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Created July 8, 2016 15:42
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Bash/AppleScripts to open or reload chrome
open /Applications/Google\ --args --allow-file-access-from-files --unlimited-quota-for-files
osascript -e 'tell application "Google Chrome" to tell the active tab of its first window to reload'
osascript <<END
set u to "$1"
tell application "Google Chrome"
repeat with w in windows
set i to 0
repeat with t in tabs of w
set i to i + 1
if NAME of t is u then
set active tab index of w to i
set index of w to 1
tell t to reload
end if
end repeat
end repeat
-- open location u
-- activate
end tell
osascript <<END
set u to "$1"
tell application "Google Chrome"
repeat with w in windows
set i to 0
repeat with t in tabs of w
set i to i + 1
if URL of t is u then
set active tab index of w to i
set index of w to 1
tell t to reload
end if
end repeat
end repeat
open location u
end tell
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