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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Stripe Charge for Google AppEngine
package payment
import (
func chargeViaStripe(context appengine.Context, providerKey, customerId,
idempotencyKey string, booking *Booking) (string, bool, string, error) {
// set provider key
stripe.Key = providerKey
// Stripe call via Appengine
s := setStripeChargeClient(context, providerKey)
// set currency
curr, err := getBookingCurrency(booking.Currency)
if err != nil {
return "", false, "", ErrInvalidCurrency
description := fmt.Sprintf("Charge for Booking %v", booking.Id)
args := &stripe.ChargeParams{
Customer: customerId,
Amount: uint64(booking.Total * 100),
Currency: curr,
Desc: description,
Email: booking.BookedBy.Email,
args.Params.IdempotencyKey = idempotencyKey
// Do not use charge.New(args) since it will use the default http.Client on
// the Backend. Use you baked Backend new appengine-context-request-activated
// client: s.New(args)
ch, err := s.New(args)
if err != nil {
context.Debugf("# Stripe Charge error for booking: %v: %v",
booking.Id, err)
return "", false, "", err
// return
return ch.ID, ch.Paid, ch.Status, nil
// Set the Stripe Backend http.Client to this specific appengine client context.
// On Appengine an http call is tied to the context (urlfetch.Client(context)),
// so we need to do this initialization for each call since stripe-go lib was
// primarly build to use always the same http.Client settings. The API URL and
// version is not exposed outside of the stripe-go package, so we need to add it manually.
func setStripeChargeClient(context appengine.Context, key string) *charge.Client {
c := &charge.Client{}
var b stripe.Backend
b = stripe.BackendConfiguration{stripe.APIBackend, "",
c.Key = key
c.B = b
return c
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