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Forked from klingerf/blue-green.groovy
Created March 5, 2017 17:32
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Jenkins pipeline script to perform blue-green deploys to a Kubernetes cluster running linkerd and namerd
node {
def currentVersion = getCurrentVersion()
def newVersion = getNextVersion(currentVersion)
def frontendIp = kubectl("get svc l5d -o jsonpath=\"{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}\"").trim()
def originalDst = getDst(getDtab())
stage("clone") {
git url: gitRepo + '.git', branch: gitBranch
stage("deploy") {
def targetWorld = readFile('k8s-daemonset/helloworld/world.txt').trim()
updateConfig(targetWorld, newVersion)
def created = kubectl("apply -f hello-world.yml")
echo "${created}"
sleep 5 // give the instance some time to start
stage("integration testing") {
def dtabOverride = "l5d-dtab: /host/world => /tmp/${newVersion}"
runIntegrationTests(frontendIp, dtabOverride)
try {
message: "Integration tests successful!\nYou can reach the service with:\ncurl -H \'${dtabOverride}\' ${frontendIp}",
ok: "OK, done with manual testing"
} catch(err) {
revert(originalDst, newVersion)
throw err
stage("shift traffic (10%)") {
setDst(getDtab(), "1 * /tmp/${newVersion} & 9 * /tmp/${currentVersion}")
try {
message: "Shifting 10% of traffic. To view, open:\nhttp://${frontendIp}:9990",
ok: "OK, success rates look stable"
} catch(err) {
revert(originalDst, newVersion)
throw err
stage("shift traffic (100%)") {
setDst(getDtab(), "/tmp/${newVersion} | /tmp/${currentVersion}")
try {
message: "Deploy finished. Ready to cleanup?",
ok: "OK, everything looks good"
} catch(err) {
revert(originalDst, newVersion)
throw err
stage("cleanup") {
setDst(getDtab(), "/srv/${newVersion}")
sleep 5 // wait for dtab change to propagate
kubectl("delete svc ${currentVersion}")
kubectl("delete rc ${currentVersion}")
def kubectl(cmd) {
return sh(script: "kubectl --namespace=${k8sNamespace} ${cmd}", returnStdout: true)
def getDtab() {
return sh(script: "namerctl dtab get ${namerdNamespace} --json", returnStdout: true)
def setDtab(dtab) {
writeFile file: namerdNamespace + ".dtab", text: dtab
return sh(script: "namerctl dtab update ${namerdNamespace} ${namerdNamespace}.dtab --json", returnStdout: true)
def getDst(jsonResp) {
def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonResp)
for (dentry in json.dtab) {
if (dentry.prefix == "/host/world") {
return dentry.dst
def setDst(jsonResp, dst) {
def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonResp)
for (dentry in json.dtab) {
if (dentry.prefix == "/host/world") {
dentry.dst = dst
def str = groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(json)
json = null // must clear json obj from scope before calling setDtab
return setDtab(str)
def signalDeploy() {
def jsonResp = getDtab()
def dst = getDst(jsonResp)
if (dst =~ /^\/tmp/) {
error "dtab is already marked as being deployed!"
def resp = setDst(jsonResp, dst.replace("/srv", "/tmp"))
echo "${resp}"
def getCurrentVersion() {
def jsonResp = kubectl("get svc -o json")
def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonResp)
for (svc in json.items) {
if ( =~ /^world/) {
def getNextVersion(currentVersion) {
def versionNum = currentVersion.replace("world-v", "").toInteger()
return "world-v${versionNum + 1}"
def updateConfig(targetWorld, newVersion) {
def config = readFile('k8s-daemonset/k8s/hello-world.yml')
.replaceAll("world-v1", newVersion)
.replaceAll("value: world", "value: ${targetWorld}")
writeFile file: "hello-world.yml", text: config
def runIntegrationTests(frontendIp, dtabOverride) {
def resp = sh(script: "curl -sL -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null -H '${dtabOverride}' ${frontendIp} 2>&1", returnStdout: true).trim()
if (resp != "200") {
error "could not reach new service"
def revert(originalDst, newVersion) {
echo "reverting traffic back to ${originalDst}"
setDst(getDtab(), originalDst)
kubectl("delete svc ${newVersion}")
kubectl("delete rc ${newVersion}")
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