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kintsu's Learn Washing the Easy Way

kintsu's Learn Washing the Easy Way


Hi I'm kintsu and here's yet another washing guide.

Planning to possibly extend this explanation and cover MP washing and bloodwashing since they're not too dissimilar.

The Washing Model

Washing is a system that can be described by model that is composed of our characters stats (HP/MP, STR/DEX/INT/LUK, level, equips, job, etc) as well as rules for how those variables interact with each other.

The washing model is made up of five rules:

Rule #1

The value your max MP increases when you level up is found by adding together:

  • A flat value that everyone gets depending on job.
  • A bonus amount depending on your INT

We care about the bonus amount. To calculate it, you take your current total INT and divide by 10 (rounding down). For example, if you have 169 INT when levelling up, the bonus MP gained is 16, not 17.[mp].

Rule #2

There is a minimum amount of MP you must have and can not go below, determined by these formulas1[job]:

Job Forumula
Beginner 10 * level + 2
Spearman 4 * level + 156
Fighter 4 * level + 56
Bowman 14 * level + 148
Thief 14 * level + 148 2
Magician 22 * level + 488 3 [min]
Pirate 18 * level + 111

Rule #3

You lose MP when removing AP from MP with an AP reset depending on your job1:

Job MP
Beginner -8 MP
Warrior -4 MP
Thief -12 MP
Bowman -12 MP
Magician -30 MP
Pirate -16 MP

AP cannot be reset from MP if resetting would take you below minimum required MP in rule #2.

Rule #4

There is a minimum and maximum amount of HP you can gain when putting AP into HP depending on your job and type of AP used1:

Job Min HP Max HP
Beginner +8 HP +12 HP
Warrior +50 HP +54 HP
Thief +16 HP +20 HP
Bowman +16 HP +20 HP
Magician +6 HP +10 HP
Pirate & Gunslinger +16 HP +20 HP
Brawler +36 HP +40 HP

When using an AP reset to increase HP, you always get the minimum HP. When using "fresh" AP from levelling up, you get a random amount between the minimum and a maximum value, meaning fresh AP gives you more HP on average.

Rule #5

For every point taken out of MP, a point must be assigned to HP.

HP and MP share a pool of points, so having extra MP does not mean you can wash, you must also have placed an AP point in HP or MP previously.

Applying the Rules

How Much AP Can Be Reset?

Let's think of MP as if it were money. Every time we level up, rule #1 "pays" us in MP depending on how much total INT we currently have. Our money (max MP) can be spent to reset AP from MP to another stat. The amount of AP we can reset is the excess MP we have, which we don't know, divided by the MP we lose per reset, which rule #3 gives us. To calculate our excess MP, we take our current MP and subtract the minimum MP needed by rule #2. This can be represent by the following equation:

# AP Resets = Excess MP / MP Lost Per Reset
Excess MP   = (current max MP - Min Required MP)
// therefore
# AP Resets = (current max MP - Min Required MP) / MP lost per reset

// example: a level 120 thief with 1948 MP can reset 10 AP from MP.
Excess MP   = (current max MP - Min Required MP)
Excess MP = (1948 - (14 * level + 148)) = (1948 - 1928) = 120

# AP Resets = Excess MP / MP Lost Per Reset
# AP Resets = 120 / 12 = 10

Using our MP to gain HP

Moving AP from MP to another stat is important because when we level up, we get 5 fresh AP, which we can use to:

  1. Increase our STR/DEX/INT/LUK.
  2. Increase our max HP, granting the additional bonus HP from rule #4.

Our goal is to get as much HP as possible, but every point we put in HP is a point that's not going to our damage. Thankfully rule #5 gives us a solution: for every point we put into HP, we can reset a point from MP to our damage stat as long as we have extra MP.

The Full Process

  1. Right before levelling up, equip INT gear and MW10/20 if possible.
  2. Level up! Gain:
    • extra MP based on your total INT
    • 5 fresh AP.
  3. Calculate how much AP you can reset using the # AP Resets equation from above.
    • If you can reset more than 5 AP, start saving your fresh AP.
    • If you can reset less than 5 AP, either save the extra AP or put it in your damage stat.
  4. Buy as many AP resets as you can, but no more than the number of AP you can reset.
  5. Wash!
    1. Put 1 fresh AP into HP.
    2. Use an AP reset to take 1 AP from MP.
    3. Put that point into your damage stat.
    4. Repeat until dry.

Have fun and don't forget to equip your INT gear and beg for MW20 before levelling!

Foot Notes

  • [mp]: See this thread for more info how much MP each job gains on level up
  • [job]: The table for rule #2 is for after the second job advancement.
  • [min]: I'm not sure this data is accurate. The drods post containing the formulas omitted the Magician formula so I used the data from MapleRoyals.


  • 1: Comment by Nikki in "HP Washing"
  • 2: Comment by Drauds in "DRODS Discord Bot - Boss Timer Tool and HP Washing Calculator"
  • 3: Fully Revised HP Washing Guide


  • 11/13/2019 - Change mp loss per ap for mages to 30 mp and removed footnote
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