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Created January 3, 2020 15:35
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Example of clingo symbol conversion.
use clingo::{Control, MModel, Part, Symbol};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use failure::{err_msg, Error, Fail};
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
pub type Locale = String;
pub type Names = HashMap<Locale, String>;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum CurriculumType {
pub struct Curriculum {
pub id: String,
pub names: Names,
pub type_: CurriculumType,
pub exam_groups: Vec<ExamGroup>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct ExamGroup {
pub id: String,
pub names: Names,
pub modules: Vec<Module>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ModuleType {
pub struct Module {
pub id: String,
pub names: Names,
pub type_: ModuleType,
pub min_ec: CentiEc,
pub courses: Vec<Course>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum CourseType {
pub struct Course {
pub id: String,
pub names: Names,
pub ec: CentiEc,
pub type_: CourseType,
pub type CentiEc = u16;
impl TryFrom<&Symbol> for CurriculumType {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(from: &Symbol) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match {
"bsc" => Ok(Self::Bsc),
"msc" => Ok(Self::Msc),
"phd" => Ok(Self::Phd),
_ => Err(err_msg(format!(
"Unexpected curriculum type: {}",
impl TryFrom<&Symbol> for ModuleType {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(from: &Symbol) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match {
"mandatory" => Ok(Self::Mandatory),
"elective" => Ok(Self::Elective),
_ => Err(err_msg("Unexpected module type")),
impl TryFrom<&Symbol> for CourseType {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(from: &Symbol) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match {
"ctype_VO" => Ok(Self::VO),
"ctype_UE" => Ok(Self::UE),
"ctype_VU" => Ok(Self::VU),
"ctype_PR" => Ok(Self::PR),
"ctype_SE" => Ok(Self::SE),
_ => Err(err_msg(format!("Unexpected course type: {}",,
enum ResSym {
Curriculum {
key: String,
id: String,
CurriculumType {
key: String,
type_: CurriculumType,
CurriculumName {
key: String,
lang: String,
string: String,
ExamGroup {
key: String,
ExamGroupName {
key: String,
lang: String,
string: String,
PartOfCurriculum {
exam_group: String,
curriculum: String,
Module {
key: String,
ModuleName {
key: String,
lang: String,
string: String,
PartOfExamgroup {
module: String,
exam_group: String,
ModuleType {
key: String,
type_: ModuleType,
ModuleMinEc {
key: String,
ects: CentiEc,
Course {
key: String,
CourseEc {
key: String,
ects: CentiEc,
CourseType {
key: String,
type_: CourseType,
PartOfModule {
course: String,
module: String,
CourseName {
key: String,
lang: String,
string: String,
enum ResSymError {
impl From<Error> for ResSymError {
fn from(from: Error) -> Self {
impl From<clingo::ClingoError> for ResSymError {
fn from(from: clingo::ClingoError) -> Self {
impl Display for ResSymError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::NotRecognized => write!(f, "Unrecognized symbol"),
Self::Nested(error) => error.fmt(f),
impl Fail for ResSymError {}
impl TryFrom<&Symbol> for ResSym {
type Error = ResSymError;
fn try_from(symbol: &Symbol) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
use ResSym::*;
let arguments = symbol.arguments()?;
match {
"curriculum" => Ok(Curriculum {
key: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
id: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
"curriculum_name" => Ok(CurriculumName {
key: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
lang: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
string: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
"curriculum_type" => Ok(CurriculumType {
key: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
type_: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
"examgroup" => Ok(ExamGroup {
key: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
"examgroup_name" => Ok(ExamGroupName {
key: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
lang: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
string: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
"part_of_curriculum" => Ok(PartOfCurriculum {
exam_group: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
curriculum: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
"module" => Ok(Module {
key: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
"module_name" => Ok(ModuleName {
key: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
lang: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
string: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
"part_of_examgroup" => Ok(PartOfExamgroup {
module: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
exam_group: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
"module_type" => Ok(ModuleType {
key: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
type_: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
"module_min_cects" => Ok(ModuleMinEc {
key: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
ects: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
.number()? as u16,
"course" => Ok(Course {
key: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
"course_cects" => Ok(CourseEc {
key: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
ects: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
.number()? as u16,
"course_type" => Ok(CourseType {
key: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
type_: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
"part_of_module" => Ok(PartOfModule {
course: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
module: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
"course_name" => Ok(CourseName {
key: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
lang: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
string: arguments
.ok_or(err_msg("Not enough arguments"))?
_ => Err(ResSymError::NotRecognized),
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