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Last active August 12, 2022 11:52
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The admissibility of structural rules for the negative fragment of intuitionistic propositional logic
import tactic.basic
-- Lean version 3.45.0
@[derive decidable_eq] inductive prop : Type
| and : prop → prop → prop
| true : prop
| impl : prop → prop → prop
| other : ℕ → prop
abbreviation context : Type := list prop
inductive entails₁ : context → prop → Prop
| refl₁ {Γ A} : entails₁ (A :: Γ) A
| trans {Γ A C} : entails₁ (A :: Γ) C → entails₁ Γ A → entails₁ Γ C
| weak {Γ A C} : entails₁ Γ C → entails₁ (A :: Γ) C
| contr {Γ A C} : entails₁ (A :: A :: Γ) C → entails₁ (A :: Γ) C
| exch {Γ A B C} : entails₁ (B :: A :: Γ) C → entails₁ (A :: B :: Γ) C
| and_intro {Γ A B} : entails₁ Γ A → entails₁ Γ B → entails₁ Γ (prop.and A B)
| and_elim₁ {Γ A B} : entails₁ Γ (prop.and A B) → entails₁ Γ A
| and_elim₂ {Γ A B} : entails₁ Γ (prop.and A B) → entails₁ Γ B
| true_intro {Γ} : entails₁ Γ prop.true
| impl_intro {Γ A B} : entails₁ (A :: Γ) B → entails₁ Γ (prop.impl A B)
| impl_elim {Γ A B} : entails₁ Γ (prop.impl A B) → entails₁ Γ A → entails₁ Γ B
inductive entails₂ : context → prop → Prop
| refl₂ {Γ A} : list.mem A Γ → entails₂ Γ A
| and_intro {Γ A B} : entails₂ Γ A → entails₂ Γ B → entails₂ Γ (prop.and A B)
| and_elim₁ {Γ A B} : entails₂ Γ (prop.and A B) → entails₂ Γ A
| and_elim₂ {Γ A B} : entails₂ Γ (prop.and A B) → entails₂ Γ B
| true_intro {Γ} : entails₂ Γ prop.true
| impl_intro {Γ A B} : entails₂ (A :: Γ) B → entails₂ Γ (prop.impl A B)
| impl_elim {Γ A B} : entails₂ Γ (prop.impl A B) → entails₂ Γ A → entails₂ Γ B
lemma entails₁.refl₂ {Γ A} : list.mem A Γ → entails₁ Γ A :=
intro h,
induction Γ with B Γ ih,
{ cases h },
{ by_cases h' : A = B,
{ subst h',
exact entails₁.refl₁ },
{ replace h : list.mem A Γ,
{ cases h, exact false.elim (h' h), exact h },
specialize ih h, clear h h',
exact entails₁.weak ih } }
lemma entails₂.refl₁ {Γ A} : entails₂ (A :: Γ) A :=
exact entails₂.refl₂ (list.mem_cons_self A Γ)
lemma aux {Γ₁ Γ₂ C} (hΓ : ∀ (A : prop), list.mem A Γ₁ → list.mem A Γ₂) :
entails₂ Γ₁ C → entails₂ Γ₂ C :=
intro h,
induction h with Γ₁ C h Γ₁ A B h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂ Γ₁ A B h ih Γ₁ A B h ih Γ₁ Γ₁ A B h ih Γ₁ A B h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂ generalizing Γ₂,
any_goals { specialize ih₁ hΓ, specialize ih₂ hΓ },
{ exact entails₂.refl₂ (hΓ C h) },
{ exact entails₂.and_intro ih₁ ih₂ },
{ exact entails₂.and_elim₁ (ih hΓ) },
{ exact entails₂.and_elim₂ (ih hΓ) },
{ exact entails₂.true_intro },
{ replace hΓ : ∀ B, list.mem B (A :: Γ₁) → list.mem B (A :: Γ₂),
{ intro B,
by_cases h : B = A,
{ subst h,
intro h',
exact or.inl rfl },
{ intro h',
cases h', exact false.elim (h h'),
exact or.inr (hΓ B h') } },
exact entails₂.impl_intro (ih hΓ) },
{ exact entails₂.impl_elim ih₁ ih₂ }
lemma entails₂.exch {Γ A B C} :
entails₂ (B :: A :: Γ) C → entails₂ (A :: B :: Γ) C :=
apply aux; clear C,
intro C,
by_cases h₁ : C = A,
{ subst h₁,
intro h,
exact or.inl rfl },
{ by_cases h₂ : C = B,
{ subst h₂,
intro h,
exact or.inr (or.inl rfl) },
{ intro h,
cases h, exact false.elim (h₂ h),
cases h, exact false.elim (h₁ h),
exact or.inr (or.inr h) } }
lemma entails₂.weak {Γ A C} : entails₂ Γ C → entails₂ (A :: Γ) C :=
intro h,
induction h with Γ C h Γ B C h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂ Γ C B h ih Γ B C h ih Γ Γ B C h ih Γ B C h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂,
{ exact entails₂.refl₂ (or.inr h) },
{ exact entails₂.and_intro ih₁ ih₂ },
{ exact entails₂.and_elim₁ ih },
{ exact entails₂.and_elim₂ ih },
{ exact entails₂.true_intro },
{ exact entails₂.impl_intro (entails₂.exch ih) },
{ exact entails₂.impl_elim ih₁ ih₂ }
lemma entails₂.trans {Γ A C} :
entails₂ (A :: Γ) C → entails₂ Γ A → entails₂ Γ C :=
intros H₁ H₂,
have hΓ : ∀ (B : prop), list.mem B (A :: Γ) → B = A ∨ list.mem B Γ,
{ intros B h, exact h },
induction H₁ with Γ' C h Γ' A' B h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂ Γ' A' B h ih Γ' A' B h ih Γ' Γ' A' B h ih Γ' A' B h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂ generalizing Γ,
any_goals { specialize ih₁ H₂ hΓ, specialize ih₂ H₂ hΓ },
{ by_cases h' : C = A,
{ subst h',
exact H₂ },
{ replace hΓ : list.mem C Γ,
{ specialize hΓ C h,
cases hΓ,
{ exact false.elim (h' hΓ) },
{ exact hΓ } },
exact entails₂.refl₂ hΓ } },
{ exact entails₂.and_intro ih₁ ih₂ },
{ exact entails₂.and_elim₁ (ih H₂ hΓ) },
{ exact entails₂.and_elim₂ (ih H₂ hΓ) },
{ exact entails₂.true_intro },
{ replace H₂ : entails₂ (A' :: Γ) A := entails₂.weak H₂,
replace hΓ : ∀ (B : prop), list.mem B (A' :: Γ') → B = A ∨ list.mem B (A' :: Γ),
{ clear_dependent B,
intros B h,
cases h,
{ subst h,
exact or.inr (or.inl rfl) },
{ specialize hΓ B h,
cases hΓ,
{ subst hΓ,
exact or.inl rfl },
{ exact or.inr (or.inr hΓ) } } },
exact entails₂.impl_intro (ih H₂ hΓ) },
{ exact entails₂.impl_elim ih₁ ih₂ }
lemma entails₂.contr {Γ A C} :
entails₂ (A :: A :: Γ) C → entails₂ (A :: Γ) C :=
apply aux; clear C,
intro B,
by_cases h : B = A,
{ subst h,
intro h',
exact or.inl rfl },
{ intro h',
cases h', exact false.elim (h h'),
cases h', exact false.elim (h h'),
exact or.inr h' }
theorem entails₁_iff_entails₂ {Γ C} :
entails₁ Γ C ↔ entails₂ Γ C :=
split; intro h,
{ induction h with Γ A Γ A C h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂ Γ A C h ih Γ A C h ih Γ A B C h ih Γ A B h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂ Γ A B h ih Γ A B h ih Γ Γ A B h ih Γ A B h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂,
{ exact entails₂.refl₁ },
{ exact entails₂.trans ih₁ ih₂ },
{ exact entails₂.weak ih },
{ exact entails₂.contr ih },
{ exact entails₂.exch ih },
{ exact entails₂.and_intro ih₁ ih₂ },
{ exact entails₂.and_elim₁ ih },
{ exact entails₂.and_elim₂ ih },
{ exact entails₂.true_intro },
{ exact entails₂.impl_intro ih },
{ exact entails₂.impl_elim ih₁ ih₂ } },
{ induction h with Γ C h Γ A B h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂ Γ A B h ih Γ A B h ih Γ Γ A B h ih Γ A B h₁ h₂ ih₁ ih₂,
{ exact entails₁.refl₂ h },
{ exact entails₁.and_intro ih₁ ih₂ },
{ exact entails₁.and_elim₁ ih },
{ exact entails₁.and_elim₂ ih },
{ exact entails₁.true_intro },
{ exact entails₁.impl_intro ih },
{ exact entails₁.impl_elim ih₁ ih₂ } }
#print axioms entails₁_iff_entails₂ -- no axioms
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