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Created September 15, 2014 16:22
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an attempt to write a console for hydra
import sys
from rdflib import Graph, Namespace
from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS
import requests
HYDRA = Namespace("")
class HydraOperation:
def __init__(self, subj, graph):
self.type = graph.value(subj, RDF.type)
self.subj = subj
self.method = graph.value(subj, HYDRA.method)
self.expects = graph.value(subj, HYDRA.expects)
self.returns = graph.value(subj, HYDRA.returns)
self.statusCodes = []
def dump(self):
print "Operation : ", self.subj
print "method : ", self.method
print "expects : ", self.expects
print "returns : ", self.returns
class HydraProperty:
def __init__(self, subj, graph):
self.type = graph.value(subj, RDF.type)
self.subj = subj
self.title = graph.value(subj, HYDRA.title)
self.description = graph.value(subj, HYDRA.description) = graph.value(subj,
self.required = graph.value(subj, HYDRA.required)
self.readonly = graph.value(subj, HYDRA.readonly)
self.writeonly = graph.value(subj, HYDRA.writeonly)
def dump(self):
if self.title is not None:
print "Property : ", self.title,
print "Property : ", self.subj,
if self.required:
print " required",
if self.readonly:
print " readonly",
if self.writeonly:
print " writeonly",
class HydraClass:
def __init__(self, subj, graph):
self.subj = subj = []
self.operations = []
for prop in graph.objects(subj, HYDRA.supportedProperty):, graph))
for op in graph.objects(subj, HYDRA.supportedOperation):
ntriples = [triple for triple in graph.triples((op, None, None))]
if len(ntriples)==0:
g = Graph().parse(location=op, format="json-ld")
graph += g
self.operations.append(HydraOperation(op, graph))
def dump(self):
print "Class : ", self.subj
print self.subj, " properties :"
for prop in :
print self.subj, " operations :"
for op in self.operations:
class ApiDoc:
def __init__(self, location):
self.graph = Graph().parse(location=location, format="json-ld")
self.classes = {}
self.operations = []
self.apidoc = self.graph.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=HYDRA.ApiDocumentation)
if self.apidoc is None:
raise Exception("no API Documentation found")
for cls in self.graph.objects(self.apidoc, HYDRA.supportedClass):
ntriples = [triple for triple in self.graph.triples((cls, None, None))]
if len(ntriples)==0:
g = Graph().parse(location=cls, format="json-ld")
self.graph += g
self.classes[cls] = HydraClass(cls, self.graph)
for ops in self.graph.objects(self.apidoc, HYDRA.supportedOperation):
self.operations.append(HydraOperation(ops, self.graph))
def dump(self):
print self.apidoc, " classes : "
for cls, clsobj in self.classes.items():
def parse_link(lvalue):
"""parse Link HTTP header"""
tmp = lvalue.split("; ")
rel = None
link = tmp[0]
if link[0] =="<":
link = link[1:-1]
k, v = tmp[1].split('=')
if k=="rel":
rel = v
if rel is not None:
if rel[0]=='"':
rel = rel[1:-1]
return link, rel
class HypermediaControl:
def __init__(self, url):
self.url = url
class Hypermedia:
def __init__(self, doc=None):
self.doc = doc
self.is_collection = False
self.controls = []
self.members = []
def check_documentation(self, location):
"""return true if the location is ApiDocumentation, false if the documentation is elsewhere (pointed by Link header)
use_entry = True
hresp = requests.head(location)
if 'link' in hresp.headers:
link, rel = parse_link(hresp.headers["link"])
#print link, rel
if rel is not None:
self.doc = ApiDoc(link)
use_entry = False
self.doc = ApiDoc(location)
self.doc = ApiDoc(location)
return use_entry
def open(self, location):
""" open current location, find for api doc if not yet set
is_apidoc = False
if self.doc is None:
is_apidoc = self.check_documentation(location)
if is_apidoc:
return False
g = Graph().parse(location=location, format="json-ld")
print g.serialize(format="n3")
for subj, obj in g.subject_objects(RDF.type):
#print subj, obj, obj in self.doc.classes
if obj in [HYDRA.Collection, HYDRA.PagedCollection]:
for member in g.objects(subj, HYDRA.member):
elif obj in self.doc.classes:
for p, o in g.predicate_objects(subj):
if p == RDF.type: continue
if (p, RDF.type, None) in self.doc.graph:
ptype = self.doc.graph.value(p, RDF.type)
if ptype == HYDRA.Link:
pref = self.doc.graph.value(p, RDFS.comment)
if pref is None:
pref = "Link"
link = {}
link["operations"] = []
link["url"] = o
for op in self.doc.graph.objects(p, HYDRA.supportedOperation):
link["operations"].append(HydraOperation(op, self.doc.graph))
print pref, o, [str(l.method) for l in link["operations"]]
print o, " is ", ptype
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
hm = Hypermedia()
print len(hm.members), len(hm.controls)
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mpetyx commented Nov 2, 2014

I am playing with your script here and seems cool!
I am not that sure if it is updated to the latest hydra spec, so I just wanted to check if you parse correctly the example.
I just give that as an input, but even though it parses it, it returns 0 0 as the result according your main function..
Is this the desired approach for this document?
Thank you!

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