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Last active May 19, 2020 05:31
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import requests
import argparse
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
import logging
import sys
import threading
import Queue
from operator import itemgetter
from base64 import b64encode
class DockerAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase):
def __init__(self, username, password, force_auth = False):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.force_auth = force_auth
self.chal = {}
def _basic_auth_str(self, username, password):
"""Returns a Basic Auth string."""
return 'Basic ' + b64encode(('%s:%s' % (username, password)).encode('latin1')).strip().decode('latin1')
def build_bearer_header(self):
payload = {'account': self.username, 'service': self.chal['service']}
if 'scope' in self.chal:
payload['scope'] = self.chal['scope']
r = requests.get(self.chal['realm'], params=payload, auth=(self.username, self.password))
json = r.json()
if 'token' in json:
return "Bearer " + json['token']
raise Exception("Failed to get token from %s got error body %s" %(response.request.url, json))
def handle_401(self, r, **kwargs):
"""Takes the given response and tries digest-auth, if needed."""
num_401_calls = getattr(self, 'num_401_calls', 1)
s_auth = r.headers.get('www-authenticate', '')
if 'bearer' in s_auth.lower() and num_401_calls < 2:
setattr(self, 'num_401_calls', num_401_calls + 1)
self.chal = requests.utils.parse_dict_header(s_auth.replace('Bearer ', ''))
# Consume content and release the original connection
# to allow our new request to reuse the same one.
r.request.headers['Authorization'] = self.build_bearer_header()
_r = r.connection.send(r.request, **kwargs)
return _r
setattr(self, 'num_401_calls', 1)
return r
def __call__(self, r):
# If we have force_auth enabled, add a basic auth header which should cause a 401 to do the
if self.force_auth:
r.headers['Authorization'] = self._basic_auth_str(self.username, self.password)
r.register_hook('response', self.handle_401)
return r
q = Queue.Queue()
result = {}
shutdown_event = threading.Event()
def get_arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
boolean_choice = ['true', 'false']
parser.add_argument('--threads', '-th', dest='num_threads', help='Number of Threads', type=int, default=1)
parser.add_argument('--source-docker', '-s', dest='source_docker', help='Source docker registry', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--source-verify', '-sv', dest='source_verify', help='Should the source docker registry be verified', choices=boolean_choice, default='true')
registry_type = ['docker', 'quay']
parser.add_argument('--source-type', '-st', dest='source_type', help='The type of source registry, affects which api it uses to iterate the images to copy', choices=registry_type, default='docker')
parser.add_argument('--source-auth', '-sa', dest='source_auth', help='Username and password separated by colon for the source registry')
parser.add_argument('--target-docker', '-t', dest='target_docker', help='Target docker resistry', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--target-verify', '-tv', dest='target_verify', help='Should the target docker registry be verified', choices=boolean_choice, default='true')
parser.add_argument('--target-auth', '-ta', dest='target_auth', help='Username and password separated by colon for the target registry')
return parser
def log_subprocess_output(pipe):
for line in iter(pipe.readline, b''): # b'\n'-separated lines
def copy_image(imageObj):
source_image, target_image, args, image = itemgetter('source_image', 'target_image', 'args', 'image')(imageObj)
args = imageObj['args']
# Change the name of the thread to the image we are copying
thread = threading.current_thread() = image"Copying image %s => %s", source_image, target_image)
skopeo_source = "docker://%s" %(source_image)
skopeo_target = "docker://%s" %(target_image)
command = ['skopeo', 'copy', skopeo_source, skopeo_target, '--src-tls-verify=' + args.source_verify, '--dest-tls-verify=' + args.target_verify]
if args.source_auth:
command.append('--src-creds=' + args.source_auth)
if args.target_auth:
command.append('--dest-creds=' + args.target_auth)"Executing %s" %(" ".join(command)))
process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
with process.stdout:
exitCode = process.wait()
return exitCode == 0
def generate_protocol(tls_verify):
if tls_verify == "true":
return "https"
return "http"
def mirror_docker_registry(args):"Mirroring Docker registry %s", args.source_docker)
baseurl = generate_protocol(args.source_verify) + '://' + args.source_docker + '/v2'
extra_auth_args = {}
username = ""
password = ""
if args.source_auth:
username, password = args.source_auth.split(":",1)
extra_auth_args['auth'] = DockerAuth(username, password, True)
r = requests.get(baseurl + '/_catalog', **extra_auth_args)
repos = r.json()
for repo in repos['repositories']:
if args.source_auth:
extra_auth_args['auth'] = DockerAuth(username, password)
tagr = requests.get(baseurl + '/' + repo + '/tags/list', **extra_auth_args)
tags = tagr.json()
for tag in tags['tags']:
image = repo + ':' + tag
source_image = args.source_docker + '/' + image
target_image = args.target_docker + '/' + image
imageObj = {'source_image': source_image, 'target_image': target_image, 'args': args, 'image': image, 'args': args}"Queuing image %s for mirroring", source_image)
def mirror_quay_registry(args):"Mirroring Quay registry %s", args.source_docker)
baseurl = generate_protocol(args.source_verify) + '://' + args.source_docker + '/api/v1/repository'
r = requests.get(baseurl + '?public=true')
repos = r.json()
for repo in repos['repositories']:
repourl = repo['namespace'] + '/' + repo['name']
tagReq = requests.get(baseurl + '/' + repourl + '?includeTags=true&includeStats=false')
tags = tagReq.json()
for tag in tags['tags']:
image = repourl + ':' + tag
source_image = args.source_docker + '/' + image
target_image = args.target_docker + '/' + image
imageObj = {'source_image': source_image, 'target_image': target_image, 'args': args, 'image': image, 'args': args}"Queuing image %s for mirroring", source_image)
def worker():
while not shutdown_event.is_set():
image = q.get()
if image is None: # EOF?
res = copy_image(image)
result[image['image']] = res # store it
def print_results():
print "------------- Finished ----------------"
for image in result:
print "%s => %s" %(image, result[image])
if __name__ == "__main__":
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(threadName)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# logging.logThreads = True
parser = get_arg_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
threads = []
# Start the mirroring threads
threads = [ threading.Thread(target=worker) for _i in range(args.num_threads) ]
for thread in threads:
thread.daemon = True
# Find all the images to mirror and populate the queue
if args.source_type == "docker":
elif args.source_type == "quay":
queue_size_remaining = 0
# stop workers
for i in range(args.num_threads):
for t in threads:
# Python 2.7 doesn't have a way to allow thread.join to be interruptable by CTRL-C, so we need to wake up every second
while t.isAlive():
# Log the size of the queue anytime it is different
if queue_size_remaining != q.qsize():
queue_size_remaining = q.qsize()"Approximately %d images left to sync", queue_size_remaining)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logging.error("Ctrl+C pressed... shutting down workers")
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