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Last active August 23, 2021 21:32
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InQuest Labs: Trystero Project - Google vs Microsoft
#!/bin/env python
Leverage the open API from to query the Trystero project data and compare which vendor, between
Google and Microsoft "won" the most days from the given YYYY-MM-DD to now. Example:
❯ python 2021-06-01
since=2021-06-01 day=2021-08-16 (64) google=21 πŸ†microsoft=39
google πŸ† days: 21
microsoft πŸ† days: 39
total days: 64
WINNER since 2021-06-01 πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯
🍾 Microsoft!
This script requires the installation of:
Overall Microsoft w/ATP (pay for service) beats Google, but there are weeks that Google beats Microsoft and if you
look at the MIME distribution among the bypasses, they are better at blocking different things.
import inquestlabs
import sys
labs = inquestlabs.inquestlabs_api()
google = 0
microsoft = 0
since = "2021-01-01"
days = 0
arg = sys.argv.pop()
debug = True
if arg.startswith("202") and len(arg) == 10:
since = arg
for day in labs.trystero_list_days():
if day == "first_record":
if day < since:
days += 1
# bypasses on this day per provider.
g = 0
m = 0
for sample in labs.trystero_list_samples(day):
if "," in sample['bypasses']:
elif "google" in sample['bypasses']:
g += 1
elif "microsoft" in sample['bypasses']:
m += 1
# if google was bypassed more, microsoft wins the day.
if g > m:
microsoft += 1
# if microsoft was bypassed more, google wins the day.
elif m > g:
google += 1
if debug:
fvars = since, day, days, google, microsoft
if google > microsoft:
sys.stdout.write("since=%s day=%s (%d) | πŸ† google=%d vs microsoft=%d\r" % fvars)
elif microsoft > google:
sys.stdout.write("since=%s day=%s (%d) | google=%d vs microsoft=%d πŸ†\r" % fvars)
sys.stdout.write("since=%s day=%s (%d) | google=%d vs microsoft=%d\r" % fvars)
print("google πŸ† days: %d" % google)
print("microsoft πŸ† days: %d" % microsoft)
print("total days: %d" % days)
print("WINNER since %s πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯" % since)
if microsoft > google:
print("🍾 Microsoft!")
elif google > microsoft:
print("🍾 Google!")
print("πŸ₯Š TIE?!?")
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