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Created March 1, 2015 22:40
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Treat a NumPy array as a graph in RDFLib
rastore - virtual RDF data store for rasters
a graph interface from a numpy array into RDF Data Cube
- shape (dimensions)
- element datatype
- elements as rdf list?
- slices? as structured naming of bnode or a slice object?
list of pixels with position as dimension and value as measure ?
:e_0_0 a qb:Observation
:dim_0 0,
:dim_1 0,
:value 255.
array can be from opencv or gdal
from import Store
from rdflib import Graph, XSD, RDF, RDFS, OWL, URIRef, Namespace, BNode, Literal
import urllib.parse as urlparse
import numpy as np
def add_list(graph, triples):
next_node = BNode()
start_node = next_node
for i,item in enumerate(triples):
node = next_node
graph.add((node, RDF.first, item[0]))
if i==len(triples)-1:
next_node = RDF.nil
next_node = BNode()
graph.add((node,, next_node))
return start_node
QB = Namespace('')
ARR = Namespace('')
THIS = Namespace('#')
class RasterStore(Store):
Raster Virtual RDF Store
def __init__(self,array,configuration=None):
super(RasterStore, self).__init__(configuration)
self.__namespace = {}
self.__prefix = {}
self.__len = None
self._g = Graph()
def read_array_meta(self):
g = self._g
arr_node = URIRef('#this')
arr_struct = BNode()
g.add((arr_node, RDF.type, QB.Dataset))
g.add((arr_node, QB.structure, arr_struct))
g.add((arr_struct, RDF.type, QB.DataStructureDefinition))
self.dimensions = []
for i,v in enumerate(list(self.arr.shape)):
dim_name = 'dim_{}'.format(i)
dim = BNode(dim_name)
g.add((arr_struct, QB.component, dim))
g.add((dim, QB.dimension, THIS[dim_name]))
g.add((dim, QB.order, Literal(i+1)))
#g.add((THIS[dim_name], RDF.type, RDF.Property))
#g.add((THIS[dim_name], RDF.type, QB.DimensionProperty))
g.add((THIS[dim_name], RDFS.range, XSD.integer))
#TODO:how to explicitly indicating dimension interval limit
interval = BNode()
g.add((THIS[dim_name], RDFS.range, interval))
g.add((interval, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction))
ivalues = BNode()
g.add((interval, OWL.allValuesFrom, ivalues))
g.add((ivalues, RDF.type, RDFS.Datatype))
g.add((ivalues, OWL.onDatatype,
g.add((interval, OWL.onProperty, THIS[dim_name]))
rnode = add_list(g, [(BNode(), XSD.minInclusive, Literal(0)), (BNode(), XSD.maxExclusive, Literal(self.arr.shape[i]))])
g.add((ivalues, OWL.withRestrictions, rnode))
measure = THIS.value
mnode = BNode()
g.add((arr_struct, QB.component, mnode))
g.add((mnode, QB.measure, measure))
#g.add((measure, RDF.type, RDF.Property))
#g.add((measure, RDF.type, QB.MeasureProperty))
if self.arr.dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint32, np.int32]:
g.add((measure, RDFS.range,
elif self.arr.dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]:
g.add((measure, RDFS.range, XSD.decimal))
idx = np.where(self.arr==self.arr)
for obs in zip(self.arr.flat, *idx):
#print(THIS['e_'+'_'.join(map(str, list(obs)[1:]))])
el = THIS['e_'+'_'.join(map(str, list(obs)[1:]))]
#g.add((el, RDF.type, QB.Observation))
g.add((el, QB.dataset, THIS.this))
g.add((el, THIS.value, Literal(obs[0])))
for i,v in enumerate(list(obs)[1:]):
#print(v, type(v))
g.add((el, THIS[self.dimensions[i]], Literal(v.item())))
def add(self, triple_pattern, context, quoted=False):
subj, pred, obj = triple_pattern
if subj is not None and '#e_' in subj.toPython():
sp = tuple(map(int, subj.toPython()[3:].split('_')))
self.arr[sp] = obj.toPython()
#update the pixel value if triples added is a pixel pattern
#throw NotImplementedError('Linked Data Fragment is immutable')
def remove(self, triple_pattern, context=None):
#triples cannot be removed but can only be modified
#throw NotImplementedError('Linked Data Fragment is immutable')
def triples(self, triple_pattern, context=None):
subj, pred, obj = triple_pattern
for triple in self._g.triples(triple_pattern):
yield triple, self.__contexts()
idx = np.where(self.arr==self.arr)
if subj is None and pred is None and obj is None:
for obs in zip(self.arr.flat, *idx):
el = THIS['e_'+'_'.join(map(str, list(obs)[1:]))]
yield (el, QB.dataset, THIS.this), self.__contexts()
yield (el, THIS.value, Literal(obs[0])), self.__contexts()
for i,v in enumerate(list(obs)[1:]):
yield (el, THIS[self.dimensions[i]], Literal(v.item())), self.__contexts()
elif subj is not None and '#e_' in subj.toPython():
sp = tuple(map(int, subj.toPython()[3:].split('_')))
if pred is None or pred == QB.dataset:
yield (subj, QB.dataset, THIS.this), self.__contexts()
if pred is None or pred == THIS.value:
yield (subj, THIS.value, Literal(self.arr[sp])), self.__contexts()
for i,v in enumerate(list(sp)):
yield (subj, THIS[self.dimensions[i]], Literal(v)), self.__contexts()
def __len__(self, context=None):
return len(self._g)+self.arr.size*(2+len(list(self.arr.shape))) #amount of virtual rdf triples from array elements
def bind(self, prefix, namespace):
self.__prefix[namespace] = prefix
self.__namespace[prefix] = namespace
def namespace(self, prefix):
return self.__namespace.get(prefix, None)
def prefix(self, namespace):
return self.__prefix.get(namespace, None)
def namespaces(self):
for prefix, namespace in iter(self.__namespace.items()):
yield prefix, namespace
def __contexts(self):
return (c for c in [])
def set_value(graph, newval, idx):
graph.add((THIS['e_'+'_'.join(map(str, list(idx)))], THIS.value, Literal(newval)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
z = np.zeros((2,4))
g = Graph(store=RasterStore(z))
print (len(g))
#propagate triple addition as array element updating
set_value(g, 10, (1,1))
#serialize as RDF
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pebbie commented Mar 1, 2015

output of the serialization

@prefix ns1: <#> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix qb: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

ns1:e_0_0 ns1:dim_0 0 ;
    ns1:dim_1 0 ;
    ns1:value 0e+00 ;
    qb:dataset ns1:this .

ns1:e_0_1 ns1:dim_0 0 ;
    ns1:dim_1 1 ;
    ns1:value 0e+00 ;
    qb:dataset ns1:this .

ns1:e_0_2 ns1:dim_0 0 ;
    ns1:dim_1 2 ;
    ns1:value 0e+00 ;
    qb:dataset ns1:this .

ns1:e_0_3 ns1:dim_0 0 ;
    ns1:dim_1 3 ;
    ns1:value 0e+00 ;
    qb:dataset ns1:this .

ns1:e_1_0 ns1:dim_0 1 ;
    ns1:dim_1 0 ;
    ns1:value 0e+00 ;
    qb:dataset ns1:this .

ns1:e_1_1 ns1:dim_0 1 ;
    ns1:dim_1 1 ;
    ns1:value 1e+01 ;
    qb:dataset ns1:this .

ns1:e_1_2 ns1:dim_0 1 ;
    ns1:dim_1 2 ;
    ns1:value 0e+00 ;
    qb:dataset ns1:this .

ns1:e_1_3 ns1:dim_0 1 ;
    ns1:dim_1 3 ;
    ns1:value 0e+00 ;
    qb:dataset ns1:this .

ns1:dim_0 rdfs:range xsd:integer .

ns1:dim_1 rdfs:range xsd:integer .

ns1:value rdfs:range xsd:decimal .

ns1:this a qb:Dataset ;
    qb:structure [ a qb:DataStructureDefinition ;
            qb:component [ qb:measure ns1:value ],
                [ qb:dimension ns1:dim_0 ;
                    qb:order 1 ],
                [ qb:dimension ns1:dim_1 ;
                    qb:order 2 ] ] .

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