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Last active May 9, 2023 12:35
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Type-check STLC into a GADT
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments, DataKinds, LambdaCase, MonoLocalBinds #-}
module STLC where
import Data.Type.Equality
data Type a where
Int :: Type Int
Fun :: Type a -> Type b -> Type (a -> b)
data Ctx ctx where
Empty :: Ctx '[]
Extend :: Type a -> Ctx ctx -> Ctx (a:ctx)
data Var ctx a where
Zero :: Var (a:ctx) a
Succ :: Var ctx a -> Var (b:ctx) a
data Expr ctx a where
Var :: Var ctx a -> Expr ctx a
Lam :: Expr (a:ctx) b -> Expr ctx (a -> b)
App :: Expr ctx (a -> b) -> Expr ctx a -> Expr ctx b
Num :: Int -> Expr ctx Int
data Type' where
Int' :: Type'
Fun' :: Type' -> Type' -> Type'
data Expr' where
Var' :: Int -> Expr'
Lam' :: Type' -> Expr' -> Expr'
App' :: Expr' -> Expr' -> Expr'
Num' :: Int -> Expr'
type' :: Type' -> (forall a. Type a -> b) -> b
type' Int' k = k Int
type' (Fun' a b) k =
type' a \a ->
type' b \b ->
k (Fun a b)
eq :: Type a -> Type b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
eq Int Int = Just Refl
eq (Fun a1 b1) (Fun a2 b2) =
case (eq a1 a2, eq b1 b2) of
(Just Refl, Just Refl) -> Just Refl
_ -> Nothing
eq _ _ = Nothing
typeOf :: Ctx ctx -> Int -> (forall a. Var ctx a -> Type a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
typeOf (Extend x _) 0 k = k Zero x
typeOf (Extend _ ctx) x k = typeOf ctx (x - 1) \x a -> k (Succ x) a
typeOf Empty _ _ = Nothing
check :: Expr' -> (forall a. Expr '[] a -> b) -> Maybe b
check e k = go Empty e \e _ -> Just (k e)
go :: Ctx ctx -> Expr' -> (forall a. Expr ctx a -> Type a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
go ctx (Var' x) k = typeOf ctx x \x a -> k (Var x) a
go ctx (Lam' a f) k =
type' a \a ->
go (Extend a ctx) f \f b ->
k (Lam f) (Fun a b)
go ctx (App' f x) k =
go ctx f \f -> \case
Fun a b ->
go ctx x \x a' ->
case eq a a' of
Just Refl -> k (App f x) b
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
go _ (Num' x) k = k (Num x) Int
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