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Last active August 23, 2022 09:25
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ZX Spectrum custom ROM to measure time till first /INT signal
; (C): copyright 2022 Peter Ped Helcmanovsky, license: MIT
; name: custom ZX Spectrum ROM to measure time until first /INT signal
; public gist somewhere at: (search for it)
; to assemble (with z00m's sjasmplus v1.20.1+)
; run: sjasmplus rom_first_int.asm
; history: 2022-08-23: v1.0 - initial version
; purpose:
; measures time since power-on until first /INT signal
; the measurable interval is 24 .. 1,048,584 T-states (with 16T granularity)
; if the /INT happens sooner/later in the HW, the result wraps around into the expected range
; the wrap around or earlier /INT is not detected,
; so printed result is K*1048576 incorrect (K = -1,0,1,..+inf) (correct for K == 0)
OPT --syntax=abf
MMU 0 1, 0, $0000 ; page 0+1 (bank 0 mapped to $C000 by default)
; measure the time-diff since power-on until first /INT
im 1
ld e,l ; DE = original HL
ei ; enable interrupts after `ld d,h`
ld d,h
; 4+8+4+4+4 = 24T init before first /INT can be detected
inc hl ; 6 + 10 = 16 T main loop
jp rst00.time_loop ; rst08 is like: ld b,0 : jp rst00.time_loop
jp rst00.time_loop
jp rst00.time_loop
rst10: ASSERT $ == $10
jp rst00.time_loop
jp rst00.time_loop
jr rst00.time_loop
rst18: ASSERT $ == $18
jp rst00.time_loop
jp rst00.time_loop
jr rst00.time_loop
rst20: ASSERT $ == $20
jp rst00.time_loop
jp rst00.time_loop
jr rst00.time_loop
rst28: ASSERT $ == $28
jp rst00.time_loop
jp rst00.time_loop
jr rst00.time_loop
rst30: ASSERT $ == $30
jp rst00.time_loop
jp rst00.time_loop
jr rst00.time_loop
; IM1 interrupt handler, printing results of measurement
rst38: ASSERT $ == $38
di ; useless on real HW, but I need this for easy debug in CSpect
or a
sbc hl,de ; HL = number of HL increments until first /INT
ex de,hl
ld iy,de ; fake ; IY = preserve number of increments
; clear VRAM, setup stack
ld hl,$4000
ld de,$4001
ld bc,$1B00-1
ld (hl),l
; set top third of VRAM with visible attributes
ld hl,$5800
ld sp,hl ; set stack to bottom third of VRAM pixel data
ld de,$5801
ld c,$FF
ld (hl),%01'011'111 ; BRIGHT 1 : PAPER 3 : INK 7
; print result
ld hl,txt_author
ld de,$40A1
call OutStringAtDe
; ld hl,txt_welcome ; HL already points there
ld de,$4021
call OutStringAtDe
; ld hl,txt_result ; HL already points there
ld de,$4061
call OutStringAtDe
inc e
; prepare value to print: IY * 16 + 24
xor a
add iy,iy
adc a,a
add iy,iy
adc a,a
add iy,iy
adc a,a
add iy,iy
adc a,a ; A:IY = increments * 16
ld bc,24
add iy,bc
adc a,0
ld ixl,a ; IXL:IY = increments * 16 + 24
call Print24bIXLIY ; print decimal 24b IXL:IY (expected values: 24..1,048,584)
; print expected range of result
ld de,$406C
ld hl,txt_expected
call OutStringAtDe
; keep stuck here forever
jr $
Print24bIXLIY: ; prints 24b positive integer (must be non-zero! zero prints nothing)
ld hl,tab_decimals
ld b,0 ; all-zero digits so far
ld a,(hl)
or a
ret z ; all printed
ld c,-1
; do { ++C, IXL:IY -= *HL } while (IXL:IY >= 0)
inc c
ld a,iyl
add a,(hl)
ld iyl,a
inc hl
ld a,iyh
adc a,(hl)
ld iyh,a
inc hl
ld a,ixl
adc a,(hl)
ld ixl,a
dec hl
dec hl
jr c,.divide_loop
; undo the last extra subtraction to restore IXL:IY, and HL += 3 to point to next decimal power
ld a,iyl
sub (hl)
ld iyl,a
inc hl
ld a,iyh
sbc a,(hl)
ld iyh,a
inc hl
ld a,ixl
sbc a,(hl)
ld ixl,a
inc hl
; print the digit, if it is not leading zero
ld a,b
or c
ld b,a
ld a,c
call nz,OutDigit
jr .pow10_loop
D24 -10000000,-1000000,-100000,-10000,-1000,-100,-10,-1
DB 0
; A = ASCII char (0..127), will calculate into HL address of char data ($0900 for space)
ASSERT 0 == low(font_data/8)
ld h,high(font_data/8)
ld l,a ; hl = $100+A
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl ; hl *= 8
; A = 0..9 to output, output is done by XOR (!) mode, to DE cell
or '0'
; A = ASCII char to output, output is done by XOR (!) mode, to DE cell
push af
push hl
push de
call GetRomAddressOfChar ; HL = font data
; output char to the VRAM
ld a,(de)
xor (hl)
ld (de),a
inc l
inc d
bit 3,d
jr z,.CharLoop
pop de
pop hl
pop af
; increment char position by one to right
inc e
; output zero terminated string from HL address into VRAM at DE (HL points after zero)
; modifies: AF, HL, DE
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
or a
ret z
call OutChar
jr OutStringAtDe
; |12345678901234567890123456789012| 32 char width
DB "2022-08-23 Ped / 7 Gods / src: "
DZ ""
DZ "Test ROM - Time to first /INT:"
DZ "T:"
DZ "+-16T (24..1048584)"
ASSERT $ <= $800
ORG $800
DS 7 * 8, $18 ; middle-stripe for 0..6
HEX FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ; bell (7) as full square
; insert credit for font data directly into ROM in text-readable way
DB 0,0,0," !!! font by DamienG from: !!! ",0,0,0
DS font_data + ' ' * 8 - $, $18 ; middle-stripe for remaining chars
INCBIN "Proforma.ch8" ; DamienG font data from space char
; fill remaining ROM space with $FF
DS $4000-$, $FF
ASSERT $4000 == $
; save the ROM binary
SAVEBIN "1stint.rom",0,$
; -------------------- DEBUG .nex file for ZX Spectrum Next to debug the code in emulator ---------------
ORG $8000
nextreg $7,0
nextreg $50,$$rst00
nextreg $51,$$rst00 + 1
jp rst00
SAVENEX OPEN "1stint.nex",initmm0,$9FF0
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