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Last active June 14, 2023 14:11
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import os, sys
from lxml import etree
from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, Namespace, exceptions
from rdflib import URIRef, RDFS, RDF, OWL, BNode, Literal
def get_tag_no_ns(tname):
if "}" in tname:
return tname[tname.index("}")+1:]
return tname
class UnknownPrefixException(Exception):
def parse_dom(filename):
parse xml document from given filename and returns rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph instance containing OWL ontology statements
def reg_name(node):
recursively traverse document tree for named tags and store in a global map for later referencing
if "name" in node.attrib:
tagmap[node.attrib["name"]] = node
for child in node:
def resolve_type_instr(etype):
if ":" in etype:
#resolve prefixed to full qualified name
prefix = etype[:etype.index(":")]
if prefix in root.nsmap:
#lookup from declared namespace
full_prefix = root.nsmap[prefix]
if "targetNamespace" in root.attrib and full_prefix == root.attrib["targetNamespace"]:
etype = etype[etype.index(":")+1:]
if full_prefix[-1] != "/": full_prefix += "#"
etype = full_prefix+etype[etype.index(":")+1:]
return etype
def process_choice(ename, childs):
anon_cls = ename+"_anon_class"
anon_list = anon_cls+"_list"
g.add(( NS[ename], OWL.subClassOf, BNode(anon_cls)))
g.add(( BNode(anon_cls), RDF.type, OWL.Class))
g.add(( BNode(anon_cls), OWL.unionOf, BNode(anon_list) ))
#generate anonymous restricted classes (ARC)
ch2arc = {} #mapping from child property name to ARC
for ch in childs:
anon_list_r = "_%s_r" % (ch["name"])
item = NS[anon_list_r]
is_first = True
g.add(( item, RDF.type, OWL.Class ))
prop_node = NS[property_prefix+ch["name"]]
g.add(( item, OWL.intersectionOf, BNode(anon_list_r) ))
if "minCardinality" in ch:
restriction_node = BNode("%s_on_%s" % (anon_list_r, "minCardinality"))
g.add(( restriction_node, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction ))
g.add(( restriction_node, OWL.onProperty, prop_node ))
g.add(( restriction_node, OWL.minCardinality, Literal(int(ch["minCardinality"])) ))
g.add(( BNode(anon_list_r), RDF.first, restriction_node))
is_first = False
if "maxCardinality" in ch:
if not is_first:
#close previous list
next_node = "%s_next_%s" % (anon_list_r, "maxCardinality")
g.add(( BNode(anon_list_r),, BNode(next_node) ))
anon_list_r = next_node
is_first = False
restriction_node = BNode("%s_on_%s" % (anon_list_r, "maxCardinality"))
g.add(( restriction_node, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction ))
g.add(( restriction_node, OWL.onProperty, prop_node ))
g.add(( restriction_node, OWL.maxCardinality, Literal(int(ch["maxCardinality"])) ))
g.add(( BNode(anon_list_r), RDF.first, restriction_node))
if "range" in ch:
if not is_first:
#close previous list
next_node = "%s_next_%s" % (anon_list_r, "range")
g.add(( BNode(anon_list_r),, BNode(next_node) ))
anon_list_r = next_node
restriction_node = BNode("%s_on_%s" % (anon_list_r, "range"))
g.add(( restriction_node, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction ))
g.add(( restriction_node, OWL.onProperty, prop_node ))
if ":" in ch["range"]:
prop_obj = URIRef(ch["range"])
prop_obj = NS[ch["range"]]
g.add(( restriction_node, OWL.allValuesFrom, prop_obj ))
g.add(( BNode(anon_list_r), RDF.first, restriction_node))
g.add(( BNode(anon_list_r),, RDF.nil))
ch2arc[ch["name"]] = item
#generate set differenced classes of ARCs (SDARC)
sdarcs = []
for ch in childs:
complement_classes = [c["name"] for c in childs if c["name"] != ch["name"]]
sdarc = "_%s_without_%s" % (ch["name"], "".join(complement_classes))
g.add(( NS[sdarc], RDF.type, OWL.Class ))
intersection_node = "%s_setdiff_" % (ch["name"])
g.add(( NS[sdarc], OWL.intersectionOf, BNode(intersection_node) ))
g.add(( BNode(intersection_node), RDF.first, NS["_%s_r" % (ch["name"])] ))
next_intersection = "%s_setdiff_next" % (ch["name"])
g.add(( BNode(intersection_node),, BNode(next_intersection) ))
intersection_node = next_intersection
next_intersection = "%s_setdiff_next_item" % (ch["name"])
g.add(( BNode(intersection_node), RDF.first, BNode(next_intersection) ))
g.add(( BNode(intersection_node),, RDF.nil ))
union_of_complements = "%s_uoc" % (sdarc)
comp_list = "%s_complist" % (sdarc)
g.add(( BNode(next_intersection), OWL.complementOf, BNode(union_of_complements) ))
g.add(( BNode(union_of_complements), OWL.unionOf, BNode(comp_list) ))
for cci, cc in enumerate(complement_classes):
g.add(( BNode(comp_list), RDF.first, NS["_%s_r" % (cc)]))
if cci == len(complement_classes)-1:
g.add(( BNode(comp_list),, RDF.nil))
next_node = "%s_complist_%s" % (sdarc, cc)
g.add(( BNode(comp_list),, BNode(next_node) ))
comp_list = next_node
#generate unions of SDARCs
for si, sdarc in enumerate(sdarcs):
g.add(( BNode(anon_list), RDF.first, NS[sdarc] ))
if si == len(sdarcs)-1:
g.add(( BNode(anon_list),, RDF.nil))
next_node = "%s_complist_%s" % (anon_cls, sdarc)
g.add(( BNode(anon_list),, BNode(next_node) ))
anon_list = next_node
def process_seq_all(ename, childs):
anon_cls = ename+"_anon_class"
anon_list = anon_cls+"_list"
g.add(( NS[ename], OWL.subClassOf, BNode(anon_cls)))
g.add(( BNode(anon_cls), RDF.type, OWL.Class))
g.add(( BNode(anon_cls), OWL.intersectionOf, BNode(anon_list) ))
restrictions = []
for ci,ch in enumerate(childs):
if "minCardinality" in ch:
rst_item = {}
rst_item["property"] = NS[property_prefix+ch["name"]]
rst_item["predicate"] = OWL.minCardinality
rst_item["object"] = Literal(int(ch["minCardinality"]))
if "maxCardinality" in ch:
rst_item = {}
rst_item["property"] = NS[property_prefix+ch["name"]]
rst_item["predicate"] = OWL.maxCardinality
rst_item["object"] = Literal(int(ch["maxCardinality"]))
if "range" in ch:
rst_item = {}
rst_item["property"] = NS[property_prefix+ch["name"]]
rst_item["predicate"] = OWL.allValuesFrom
if ":" in ch["range"]:
rst_item["object"] = URIRef(ch["range"])
rst_item["object"] = NS[ch["range"]]
for ci, ch in enumerate(restrictions):
#construct list of intersectionOf items
restriction_node = BNode(ch["property"]+"_anon_"+str(ci))
g.add(( restriction_node, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction ))
g.add(( restriction_node, OWL.onProperty, ch["property"] ))
g.add(( restriction_node, ch["predicate"], ch["object"] ))
g.add(( BNode(anon_list), RDF.first, restriction_node))
if ci == len(childs)-1:
g.add(( BNode(anon_list),, RDF.nil))
next_node = anon_cls+"_%d" % ci
g.add(( BNode(anon_list),, BNode(next_node) ))
anon_list = next_node
def convert_namedtype(node):
handle types (simpleType and complexType) elements
is_dt = False
tname = node.attrib["name"]
if tname not in types:
if node.tag == xs_st:
print tname, "is DatatypeProperty"
g.add(( NS[tname], RDF.type, OWL.DatatypeProperty ))
is_dt = True
#check for restriction
elif node.tag == xs_ct:
print tname, "is Class"
g.add(( NS[tname], RDF.type, OWL.Class ))
for cc in node:
tag = get_tag_no_ns(cc.tag)
if tag == "attribute":
aname = cc.attrib["name"]
if "type" in cc.attrib:
atype = resolve_type_instr(cc.attrib["type"])
g.add(( NS[property_prefix+aname], RDFS.range, URIRef(atype) ))
print aname, "is DatatypeProperty from attr"
g.add(( NS[property_prefix+aname], RDF.type, OWL.DatatypeProperty ))
g.add(( NS[property_prefix+aname], RDFS.domain, NS[tname] ))
elif tag in ["sequence", "choice", "all"]:
childs = []
for ce in cc:
#child element of named ct
if ce.tag == xs_el:
has_child = True
cename, info = convert_element(ce)
if not info["isClass"]:
g.add(( NS[property_prefix + cename], RDFS.domain, NS[tname] ))
if len(childs)>0:
if tag in ["sequence", "all"]:
process_seq_all(tname, childs)
elif tag == "choice":
process_choice(tname, childs)
return tname, is_dt
def convert_element(node, is_global=False):
handle element conversion
#print node
info = {}
has_cac = False #has child, attribute, or content
if "name" in node.attrib:
ename = node.attrib["name"]
info["name"] = ename
if "minOccurs" in node.attrib:
info["minCardinality"] = node.attrib["minOccurs"]
if "maxOccurs" in node.attrib:
info["maxCardinality"] = node.attrib["maxOccurs"]
if "type" in node.attrib:
etype = resolve_type_instr(node.attrib["type"])
if XSD in etype:
print ename, "is DatatypeProperty"
g.add(( NS[property_prefix+ename], RDF.type, OWL.DatatypeProperty ))
info["range"] = etype
elif etype in tagmap:
typ, is_dt = convert_namedtype(tagmap[etype])
if is_dt:
if is_global:
print ename, "sameAs", typ
g.add(( NS[ename], OWL.sameAs, NS[typ] ))
print ename, "is ObjectProperty. \n\trange:", node.attrib["type"]
g.add(( NS[property_prefix+ename], RDF.type, OWL.ObjectProperty ))
info["range"] = typ
else: #unknown type name
print ":", etype
for child in node:
#anonymous type
if child.tag == xs_st:
#element declared as simpleType converted into owl:DatatypeProperty
print ename, " is DatatypeProperty"
g.add(( NS[property_prefix+ename], RDF.type, OWL.DatatypeProperty ))
elif child.tag == xs_ct:
#element declared as complexType converted into owl:Class
for cc in child:
tag = get_tag_no_ns(cc.tag)
if tag == "attribute":
has_cac = True
aname = cc.attrib["name"]
if "type" in cc.attrib:
atype = resolve_type_instr(cc.attrib["type"])
g.add(( NS[property_prefix+aname], RDFS.range, URIRef(atype) ))
print aname, "is DatatypeProperty from attr"
g.add(( NS[property_prefix+aname], RDF.type, OWL.DatatypeProperty ))
g.add(( NS[property_prefix+aname], RDFS.domain, NS[ename] ))
elif "Content" in tag:
#simpleContent with attribute extension converted to Class with generated content property
#complexContent is a class with generated properties
has_cac = True
elif tag in ["sequence", "choice", "all"]:
#subelement specifier converted using set operations on equivalent classes
childs = []
for ce in cc:
#child element of anon ct
if ce.tag == xs_el:
has_cac = True
cename, chinfo = convert_element(ce)
if chinfo["isClass"]:
#declare object property
g.add(( NS[property_prefix+cename], RDF.type, OWL.ObjectProperty ))
g.add(( NS[property_prefix+cename], RDFS.domain, NS[ename] ))
if len(childs)>0:
if tag in ["sequence", "all"]:
process_seq_all(ename, childs)
elif tag == "choice":
process_choice(ename, childs)
if has_cac:
g.add(( NS[ename], RDF.type, OWL.Class ))
print ename, "is Class"
info["isClass"] = has_cac
return ename, info
with open(filename, "r") as f: root = etree.parse(f).getroot()
tagmap = {}
types = []
XSD = ""
xs_st = "{%s}%s" % (XSD, "simpleType")
xs_ct = "{%s}%s" % (XSD, "complexType")
xs_el = "{%s}%s" % (XSD, "element")
xs_at = "{%s}%s" % (XSD, "attribute")
g = ConjunctiveGraph()
for k, v in root.nsmap.items():
if k is not None:
g.bind(k, v)
if "targetNamespace" in root.attrib:
NS = Namespace(root.attrib["targetNamespace"]+"#")
NS = Namespace("")
g.bind(None, NS)
g.bind("owl", OWL)
g.bind("xsd", XSD+"#")
property_prefix = "has_"
#do traversal directed translation
#print root.findall(xs_el)
for el in root.findall(xs_el):
convert_element(el, True)
return g
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv)>1:
graph = parse_dom(sys.argv[1])
graph.serialize(sys.argv[1][:-4]+'.ttl', format='turtle')
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