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What is REST?

  • Representational State Transfer
  • An architectural style for designing distributed systems
  • Not a standard, but rather a set of constraints
    • Client/Server, Stateless, Uniform Interface, etc.
  • Not tied to HTTP, but associated most commonly with it

Uniform Interface

  • More flexible principals (no hard and fast rules)
    • Identification of resources
    • Manipulation of resources
    • Self-descriptive messages
    • Hypermedia as the engine of application state

HTTP's Uniform Interface

- URI's identify resources
- HTTP verbs describe a limited set of operations that can be used to manipulate a resource
	- GET
	- PUT
	- less used other verbs
  • Headers help describe the messages


  • Retrieve information
  • Must be safe and idemportent
    • Can have side effects, but since the user doesn't expect them, they shouldn't be critical to the operation of the system
  • GET can be conditional or partial
    • If-Modified-Since
    • Range


  • Request that a resource be removed
  • The resource doesn't have to be removed immediately
    • Removal may be a long running task


  • Requests that the entity passed be stored at the URI
  • Can be used to create a new entity or modify an existing one
    • Creation of new entities is uncommon as it allows the client to select the id of the new entity


  • Requests that the resource at a URI do something with the enclosed entity
  • What that something is could be almost anything
    • Create
    • Modify
  • The major difference between POST and PUT are what resource the request URI identifies

Interaction Model

  • Create Game
  • List the current state of all Doors
  • Select a Door
  • The Game will open one of the other non-Juergen Doors
  • Open one of the two remaining Doors
  • List the outcome of the Game
  • Delete the Game

Create a Game

  • Well-known entry point
  • Doesn't require any input other that requesting that a game be created
  • Needs to return to us a resource identifier (URI) of the newly created game

List the current state of all Doors

  • Needs to return to us a collection that represents the state of all doors in the game
  • Design doesn't have 'Door 1', 'Door 2', and 'Door 3', just three doors.

Select a Door

  • There is no HTTP verb 'SELECT', so how do we represent the selection of a door?
  • Request a resource mutation that leaves resource in desired state.

PUT /games/1/doors/2 {"status": "SELECTED"}

Open a Door

  • Like Select, we want to request a mutation to the desired state
  • Since the same (or same type of ) resource is being modified, we re-use the same payload

PUT /games/1/doors/3 {"status": "OPEN"}

List the final state of the Game

  • Needs to return to an object hat represents the state of the game

GET /games/0 {"state": "WON"}

Destroy the Game

  • No input required
  • No output required

DELTE /games/0

What is HATEOAS?

  • Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State
  • The client doesn't have a built in knowledge of how to navigate and manipulate the model
  • Instead server provides that information dynamically to the suer
  • Implemented by using media types and link relations

Media Types

  • A resource can be represented in different ways
    • JSON, XML, etc.
  • A client doesn't know what a server is going to send it
  • A server doesn't know what a client can handle
  • Content types are negotiated using headers
    • Client describes what it wants with Accept header
    • Server (and client during POST and PUT) describes what it is sending with Content-Type header

Link Relations

  • A client cannot be expected to know what a resource is related to and where those relations are located
  • The server describes these relations as part of its payload
  • Link has two parts
    • rel
    • href
  • del values are "standardised" so client can recognise them
    • <link rel="stylesheet" href="…"/>
    • {"del": "doors", "href": "…"}


  • Testing of web APIs isn't easy
    • In container, end-to-end, string comparison, etc.
    • Out of container, Java objects, bypassing much of Spring's magic
  • What we want is out of container, but with as much of Spring as we can get

Spring MVC Testing

  • Coming in Spring 3.2
  • Bootstraps most of Spring's MVC infrastructure so that you unit and integration test your web application end-to-end
  • Provides APIs for testing interesting parts of requests and responses

Using the API

  • Designed, implemented, and tested but can you actually use this API?
  • Goals
    • Single URL
    • Link Traversal
    • Content Negotiation

Round Up

  • API Design Matters
    • URIs represent resources, not actions
    • HTTP verbs are general, but can be used in ways that make anything possible
  • Implementation isn't rocket science
    • Spring MVC
    • Spring HATEOAS
  • Easy testing
    • Out-of-container, but full Spring stack
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