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Last active January 12, 2021 19:12
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ZX Spectrum fade-in/fade-out effects using attributes, focusing on small code size (no tables used)
; Authors: Omega, Ped7g, Baze ; (C) 2021 ; license:
; Z80 assembly, syntax for sjasmplus:
; to assemble run: sjasmplus omega_fades.asm
OPT --syntax=abf
ORG $8000
; ULA attributes "fade out" effect, going through PAPER/INK values,
; decrements them (individually) by 1 every iteration (call of routine)
; No input ; modifies AF, BC, D, HL
ld hl,$5800
ld bc,(3<<8) | %00'001'001 ; B = 3, C = mask for INK/PAPER "1"
.doThird: ; process 256 bytes (third of ULA screen)
ld a,(hl) ; read current attribute
; for both PAPER and INK (individually), all three bits are merged into one by OR
ld d,a ; the merged bits will land into "bottom" bit (b0 INK, b3 PAPER)
rra ; setting those to "1" for non-zero INK/PAPER value
or d ; and "0" for zero INK/PAPER - this will be then subtracted
rra ; from current attribute
or d ; *here* the bits 0 and 3 are "1" for non-zero INK and PAPER
and c ; extract those bottom INK (+1)/PAPER (+8) bits into A
; subtract that value from current attribute, to decrement INK/PAPER individually
sub d ; A = decrement - attribute
neg ; A = attribute - decrement (new attribute value)
ld (hl),a ; write the darkened attribute value
inc l
jp nz,.doThird ; process next attribute, until 256 of them were done
inc h
djnz .doThird ; repeat for next third of ULA screen
DISPLAY "atrFadeOut routine size: ",/D,$-atrFadeOut
; ULA attributes "fade in" effect, adding 1 to PAPER/INK/BRIGHT components
; every iteration (call of routine), until the ULA attribute does reach
; same value as corresponding byte in "target" area at $D800..$DCFF
; The "fade in" way requires the initial attributes to be "less/equal" to target
; values, but the effect will settle by wrapping around also for "greater" values,
; probably causing unwanted visual artefacts.
; The main trick of effect works on the same principle as "fade out" effect,
; adding one to PAPER/INK components until they reach the target value, so
; it may be helpful to first understand the mechanics of FadeOut before this one.
; Input: target attribute values at $D800..$DCFF ; modifies AF, BC, DE, HL
ld hl,$5800
ld de,$D800 ; FLASH+BRIGHT is treated as third component (F+B together)
ld c,%01'001'001 ; bit-mask of PAPER/INK bottom bits, and FLASH+BRIGHT
; do three times screen third processing to process whole ULA screen
call .doThird
call .doThird
.doThird: ; process 256 bytes (third of ULA screen)
ld a,(de) ; target attribute value + advance pointer to next one
inc e
xor (hl) ; A = xor-difference between source/target value
ld b,a ; the xor-difference yield zero when target value was reached
rra ; otherwise there is non-zero value in the component
or b ; So each component individually is again merged into
rra ; single 0/1 value representing zero/non-zero state of xor-diff
or b ; producing "value to add to current attribute"
and c ; having +1/+8/+64 bits for INK/PAPER/B+F as needed
add a,(hl) ; add it with current attribute (raising it toward target value)
ld (hl),a ; write the patched attribute into ULA VRAM
inc l
; same block again: saves one "JP nz" = -3840T = fast enough to not show tearing
ld a,(de)
inc e
xor (hl)
ld b,a
or b
or b
and c
add a,(hl)
ld (hl),a
inc l
jp nz,.doThird ; process next attribute, until 256 of them were done
inc d ; adjust high-bytes of pointers to be ready for next screen-third
inc h
DISPLAY "atrFadeIn routine size: ",/D,$-atrFadeOut
; calling 10 times "fade in", then 10 times "fade out", and then again
; to demonstrate them.
; Press keys 1 to 5 to set delay between iteractions (1 = 50 FPS, 5 = 3 FPS)
call PrepareTestData
ld ixl,20 ; 20..11 calls "fade in", 10..1 calls "fade out" (ten times each)
ld b,1
halt ; synchronize with display beam by waiting for ROM interrupt
djnz .speedWait
ld a,1
out (254),a ; BORDER 1 (to see performance-timing visually in border stripe)
ld a,ixl
cp 11 ; "fade in" for 20..11 values
call nc,atrFadeIn
ld a,ixl
cp 11 ; "fade out" for 10..1 values
call c,atrFadeOut
xor a
out (254),a ; BORDER 0
; check for keys 1-5 and adjust speedwait based on the key (1 = fast, 5 = slow)
ld a,~(1<<3) ; fourth keyboard-matrix row, keys 1-5
in a,(254) ; read the keyboard matrix, flip the logic (to 1 = pressed)
and $1F ; if any key from 1-5 was pressed, it forms new wait-delay value
jr z,.noKeyPressed
ld (.speedWait-1),a ; modify "LD B,1" instruction with new wait value
dec ixl ; adjust "function counter" to run correct function next time
jr nz,.loopyLoop
jr .resetFunctionCounter
; Sets test-data for FadeOut/FadeIn demoing:
; - chessboard pixels in the ULA VRAM at $4000
; - zeroing attributes of ULA VRAM (black ink, black paper)
; - at $D8000 creating "target attributes", three blocks of 0..255 values
; set chessboard pixels in ULA
ld hl,$4000
ld de,$4001
ld bc,$0100
ld (hl),%1010'1010
ld bc,$00FF
ld (hl),%0101'0101
ld hl,$4000
ld bc,$1800-$200+1
; zeroed attributes of ULA screen
ld hl,$5800
ld bc,$2FF
ld (hl),l
; at $D800: 3x 0-255 attribute bytes in "target" area for FadeIn effect
ld hl,$D800
ld b,3
ld (hl),l
inc l
jr nz,.doThird
inc h
djnz .doThird
SAVESNA "omega_fades.sna", startDEMO : CSPECTMAP ""
DISPLAY "Try keys 1 to 5 to change speed-delay between effect calls"
SHELLEXEC "( sleep 0.1s ; runCSpect -debug -brk -w3 omega_fades.sna ) &"
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