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Last active September 30, 2015 23:08
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Save pedramamini/1877355 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Collection of type conversion, output formatting, and other miscellaneous Python utilities I've written and used across a variety of projects.
import re
def blend_colors (first, second, scale=.5):
Takes 2 RGB color hex values and blend them together.
rold = (first & 0xFF0000) >> 16
gold = (first & 0x00FF00) >> 8
bold = (first & 0x0000FF)
rnew = (second & 0xFF0000) >> 16
gnew = (second & 0x00FF00) >> 8
bnew = (second & 0x0000FF)
r = int((rold + (rnew - rold) * scale)) & 0xFF
g = int((gold + (gnew - gold) * scale)) & 0xFF
b = int((bold + (bnew - bold) * scale)) & 0xFF
return (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b
def calc_entropy (data):
Calculate the entropy of supplied data.
if not data:
return 0
entropy = 0
for x in range(256):
p_x = float(data.count(chr(x))) / len(data)
if p_x > 0:
entropy += -p_x * math.log(p_x, 2)
return entropy
def commify (n):
Format a large integer with human readable commas.
if n is not str:
n = str(n)
while True:
(n, count) = re.subn(r'^([-+]?\d+)(\d{3})', r'\1,\2', n)
if count == 0:
return n
def condence_spaces (n):
Condense multiple spaces to one.
return " ".join(str.split(str(s)))
def day_suffix (day):
Return the numeric day with the appropriate suffix: st, nd, rd, th.
day = int(day)
if 4 <= day <= 20 or 24 <= day <= 30:
suffix = "th"
suffix = ["st", "nd", "rd"][day % 10 - 1]
return "%d%s" % (day, suffix)
def deg_to_dec (degrees, heading):
Convert from degrees/minutes to decimal degrees.
deg = math.floor(float(degrees) / 100.0)
frac = (float(degrees) / 100.0 - deg) / 0.6
ret = deg + frac
if heading == "S" or heading == "W":
ret = -ret
return ret
def fit_curved (window_min, window_max, num_events):
y1 = float(0) # volume min
y2 = float(255) # volum nax
x1 = float(window_min) # min number of events over window
x2 = float(window_max) # max number of events over window
x = float(num_events) # current number of events to fit to volume
n = 2 # rate of curvature
y = 0 # volume, what we are solving for
y = ((y2 - y1) / (x2**n - x1**n)) + y1 - (((y2 - y1) * x1**n) / (x2**n - x1**n))
return y
def fit_linear (window_min, window_max, num_events):
y1 = float(0) # volume min
y2 = float(255) # volum nax
x1 = float(window_min) # min number of events over window
x2 = float(window_max) # max number of events over window
x = float(num_events) # current number of events to fit to volume
y = 0 # volume, what we are solving for
y = ((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) * (x - x1) + y1
return y
def fit_mixed (window_min, window_max, num_events):
a = .6 # weight to apply to linear fit
b = .4 # weight to apply to curved fit
linear = linear_fit(window_min, window_max, num_events)
curved = curved_fit(window_min, window_max, num_events)
return a * linear + b * curved
def flip_hex_string_endian (s):
Given a hex string such as "0000000000007000" will convert to "0070000000000000".
# some python magic here makes "0000000000007000" -> [('0', '0'), ..., ('7', '0'), ('0', '0')]
s = zip(*[iter(s)] * 2)
# now we make flip it and turn it back into a string -> "0070000000000000".
return "".join([a + b for a, b in reversed(s)])
def guid_parse (guid):
Convert the binary representation of a GUID to a human readable string.
(block1, block2, block3) = struct.unpack("<LHH", guid[:8])
(block4, block5, block6) = struct.unpack(">HHL", guid[8:16])
return "{%08X-%04X-%04X-%04X-%04X%08X}" % (block1, block2, block3, block4, block5, block6)
def hex_dump (data, addr=0):
Dump data in hex format.
dump = slice = ""
for byte in data:
if addr % 16 == 0:
dump += " "
for char in slice:
if ord(char) >= 32 and ord(char) <= 126:
dump += char
dump += "."
dump += "\n%04x: " % addr
slice = ""
dump += "%02x " % ord(byte)
slice += byte
addr += 1
remainder = addr % 16
if remainder != 0:
dump += " " * (16 - remainder) + " "
for char in slice:
if ord(char) >= 32 and ord(char) <= 126:
dump += char
dump += "."
return dump + "\n"
def knots_to_miles (knots):
Convert from knots to miles.
return float(knots) * 1.15077945
def levenshtein_distance (first, second):
Calculate the Levenshtein distance between two strings. ie: The number of transformations required to transform one
string to the other.
if len(first) > len(second):
first, second = second, first
if len(second) == 0:
return len(first)
first_length = len(first) + 1
second_length = len(second) + 1
distance_matrix = [range(second_length) for x in range(first_length)]
for i in range(1, first_length):
for j in range(1, second_length):
deletion = distance_matrix[i-1][j] + 1
insertion = distance_matrix[i][j-1] + 1
substitution = distance_matrix[i-1][j-1]
if first[i-1] != second[j-1]:
substitution += 1
distance_matrix[i][j] = min(insertion, deletion, substitution)
return distance_matrix[first_length-1][second_length-1]
def pattern_make (length):
Make an identifiable pattern of the specified length.
pattern = ""
for x in xrange(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1):
for y in xrange(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1):
for z in xrange(ord("0"), ord("9") + 1):
pattern += chr(x) + chr(y) + chr(z)
if len(pattern) > length:
return pattern[:length]
def pattern_offset (length, key):
Find the offset of the key in the specified length pattern.
pattern = make_pattern(length)
return pattern.index(key)
def to_decimal (self, binary):
Convert a binary string to decimal number.
return int(binary, 2)
def to_binary (number, bit_count=32):
Converts a decimal numer to binary string.
return "".join(map(lambda x:str((number >> x) & 1), range(bit_count -1, -1, -1)))
def wrap_at (s, col=40, sep="\n"):
Wrap a string at the specified column seperating with the specified separator.
wrapped = ""
while s:
if wrapped:
wrapped += sep
wrapped += s[:col]
s = s[col:]
return wrapped
def byte (b): return (b & 0xff)
def word (w): return (w & 0xffff)
def dword (d): return (d & 0xffffffff)
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