name using the project name to associate the droplets with
# this project. Spaces are not allowed
project_tag_name = f"project:{project_name}"
# Create a digitalocean.Tag object. Reuse the token from the manager
project_tag = digitalocean.Tag(token=manager.token, name=project_tag_name)
# Call the create() method on the tag object to create the tag
# Create a VM if it doesn't already exist
for i in range(0, num_vms):
# The name of this VM
name = name_template.format(i)
# Skip creation if it exists
if name in all_vms:
# Create a digitalocean.Droplet object. Reuse the token from the manager
vm = digitalocean.Droplet(
# Call the create() method on the droplet object to create the droplet
# Create a mapping of all the VMs associated with this project. Do this
# until the mapping contains the same number of VMs that should exist
project_vms = { vm for vm in manager.get_all_droplets(tag_name=project_tag_name)
while len(project_vms) != num_vms:
project_vms = { vm for vm in manager.get_all_droplets(tag_name=project_tag_name)
# Creating VMs is finished. Now we'll ssh into the project's VMs to setup
# the software we want running on them
# The user we'll be loging in as. Different images might do this differently
ssh_user = "root"
# Create a list of IP addresses we'll be ssh'ing into
ssh_hosts = [vm.ip_address for vm in project_vms.values()]
# The SSH client object doesn't know what to do with a pathlib.Path object
# if it's given one as the private key (pkey). Therefore, we need to resolve
# the private key pathlib.Path object to find it's absolute path, the path
# from the root directory to the file. We then need to convert it from a
# pathlib.Path object to a string by calling the str function
private_ssh_key_path_as_string = str(private_ssh_key_path.resolve())
# SSH private keys are typically proctected on disk by encrypting them with
# a password. We ask the user for their password for this key here so that
# we can unlock the key and use it to log in to the servers.
private_ssh_key_password = getpass.getpass(
prompt=f"SSH Private Key ({private_ssh_key_path_as_string}) Password: "
# Create an SSH client which we'll use to access all the VMs in parallel.
# Specify that we want to use our private key to connect.
client = pssh.clients.ParallelSSHClient(
# Print output of commands to terminal as they run
# Define a list of commands we want to run on all the hosts in parallel
cmds = [
# Stop all running containers
"docker kill $(docker ps -qa)",
# Delete all containers
"docker rm $(docker ps -qa)",
# Run each command on all hosts
for cmd in cmds:
# Create a file
index_html_path = pathlib.Path("index.html")
# Put something in the file
index_html_path.write_text("Hello World")
# Copy files over to all machines
cmds = client.copy_file(str(index_html_path), "html_directory/index.html")
gevent.joinall(cmds, raise_error=True)
# Define more commands we want to run on all the hosts in parallel
cmds = [
# Start a new background container running our web server
"docker run -d -p 80:8080 -v $PWD/html_directory:/var/www/html -w /var/www/html python:3.8 python -m http.server 8080",
# Run each command on all hosts
for cmd in cmds:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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