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Created June 2, 2023 16:55
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Crégut's strongly reducing Krivine abstract machine
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Eval (eval) where
data Expr
= Var {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
| Lam Expr
| App Expr Expr
type Level = Int
data Closure
= Closure Expr Env
| Level {-# UNPACK #-} !Level
| Expr Expr {-# UNPACK #-} !Level
pattern Lambda :: Closure
pattern Lambda <- Level _
Lambda = Level 0
{-# COMPLETE Closure, Lambda, Expr #-}
type Env = [Closure]
type Stack = [Closure]
type State = (Closure, Stack, Level)
-- Crégut's strongly reducing Krivine abstract machine as described in Deriving
-- the Full-Reducing Krivine Machine from the Small-Step Operational Semantics
-- of Normal Order.
step :: State -> Maybe State
step (Closure e env, s, l) = Just $
case e of
-- Unbound variables throw exceptions.
Var x -> (env !! x, s, l)
Lam b ->
case s of
c@(Closure _ _) : s -> (Closure b (c : env), s, l)
_ -> (Closure b (Level (l + 1) : env), Lambda : s, l + 1)
App f a -> (Closure f env, Closure a env : s, l)
step (Level l', s, l) = Just (Expr (Var (l - l')) l, s, l)
step (Expr e l', c : s, l) = Just $
case c of
Closure _ _ -> (c, Expr e l' : s, l')
Lambda -> (Expr (Lam e) l', s, l)
Expr e' l' -> (Expr (App e' e) l', s, l)
-- Final state.
step (Expr _ _, [], _) = Nothing
farthest :: forall a. (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> a
farthest f = go
go :: a -> a
go x = maybe x go (f x)
{-# INLINE farthest #-}
eval :: Expr -> Expr
eval e =
case farthest step (Closure e [], [], 0) of
(Expr e _, _, _) -> e
_ -> error "unreachable"
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