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Last active July 18, 2020 08:46
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Example usage of AES128 to encrypt/decrypt message with GCM
import { createDecipheriv, randomBytes, CipherGCM, HexBase64BinaryEncoding, createCipheriv, Decipher, pbkdf2Sync } from 'crypto'
const gcmTagSize = 16
const nonceSize = 12
export default class Tunnel {
private getDecipher: (iv: Buffer, authTag: Buffer) => Decipher
private getCipher: (iv: Buffer) => CipherGCM
constructor(key: string, salt: string, public encryptedEncoding: HexBase64BinaryEncoding) {
const derivedKey = pbkdf2Sync(key, salt, 2000, 128 / 8, 'sha512')
this.getDecipher = (iv: Buffer, authTag: Buffer) => {
return createDecipheriv('aes-128-gcm', derivedKey, iv).setAuthTag(authTag)
this.getCipher = (iv: Buffer) => {
return createCipheriv('aes-128-gcm', derivedKey, iv)
decrypt(encrypted: string): string {
const buffer = Buffer.from(encrypted, this.encryptedEncoding)
const nonce = buffer.slice(0, nonceSize)
const cipherText = buffer.slice(nonceSize, buffer.length - gcmTagSize)
const tag = buffer.slice(buffer.length - gcmTagSize)
const decipher = this.getDecipher(nonce, tag)
let out = decipher.update(cipherText, 'binary', 'utf8')
out +='utf8')
return out
encrypt(message: string): string {
const nonce = randomBytes(96/8)
const cipher = this.getCipher(nonce)
const encrypted = Buffer.concat([
cipher.update(message, 'utf8'),,
return encrypted.toString(this.encryptedEncoding)
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