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Forked from zmiftah/postgre_snippets.sql
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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-- Grant For Schema
-- Grant For Table
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE pdg.proposal TO project1;
-- Grant For Sequence
GRANT USAGE, SELECT ON SEQUENCE pdg.proposal_id_seq TO project1;
-- Grant For View
GRANT SELECT ON pdg.vw_program_hierarchy TO project1;
-- //-- Source: --//
-- Create Table
CREATE TABLE pdg.proposal__file_revision
id integer NOT NULL,
proposal_id integer NOT NULL,
proposal_metadata character varying(500),
file_id integer,
revision_no smallint,
note character varying(1000),
created_at timestamp without time zone,
created_by integer,
CONSTRAINT proposal__file_revision_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
ALTER TABLE pdg.proposal__file_revision OWNER TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE pdg.proposal__file_revision TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE pdg.proposal__file_revision TO project1;
-- End Create Table
-- Create View
CREATE VIEW pdg.vw_employee_pdg AS
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE condition=1 ORDER BY field
-- End Create View
-- Create Index
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX proposal_id_idx ON pdg.ipp USING btree (proposal_id);
-- ALTER COLUMN FROM varchar TO integer
ALTER TABLE pdg.proposal ALTER COLUMN proposal_type TYPE smallint USING (proposal_type::integer);
-- Select Enum Type (As Array)
SELECT ENUM_RANGE(null::pdg.ipp_statuses)
-- Select Enum Type (As Rows)
SELECT UNNEST(ENUM_RANGE(null::pdg.ipp_statuses))
-- Select Column From Table
SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='table_name';
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