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Last active October 12, 2017 15:09
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Euroscope alias file for Portugal
.onpt .msg $aircraft Olá, boa tarde. Só uma pequena informação, próxima terça feira, dia 4 entre as 1900z e as 2100z, vai haver o Lisboa Online Day, caso tenhas vontade de voar de/para Lisboa com full ATC.
.onen .msg $aircraft Hi, good afternoon. Just a quick info, next Tuesday, 4th of July between 1900z and 2100z Lisboa will be fully staffed for our Lisboa Online Day, in case you're interested in flying to/from a fully staffed Lisboa.
.on /Good evening, $radioname is online.
.off /$radioname is closing. Good night for all.
.good Good evening sir.
.good2 Good evening sir, radar contact.
.good3 Good evening sir, radar contact. Continue as filed.
.radar Radar contact.
.filed Continue as filed.
.clear Cleared to $arr via $sid departure. $cruise is approved, initial climb $alt, squawk $asquawk. Information $atiscode current, runway $deprwy in use, QNH $altim($dep).
.clearnoatis Cleared to $arr via $sid departure. $cruise is approved, initial climb $alt, squawk $asquawk. Runway $deprwy in use, QNH $altim($dep).
.clearnosid Cleared to $arr via flight plan route, expect runway heading after departure. $cruise is approved, initial climb $alt, squawk $asquawk. Information $atiscode current, runway $deprwy in use, QNH $altim($dep).
.readback Readback correct. Advise ready to push and start.
.pushs Push and start approved facing South. Advise ready to taxi.
.pushn Push and start approved facing North. Advise ready to taxi.
.taxiM Taxi to holding point M5 RWY03 via M, cross RWY35 approved.
.taxiGU Taxi to holding point M5 RWY03 via G and U1, cross RWY35 approved.
.taxiU5 Taxi to holding point U5 RWY21 via R and U4.
.taxiHN Taxi to gate $1 via R and A.
.taxiHS Taxi to gate $1 via G and $2, cross RWY35 approved.
.trafficfinal Traffic on a short final for RWY $deprwy, report in sight.
.luw RWY $deprwy, line up and wait.
.to Winds $wind, RWY $deprwy, cleared for takeoff.
.land Winds $wind, RWY $arrrwy, cleared to land.
.ga Go around! Runway heading, climb FL70.
.sqc Squawk mode C please.
.final Traffic on a $1 nm final for RWY$deprwy, report in sight.
.lub Behind landing traffic $deprwy line up and wait behind.
.frchen Frequency change approved, have a nice evening, see you around.
.frchpt Frequency change approved, resto de uma boa noite.
.clearcircuitos Cleared to perform circuits over $dep. Altitude $alt approved, squawk $asquawk. Information $atiscode current, runway $deprwy in use, QNH $altim(station).
.readbackvfr Readback correct, startup approved, advise when ready to taxi.
.todw RWY $deprwy, cleared for takeoff. When airborne join downwind RWY $deprwy and report on downwind.
.dw Join downwind RWY $deprwy and report.
.intentions Report intentions.
.dwufn Continue on downwind until further notice, I will call you back.
.turnfinal Turn final RWY $deprwy at your discretion and report on final.
.tg Winds $wind, RWY $deprwy, cleared for touch and go.
.lp Winds $wind, RWY $deprwy, cleared for low pass.
.opt Winds $wind, RWY $deprwy, cleared for the option.
.gnd Contact Lisboa Ground, 121.750. Bye!
.twr Contact Lisboa Tower, 118.100. Bye!
.app Contact Lisboa Approach, 119.100. Bye!
.ctr Contact Lisboa Control, 125.550. Bye!
.uni You are leaving my airspace. No further ATC is available. Monitor Unicom on 122.800. Bye!
.dmby Descent to $1 by QNH $altim(LHBP)
..dmby Emelekedjetek $1 lábra QNH $altim(LHBP) szerint
.cmby Climb to $1 by QNH $altim(LHBP)
..cmby Emelekedjetek $1 lábra QNH $altim(LHBP) szerint
.dm Descent to $1 ft Sûllyedjetek $1 lábra
.cm Climb to $1 ft Emelekedjetek $1 lábra
.dmfl Descent to FL$1
..dmfl Súllyedjetek FL$1-ra
.cmfl Climb to FL$1
..cmfl Emelkedjetek FL$1-ra
.speed Speed is $1 kts
.dmto Descent to reach $1 by $2
.tl Turn left heading $1.
.tr Turn right heading $1.
.fh Fly on heading $1.
.expect Expect ILS approach RWY $1.
.expect2 Expect ILS approach RWY $1 as Nr $2.
.expectv Expect visual approach RWY $1.
.expectfl Expect $1 over $2. Advise me when ready for descent.
.pd Proceed direct to $1.
.short Shortcut to $1
.hold Join to the holding pattern over $1 as published.
.leave Leave the holding pattern and continue transition.
.ils Cleared ILS approach RW $1. Report when established.
.capp Continue approach to RWY $1. Wind is $2 at $3. Expect late clearance.
.capp2 Continue approach to RWY $1. Wind calm. Expect late clearance.
.land2 Cleared to land RWY $1. Wind calm. Report when RWY is vacated.
.shut Engine shutdown approved. FP closed at $1. Thank you for flying to Budapest. Have a good night.
.sb Set your squawk to stand by on the ground, please.
.sc Set your squawk to C mode, please.
..ctr Contact Budapest radar on 133.2. Bye. Contact Budapest approach on 129.7. Bye.
..twr Contact Tower on 118.1. Bye.
..gnd Welcome to Budapest. Contact ground on 121.9. Bye.
.praha Contact Praha radar on. Good by.
.bratislava Contact Bratislava radar on. Good by.
.euro Contact Eurocontrol on 135.35. Have a good flight. Good bye.
.cont Contact now $radioname($1) on frequency $freq($1), have a good flight and landing.
.rfis $arr is at your $oclock($arr) $dist($arr)
.unicom You are leaving my airspace and no further ATC available. Resume own navigation, change freq to UNICOM. Have a good flight and landing. Bye.
.hold Join to the holding pattern over TPS as filed, at $1.
.new Are you ready for the new transitions in the Budapest TMA?
.rs Report your speed.
.red Reduce speed $1 kts.
.redl Reduce speed $1 kts or less.
.redm Reduce speed to your minimum clean.
.redf Reduce to final approach speed.
.ident Squawk ident please if you read me.
.emerg You emergency has been acknowledged. How much fuel and how many passengers do you have on board.
.problem Could you please confirm, the problem ?
.priority You will get priority landing for the best available runway.
.tell We have an emergency aircraft, you may expect some delay and holding.
.radar radar contact $dist($1) miles $bear($1) of $1, $calt
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