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Last active September 18, 2022 18:53
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linux x86_64 asm example of "base64 encoder" (for lecturing purposes)
; (C) [copyleft] 2021 Peter Helcmanovsky
; License: CC0
; x86_64 linux asm example of base64 encoding
; reads stdin, encodes it to base64 without new-lines, outputs to stdout
; the code is meant to be rather straightforward and simple (for lecturing purpose),
; not performance optimal
; to build I'm using nasm and ld:
; nasm -f elf64 ped_base64.asm -l out.lst && ld ped_base64.o -o base64en
SECTION .data ; Section containing initialised data
Base64Table: db "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
SECTION .bss ; Section containing uninitialized data
ChunkSize: equ 1000 ; size in 3-byte work units (3000 bytes)
ReadBufferSize: equ ChunkSize * 3
ReadBuffer: resb ReadBufferSize + 8 ; +8 bytes is padding for mem-access safety
OutputBufferSize: equ ChunkSize * 4
OutputBufer: resb OutputBufferSize + 8 ; +8 bytes is padding (mem-access and "=" overwrite zone)
SECTION .text ; Section containing code
global _start ; Linker needs this to find the entry point!
; load some common values into preserved registers (these are "global")
xor ebp,ebp ; rbp = 0
mov r12,ReadBuffer
mov r13,OutputBufer
call readInput
test rax,rax
jle .err_or_exit ; error or zero length -> exit
mov ecx,eax
call processChunk ; leaves size of output in rdi
call writeOutput
jmp .processChunkLoop ; loop until full input was processed
mov rdi,rax ; error code = 0 when OK, otherwise err_no of sys_read()
mov rax,60 ; sys_exit
readInput: ; out rax = length or error (<0)
xor eax,eax ; rax = 0 = sys_read
xor edi,edi ; rdi = 0 = stdin
mov rsi,r12 ; rsi = read buffer for data
mov edx,ReadBufferSize ; rdx = bytes to read (32b value)
writeOutput: ; in rdi = length of output data to print
mov rdx,rdi ; output size
mov rsi,r13 ; OutputBufer
lea rax,[rbp+1] ; rax = 1 (sys_write)
mov rdi,rax ; rdi = 1 (stdout)
processChunk: ; rcx = size of data to process (non zero value)
mov rsi,r12 ; rsi = ReadBuffer
mov rdi,r13 ; rdi = OutputBufer
lea r8,[rsi+rcx] ; r8 = first byte after bytes read (address)
mov [r8],ebp ; make sure input data are padded with 4+ zeroes
; convert input data into base64 encoding
mov eax,[rsi]
add rsi,3
bswap eax
shr eax,8 ; 24 bits (4x6) of input in big-endian order
; => b23..b18 is first 6-bits value to output, b5..b0 is last one
mov edx,eax ; copy eax into edx
shr eax,6 ; remove 6 from eax because they will already be processed
and edx,0x3F ; keep only last 6 bits
mov bh,[Base64Table+rdx]; translate into base64 (fourth output char)
mov edx,eax ; get copy of next 6 bits
shr eax,6 ; remove 6 processed bits
and edx,0x3F ; keep only last 6 bits
mov bl,[Base64Table+rdx]; translate into base64 (third output char)
shl ebx,16 ; shift fourth+third char into upper 16 bits of ebx
mov edx,eax ; get next 6 bits
shr eax,6 ; remove 6 processed bits
and edx,0x3F ; keep only last 6 bits
mov bh,[Base64Table+rdx]; convert bits into base64 (second output char)
mov bl,[Base64Table+rax]; convert bits into base64 (first output char)
mov [rdi],ebx ; write four output bytes
add rdi,4
cmp rsi,r8
jb .loop ; loop until all input data were processed (rsi >= r8)
; patch the output chunk to end with '=' or '==' if (0 != (size%3))
sub r8,rsi ; r8 = 0, -1 (one char extra in output) or -2 (two chars extra)
mov word [rdi+r8],'==' ; overwrite any extra chars in output with '='
sub rdi,r13 ; rdi = size of output data
; (C) [copyleft] 2021 Peter Helcmanovsky
; License: CC0
; x86_64 linux asm example of base64 encoding
; reads stdin, base64 encodes it to stdout, adding new-line after 76 output characters
; (works the same way as `base64` in common linux installation)
; the code is meant to be rather straightforward and simple (for lecturing purpose),
; not performance optimal
; to build I'm using nasm and ld:
; nasm -f elf64 ped_base64_2.asm -l out.lst && ld ped_base64_2.o -o base64en
SECTION .data ; Section containing initialised data
Base64Table: db "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
SECTION .bss ; Section containing uninitialized data
ChunkSize: equ 19 ; size in 3-byte work units (57 input bytes)
ReadBufferSize: equ ChunkSize * 3
OutputBufferSize: equ ChunkSize * 4
OutputBufer: resb OutputBufferSize + 16
; +16 bytes is padding (mem-access and '='/EOL overwrite zone)
ReadBuffer: equ OutputBufer + ChunkSize + 4
; read buffer is shared with output -> advanced just enough to let output
; overwrite only source data which were already processed
SECTION .text ; Section containing code
global _start ; Linker needs this to find the entry point!
; load some common values into preserved registers (these are "global")
xor ebp,ebp ; rbp = 0
mov r12,ReadBuffer
mov r13,OutputBufer
call readInput
test rax,rax
jle .err_or_exit ; error or zero length -> exit
call processChunk ; leaves size of output in rdi
call writeOutput
jmp .processChunkLoop ; loop until full input was processed
mov rdi,rax ; error code = 0 when OK, otherwise err_no of sys_read()
mov rax,60 ; sys_exit
readInput: ; out rax = length or error (<0)
xor eax,eax ; rax = 0 = sys_read
xor edi,edi ; rdi = 0 = stdin
mov rsi,r12 ; rsi = read buffer for data
mov edx,ReadBufferSize ; rdx = bytes to read (32b value)
writeOutput: ; in rdi = length of output data to print
mov rdx,rdi ; output size
mov rsi,r13 ; OutputBufer
lea rax,[rbp+1] ; rax = 1 (sys_write)
mov rdi,rax ; rdi = 1 (stdout)
processChunk: ; rax = size of data to process (non zero value)
mov rsi,r12 ; rsi = ReadBuffer
mov rdi,r13 ; rdi = OutputBufer
lea r8,[rsi+rax] ; r8 = first byte after bytes read (address)
mov [r8],ebp ; make sure input data are padded with 4+ zeroes
; convert input data into base64 encoding
mov eax,[rsi]
add rsi,3
bswap eax
shr eax,8 ; 24 bits (4x6) of input in big-endian order
; => b23..b18 is first 6-bits value to output, b5..b0 is last one
mov edx,eax ; copy eax into edx
shr eax,6 ; remove 6 from eax because they will already be processed
and edx,0x3F ; keep only last 6 bits
mov bh,[Base64Table+rdx]; translate into base64 (fourth output char)
mov edx,eax ; get copy of next 6 bits
shr eax,6 ; remove 6 processed bits
and edx,0x3F ; keep only last 6 bits
mov bl,[Base64Table+rdx]; translate into base64 (third output char)
shl ebx,16 ; shift fourth+third char into upper 16 bits of ebx
mov edx,eax ; get next 6 bits
shr eax,6 ; remove 6 processed bits
and edx,0x3F ; keep only last 6 bits
mov bh,[Base64Table+rdx]; convert bits into base64 (second output char)
mov bl,[Base64Table+rax]; convert bits into base64 (first output char)
mov [rdi],ebx ; write four output bytes
add rdi,4
cmp rsi,r8
jb .loop ; loop until all input data were processed (rsi >= r8)
; patch the output chunk to end with '=' or '==' if (0 != (size%3))
sub r8,rsi ; r8 = 0, -1 (one char extra in output) or -2 (two chars extra)
mov word [rdi+r8],'==' ; overwrite any extra chars in output with '='
; add newline after output
mov byte [rdi],10
inc rdi
sub rdi,r13 ; rdi = size of output data
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