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Last active January 5, 2018 15:51
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Angular Simple Sort Column Component
module adp.hosted.crm.directives {
interface ISortState {
readonly showUpward: boolean;
readonly showDownward: boolean;
readonly value: string;
next(): ISortState;
class NullSorting implements ISortState {
showUpward: boolean = false;
showDownward: boolean = false;
value = null;
next(): ISortState {
return new SortAscending();
class SortAscending implements ISortState {
showUpward: boolean = true;
showDownward: boolean = false;
value = 'ASC';
next(): ISortState {
return new SortDescending();
class SortDescending implements ISortState {
showUpward: boolean = false;
showDownward: boolean = true;
value = 'DESC';
next(): ISortState {
return new NullSorting();
class SortableColumnComponent {
bindings = {
key: '<',
order: '<',
onUpdate: '&'
transclude = true;
controller = 'SortableColumnComponentController';
template = `<a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="$ctrl.toggleSorting()">
<span ng-transclude></span>
<i class="material-icons" ng-if="$ctrl.sortState.showUpward">arrow_upward</i>
<i class="material-icons" ng-if="$ctrl.sortState.showDownward">arrow_downward</i>
class SortableColumnComponentController {
private key: string;
private order: string;
private sortState = new NullSorting();
private onUpdate: (value) => void;
this.sortState = new SortStateFactory().getInstance(this.order);
console.log('init', this.order, this.sortState);
const currentOrder = changesObj.order.currentValue;
this.sortState = new SortStateFactory().getInstance(currentOrder);
this.sortState =;
const value = {key: this.key, order: this.sortState.value};
class SortStateFactory {
switch (sortValue){
case 'ASC':
return new SortAscending();
case 'DESC':
return new SortDescending();
return new NullSorting();
.controller('SortableColumnComponentController', SortableColumnComponentController)
.component('crmSortableColumn', new SortableColumnComponent());
module adp.hosted.crm.controllers {
import IUserService = adp.hosted.crm.factories.IUserService;
import ActionHandlerService = adp.hosted.crm.factories.actionhandler.IActionHandlerService;
class LabController {
static $inject = [
columns: {[key: string]: string} = {
'date': 'ASC',
'name': null
) {
console.log('im a lab state');
for (let key in this.columns) this.columns[key] = null; //resets all
this.columns[value.key] = value.order;
.controller('LabController', LabController);
<crm-sortable-column order="ctrl.columns['date']" key="'date'" on-update="ctrl.handleSortColumnChanged(value)">Date</crm-sortable-column>
<crm-sortable-column order="ctrl.columns['name']" key="'name'" on-update="ctrl.handleSortColumnChanged(value)">Name</crm-sortable-column>
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