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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save pebbie/9834698 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bot to play 2048 game by
as submission for
best score 157.2
import copy
import random
import math
board_pos = []
for y in xrange(4):
for x in xrange(4):
board_pos.append((y, x))
def get_random_point(board=None, prob=None):
while True:
y,x = board_pos[random.randint(0, len(board_pos)-1)]
if board is not None:
if board[y][x] == 0:
if prob is None:
return y,x
accum = []
total = 0.0
for k,v in prob.items():
total += v
accum.append((k, total))
sel = accum[0][0]
rv = random.random()
for k, a in accum:
if rv < a:
sel = k
return y, x, sel
class Game:
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.parent = parent
if parent is not None:
self.score = parent.score
self.board = copy.deepcopy(parent.board)
self.num_moved = parent.num_moved
self.num_moved = 0
self.score = 0
self.board = [[0 for x in xrange(4)] for x in xrange(4)]
y, x = get_random_point(self.board)
self.board[y][x] = 2
y, x = get_random_point(self.board)
self.board[y][x] = 2
def isFull(self):
numzero = 0
for y in xrange(4):
for x in xrange(4):
if self.board[y][x] == 0:
numzero += 1
return numzero == 0
def load(self, filename=None):
if filename is None:
for i in range(0, 4):
self.board[i] = map(int, raw_input().strip().split(" "))
with open(filename) as f:
i = 0
for line in f:
self.board[i] = map(int, line.strip().split(" "))
i += 1
if i>3: break
def putRandom(self):
if not self.isFull():
y, x, tile = get_random_point(self.board, {2: 0.75, 4:0.25})
self.board[y][x] = tile
def left(self):
num_moved = 0
for yy in xrange(4):
#collect nonzero tile in current row
row = []
for xx in xrange(4):
tile = self.board[yy][xx]
if tile != 0:
if len(row)>0 and row[-1]==tile:
row[-1] += tile
self.score += row[-1]
self.board[yy][xx] = 0
if len(row)<4: num_moved += 1
#put row from left
for column, tile in enumerate(row):
self.board[yy][column] = tile
if num_moved>0: self.putRandom()
self.num_moved = num_moved
return num_moved>0
def right(self):
num_moved = 0
for yy in xrange(4):
#collect nonzero tile in current row
row = []
for xx in xrange(4):
tile = self.board[yy][3-xx]
if tile != 0:
if len(row)>0 and row[-1]==tile:
row[-1] += tile
self.score += row[-1]
self.board[yy][3-xx] = 0
if len(row)<4: num_moved += 1
#put row from left
for column, tile in enumerate(row):
self.board[yy][3-column] = tile
if num_moved>0: self.putRandom()
self.num_moved = num_moved
return num_moved>0
def up(self):
num_moved = 0
for xx in xrange(4):
#collect nonzero tile in current row
row = []
for yy in xrange(4):
tile = self.board[yy][xx]
if tile != 0:
if len(row)>0 and row[-1]==tile:
row[-1] += tile
self.score += row[-1]
self.board[yy][xx] = 0
if len(row)<4: num_moved += 1
#put row from left
for yy, tile in enumerate(row):
self.board[yy][xx] = tile
if num_moved>0: self.putRandom()
self.num_moved = num_moved
return num_moved>0
def down(self):
num_moved = 0
for xx in xrange(4):
#collect nonzero tile in current row
row = []
for yy in xrange(4):
tile = self.board[3-yy][xx]
if tile != 0:
if len(row)>0 and row[-1]==tile:
row[-1] += tile
self.score += row[-1]
self.board[3-yy][xx] = 0
if len(row)<4: num_moved += 1
#put row from left
for yy, tile in enumerate(row):
self.board[3-yy][xx] = tile
if num_moved>0: self.putRandom()
self.num_moved = num_moved
return num_moved>0
def __repr__(self):
return "\n".join(["\t".join(map(str, self.board[i])) for i in xrange(4)])
def play(game, nextFn):
action = nextFn(game.board)
if action == "UP": game.up()
elif action == "LEFT": game.left()
elif action == "RIGHT": game.right()
elif action == "DOWN": game.down()
return action
#weighting score is counterproductive
#factor = {"LEFT":1.0, "DOWN":1.0, "RIGHT":1.0}
def oneStep(board):
orig = Game()
orig.board = copy.deepcopy(board)
alt = {}
#g = Game(orig)
#if g.up(): alt["UP"] = g
g = Game(orig)
if g.left(): alt["LEFT"] = g
g = Game(orig)
if g.down(): alt["DOWN"] = g
g = Game(orig)
if g.right(): alt["RIGHT"] = g
if len(alt.keys())==0: return "FAIL"
options = [(k, g.score+math.exp(g.num_moved)) for k,g in alt.items()]
options = sorted(options, key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
choice = options[0]
if choice[1] == 0:
choice = options[random.randint(0, len(options)-1)]
return choice[0]
def nextMove_greedyN(board, step=3):
orig = Game()
orig.board = copy.deepcopy(board)
alt = {}
#g = Game(orig)
#if g.up(): alt["UP"] = g
g = Game(orig)
if g.left(): alt["LEFT"] = g
g = Game(orig)
if g.down(): alt["DOWN"] = g
g = Game(orig)
if g.right(): alt["RIGHT"] = g
if len(alt.keys())==0: return "FAIL"
#for step in xrange(step):
for step in xrange(random.randint(1,step)):
for d,g in alt.items():
play(g, oneStep)
#options = [(k, g.score+math.exp(g.num_moved)) for k,g in alt.items()]
options = [(k, g.score+2**g.num_moved) for k,g in alt.items()]
options = sorted(options, key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
choice = options[0]
if choice[1] == 0:
choice = options[random.randint(0, len(options)-1)]
return choice[0]
def nextMove_random(board):
moves = ['DOWN']*6+['LEFT']*3+['RIGHT']*3
return moves[random.randint(0, len(moves)-1)]
def nextMove(board):
return nextMove_greedyN(board, 2)
#return nextMove_random(board)
if __name__ == "__main__":
game = Game()
#print "enter board starting config"
print game
oldscore = 0
for i in xrange(10000):
oldscore = game.score
act = play(game, nextMove)
print act
print game
print "score: ", game.score, oldscore, game.num_moved
if any(map(lambda x: 256 in x, game.board)):
print "WIN!"
if game.isFull() and act=="FAIL":
print "GAME OVER"
print "num moves : ", i
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