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Last active February 9, 2023 15:22
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H-DIBCO evaluation metric
author : Peb Ruswono Aryan
metric for evaluating binarization algorithms
implemented :
* F-Measure
* pseudo F-Measure (as in H-DIBCO 2010 & 2012)
* Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)
* Negative Rate Measure (NRM)
* Misclassification Penaltiy Measure (MPM)
* Distance Reciprocal Distortion (DRD)
python test-image.png ground-truth-image.png
import numpy as np
import cv2
# uses for skeletonization
from bwmorph_thin import bwmorph_thin as bwmorph
import os.path as path
import sys
def drd_fn(im, im_gt):
height, width = im.shape
neg = np.zeros(im.shape)
neg[im_gt!=im] = 1
y, x = np.unravel_index(np.flatnonzero(neg), im.shape)
n = 2
m = n*2+1
W = np.zeros((m,m), dtype=np.uint8)
W[n,n] = 1.
W = cv2.distanceTransform(1-W,,
W[n,n] = 1.
W = 1./W
W[n,n] = 0.
W /= W.sum()
nubn = 0.
block_size = 8
for y1 in xrange(0, height, block_size):
for x1 in xrange(0, width, block_size):
y2 = min(y1+block_size-1,height-1)
x2 = min(x1+block_size-1,width-1)
block_dim = (x2-x1+1)*(y1-y1+1)
block = 1-im_gt[y1:y2, x1:x2]
block_sum = np.sum(block)
if block_sum>0 and block_sum<block_dim:
nubn += 1
drd_sum= 0.
tmp = np.zeros(W.shape)
for i in xrange(min(1,len(y))):
tmp[:,:] = 0
x1 = max(0, x[i]-n)
y1 = max(0, y[i]-n)
x2 = min(width-1, x[i]+n)
y2 = min(height-1, y[i]+n)
yy1 = y1-y[i]+n
yy2 = y2-y[i]+n
xx1 = x1-x[i]+n
xx2 = x2-x[i]+n
tmp[yy1:yy2+1,xx1:xx2+1] = np.abs(im[y[i],x[i]]-im_gt[y1:y2+1,x1:x2+1])
tmp *= W
drd_sum += np.sum(tmp)
return drd_sum/nubn
if __name__=="__main__":
if len(sys.argv)<3:
print sys.argv[0],"input-image ground-truth-image"
if not (path.exists(sys.argv[1]) and path.exists(sys.argv[2])):
print "file not found"
im = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1],0)
im_gt = cv2.imread(sys.argv[2], 0)
height, width = im.shape
npixel = height*width
im[im>0] = 1
gt_mask = im_gt==0
im_gt[im_gt>0] = 1
sk = bwmorph(1-im_gt)
im_sk = np.ones(im_gt.shape)
im_sk[sk] = 0
kernel = np.ones((3,3), dtype=np.uint8)
im_dil = cv2.erode(im_gt, kernel)
im_gtb = im_gt-im_dil
im_gtbd = cv2.distanceTransform(1-im_gtb,, 3)
nd = im_gtbd.sum()
ptp = np.zeros(im_gt.shape)
ptp[(im==0) & (im_sk==0)] = 1
numptp = ptp.sum()
tp = np.zeros(im_gt.shape)
tp[(im==0) & (im_gt==0)] = 1
numtp = tp.sum()
tn = np.zeros(im_gt.shape)
tn[(im==1) & (im_gt==1)] = 1
numtn = tn.sum()
fp = np.zeros(im_gt.shape)
fp[(im==0) & (im_gt==1)] = 1
numfp = fp.sum()
fn = np.zeros(im_gt.shape)
fn[(im==1) & (im_gt==0)] = 1
numfn = fn.sum()
precision = numtp / (numtp + numfp)
recall = numtp / (numtp + numfn)
precall = numptp / np.sum(1-im_sk)
fmeasure = (2*recall*precision)/(recall+precision)
pfmeasure = (2*precall*precision)/(precall+precision)
mse = (numfp+numfn)/npixel
psnr = 10.*np.log10(1./mse)
nrfn = numfn / (numfn + numtp)
nrfp = numfp / (numfp + numtn)
nrm = (nrfn + nrfp)/2
im_dn = im_gtbd.copy()
im_dn[fn==0] = 0
dn = np.sum(im_dn)
mpfn = dn / nd
im_dp = im_gtbd.copy()
im_dp[fp==0] = 0;
dp = np.sum(im_dp)
mpfp = dp / nd
mpm = (mpfp + mpfn) / 2
drd = drd_fn(im, im_gt)
print "F-measure\t: {0}\npF-measure\t: {1}\nPSNR\t\t: {2}\nNRM\t\t: {3}\nMPM\t\t: {4}\nDRD\t\t: {5}".format(fmeasure, pfmeasure, psnr, nrm, mpm, drd)
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Hi, Peb
Thank you for your help.

In my case, RuntimeWarning problem occurs.
The Precision value was zero.
As a result, the numtp and numfp values ​​were zero.
I have an error like the one below. Can you tell me why?

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