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Created May 29, 2020 03:57
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How do you comfort a JavaScript bug? You console it.
Why did the child component have such great self-esteem? Because its parent kept giving it `props`!
Why do C# and Java developers keep breaking their keyboards Because they use a strongly typed language
Why did the functional component feel lost? Because it didn't know what `state` it was in!
Why was the JavaScript developer sad? Because he didn't Node how to Express himself!
Why did the developer go broke? Because he used up all his cache!
Why did the React Higher Order Component give up? Because it sur-rendered to the prop-aganda!
Why did the react class component feel relieved? Because it was now off the hook.
Why did the react developer have an addiction? Because they were completely hooked on the hooks proposal.
What does a React proposal mean? It means to swallow something hook, line and sinker.
Why was the react developer late to everything? Because they were playing hooky with the hooks proposal.
Why couldn’t the React component understand the joke? Because it didn’t get the context.
Why did Jason cover himself with bubble wrap? Because he wanted to make a cross-domain JSONP request
Why did the software company hire drama majors from Starbucks? Because they needed JavaScript experts!
Why did the CoffeeScript developer keep getting lost? Because he couldn't find his source without a map!
What do you call __proto__? Dunder proto. Michael Scott was the regional manager where? __mifflin__
How did the doctor revive the developer? The dev wasn't responsive so the doc picked him up by hi
Why did the C# developer fall asleep? Because he didn't like Java.
Why did the JavaScript boxer goto the chiropractor? Because his backbone was angular from a knockout an
How did the web dev hurt Comic Sans feelings? Once he saw the font he quickly changed to Open Sans an
Why was Ember.js turning red? Because it was EMBERrassed for not remEMBERing its route home!
dev1 > What tool do you use to switch versions of node? dev1> nvm, I figured it out.
Why did the Web A11y Dev keep getting distracted? Beacuse they couldn't maintain focus!
How do you make a Web App accessible? ARIA kidding me?
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